what happens at dusk

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' zayn .... were leaving now ' harry said to me softly . I woke up dazed because I was confused .. ' what ? where are you going ? what time is it ?' I said wiping the cole out of my eyes .

' uhm ... megan asked me on a date ... so me and the guys are going horse back riding .' he said awkwardly . ' A DATE?' I grabbed the collar of his shirt ... but then I let go , I remember I told megan to ask him out . ' oh a date ... okay' I smiled trying to clear things up .

' I mean you can tag along ...' before harry can finish anything I hopped out of bed and changed . I brushed my teeth , slick my hair back , and washed my face .

I met everyone out side and then I saw megan .

She looked stunning ' oh gosh ... fuck my life ' I said , I was pist at my self for letting her go on a date with harry ... I mean I hadn't seen megan in a good 9 months keep that in mind and the second time I see her harry has his hand around her waist . I totally fucked up , as soon as I get her back I loose her just a fast .

She was wearing this white pearl healings with this perfect shade of white dress that was flowed and layers under the skirt part that stopped right above her knee's and the top part was laced in the front .

Then she had on this blue diamond necklace that made her grey eyes POP and her skin was tan , it was the perfect shade of tan , I cant even explain it . She looked good enough to eat .

Are eyes met at a point and she just waved at me and broke a smile . I smiled back at her .

We all got in the car . Megan was awfully touchy with harry , I was trying to keep my mind off it so I didn't hit or hurt anyone of them .

' your okay with that ?' niall asked me pointing over at megan and harry . ' Actually , no .' I said clearing my mind . ' so why just sitting here silent , its not like you , you would normally be spazing out ready to punch him in his face , ' niall said .

 ' I know , I know ...... but were not togather anymore , she made it clear in the hospital room last night that she doesn't want to get married so I just let it go ....' I told him . ' yea but ...... you would kill any boy that layed a finger on her and now you just fine with it ? ' niall looked at me like every choice I was making was completely wrong .

' I don't get it , what do you exspect me to do ? I told you I want to get married , she doesn't , she wants nothing I desire and no matter what I sacrifice for her she doesn't give up anything for me EVER , because she a stubborn stuck up bitch and that's just the way she is and that why were always fighting because we are the exact opposite , we have nothing in common , everything I like she hates , everything she likes I hate , and she doesn't get I would give up my life for her ... so fuck it , there is nothing that can be done , were just nothing alike .'

' yea but opposites attract  .... maybe she just scared to settle down , I mean zayn she just got out of college 2 years ago and doesn't even know what she wants to be yet and been threw a lot I mean for Crist sakes she killed both of her babies and had an abusive boyfriend and her bestfriend died a couple of years ago and I know you know more secrets about her then I do .... so just wait , if you say you love her that much , you will wait till she is ready . You guys both have a whole YEARS for this , just wait ' niall told me .


Harry was making me laugh till my stomached hurt and he really knew how to flirt .

We finally arrived at the trail ' god im so excited ' I yelled . I took a deep breath  ' thank you so much styles ' I kissed him on his cheek . I heard him snort for the first time ' ew , that was you ?' I laughed . he blushed and bloomed like a red rose . ' I just hope I don't fall flat on my face ' he giggled .

We got out the car .

It was about dusk out , maybe around 6 ish . The sky was painted a warm peach orange color and a hint of purple . The sight really was beautiful and it honestly was a sight un-beatable .

' oh zayn look ' I catching my breath , grabbing his hand softly . I gazed up at the sky . ' Wow ... its ... beautiful ' he gasped in-between his words . I felt his hand clasp with mind . ' this it picture worthy ' I laughed . ' I know ' he laughed with me .

' C'mon' harry yelled ahead . I'm sure glad he didn't see me holding hands with zayn , I think he would've got made .


once we got up to the ranch we were all given instructions before we could take the horse out .

' so who is going to get the hay ?' liam asked

' Zayn and Megan ' Niall volunteered us . I knew what he was up to , he knew that once me and Megan got alone for a second .... a lot would happen .

' wait , what ?' I asked ' c'mon ' she started skipping towards the barn .

the fuck ? I didn't want to carry no fucking hay -_- I hated anything that had to do with horse back riding .


I followed her into the barn . Once I stepped inside , she was out of sight .

I suddenly heard the barn door close . I jumped frighten but of course it was Megan just playing around .

' did I scare you ?' she laughed . ' I miss you and your stuiped laugh ' I teased . I started gathering hay to feed the un grateful animals .

' I don't understand why you let me leave ....' she looked down and crossed her arm , she rubbed her arms a bit .

' you cold ?' I said starting to remove my denim jacket . ' yea ' she smiled , her eyes sparkled .

I put my denim jacket on her . Her eyes were full of lust . I looked at her and her eyes followed mine , I already knew what she wanted .

I crashed my lips on to hers smearing her perfect red lip stick . I she layed gently on the hay I gathered .

' are you sure you wanna do this ?' I asked her taking deep breaths in-between my words . ' badly ' she whispered to me breath less .

I was on top of her as I just started unlacing the front of her dress . She looked at me with her amazing deep blue eyes . 

I was finally reaching to bottom of unlacing her dress but when I looked at her I saw a bunch of scars and I suddenly felt guilty .... I had a sudden hit of flashbacks and it wasn't the good kind .... it wasn't the flashback that made me smile .... it was the kind that you didn't want to remember ..... it was the flash backs of all the times I was hitting her .

Sometimes I regret the day I invited her over to my house ..... that night that changed everything in both of our lives . After the incident we both became clingly to eachother .

' Zayn ?' she snapped me out of it . ' you okay ?' she asked me . ' yea ' I said wiping the single tear away . She brought her face up for a kiss and I leaned her back down to finsh undressing her .

I started kissing her neck slowly and softly while her hands ran down the back of my neck and her other trailed down my back .

' what happens at dusk , stays after dusk ' she told me . I knew she didn't want other people to know about us .... anymore .

I lifted the bottom of her dress up , when I was ready to go down , we heard liam calling are names ' MEGANNNNN , ZAYYYYN ' she quickly started lacing her shirt back up and I lifted some hay .

' just in time . were ready to hit the trail ' liam smiled . 

Are so called love ?- (A zaynmalik & meganfox dirty love story) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now