chapter 10: she is on her period

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I woke up my zayn wrapped around me and his on top of mine . Zayn looked like an angle sleeping . My head was hurting and i had to pee bad , i thought me and zayn probley had sex but he fully dressed and usaully when were done haveing sex my legs and my private area is sore and hurts and i look at hot mess.

I went to the bathroom , i glanced kn the mirror real quick and for some reason i looked pretty , i didnt look a hot mess. I went to pee and just my fucking luck i was on my period , you know what that meant ? 3 days of argueing and total bullshit and i was going to be in a cranky mood. The boys knew when i was on my period to stay caution and stay away from me .

I took a shower and put on a shoulder off white shirt and ripped shorts. When i came out zayn was awake 'how are you up before me ?' he asked me confused 'because im half alien....'i said harshly. 'someone is snappy.' he rolled his eyes . why did he halve to start this early in the morning ? ' this is why i just cant with you sometimes ..... i need ice cream' i was being a little mean , i wasnt going to lie. 'oh gosh' he put his hand over his face 'what ?' i snarled 'are you on your period ?' he squinted his eyes at me 'YESS ! DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE EVERYONE'S BUISNESS ! WHY WONT YOU TELL THE WHOLE WORLD' i shouted 'i got to warn the other boys' i could tell he was frightend because the next 2 days would be hell to pay for them . I stormed out the room and slammed the door. I headed for the ice cream box and it was full i ate half of the box till harry walked in ' what the fuck ! we were having girls over tonight i was going to eat that' he pouted 'oh well ! its in my tummy....'i frowned 'i'll go in your tummy alright...' he smirked biting his bottom lip. 'harry stop being perverted' i barked 'what you want something in your stomach right?' he was trying to be serious but cracked a smile. ' i dont not want you dick in me , so go away' i stuffede my mouth with ice cream 'then stop eating my fucking ice cream' he snatched it from me 'harry stop , give it to me ' i whined 'give what to you ? this or this ?' he pointed at his pants then the box of ice cream . ' the first one...' i really meant the ice cream . ' i knew you wanted it , okay get a condom and we'll sneak to the basement' harry joked' i dont wanna have sex NONE AT ALL NO !' i folded my arms pist. 'you never turn down sex...whats wrong ?' he look so concened 'nothing.... and i do turn down sex' i growled 'megan your addicted to sex , you like it or not. thats just the way you are since 14teen just have a high sex drive , its okay' harry patted my shoulder being sarcastic.i mean i did have a high sex drive since 14teen.....wait...the fuck ? how did he know ?... i never told him '14TEEN ? WHO TOLD YOU THAT?' i was so eager to know 'CAUGHT YOU ! i said you had a high sex drive since 14teen i never said you fucked anyone ....guilty conscience always get chu ' he smiled ' i didnt fuck at 14 ,15,16,nor 17 or 18 i waited till i was 19' i stutterd ' stop lieing to me , we all know you had sex with zayn at 14 how did it go ?' 'how did what go ?' 'what he say to you ? to get them jeans ?' ' i cant remeber dialouge ' i lied i remeber it by heart 'yes you do ever girl remeber there first time' he gave me a long hard stare 'okay he just said want to know what sex feels like ? and i was like um yea and then we banged for an hour and it was quiet complicated....thats it , now can you go away ?' 'nope one last thing ! so after that you never had sex with him for the rest of the time you were at that highschool ?' 'no....i mean yea ' 'stop lieing and tell me' he put a straight face on 'okay no , we had went threw this phase when i was 15....' 'what phase ? what happned' ' he told me not go out out with you so i cried and ran home and later that night he came to my window i went over and then the next day we didnt it again  and again and again for 3 nights a week to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 for a year till i turnt 17 and left okay ? okay ! bye harry ' i got off the stool ' your going to finsh telling me the story later' he let me walk by stareing me down . 'psshhh.... nope' i mumbled to myself . i went back to my room and zayn was freshing up ' were are you going ?' i twisted my face up at him 'find a girl tonight .....and fix your face' he laughed ' you do that ....leave me alone here with bobby that ought be fun ' i laught stcking my thumb up ' you'd love to be home alone with him wouldnt you ?' ' you bet i would....just the thought of him naked ... i miss his body grinding on mine slowly pushing in and out making me beg for more' i was totally lineing sex with bobby was sloppy , he was to nervous all the time 'thats doesnt even threatin me your on your period ' he fake smilied 'SO IF IM NOT HAVIN SEX NEITHER ARE YOU AND THATS FINAL ' i lost my cool 'no ...but you know what i miss ? that time i fucked you senseless and made you cry ' he laugh ' you said we were never going to talk about that' i pouted 'yea but it was to funny you could barely get words out of your mouth , i still have the scars of you on back from when you grabbed on to my back kept digging your nails in it ' he smirked ' so what ? your happy about that ? you did that on purpose because you were mad at me that night ' .

'it probley sucked for you ... but it felt great for me....and when we were done you couldnt stop shaking , oh boy thats to funny ' zayn was so annoying he swore we would never talk about that night. 'what ever go have your dinner date with that girl zayn' i folded my arms and turned on the t.v and got under the blanket. 'bye hunnie' he kissed me on my forehead and slammed the door behind him.

yea..... i do remeber that night....

Are so called love ?- (A zaynmalik & meganfox dirty love story) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now