How to push megan over the edge with in 3 hours .

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The only objective was to make her want to leave by being a complete asshole within 7 days.

I returned back to the living room where megan was still waiting on me .

' Ready now ? ' she asked me . ' Im not massaging your back , you can do it yourself ' i snapped at her .

' Okaaaay . Whats wrong with you ? ' she asked confused . ' Your sitting in my seat , thats my fuckin problem , now move ' I pushed her over roughly .

' Zayn , your being a little to rough , relax ' she squealed . ' shut the fuck up , you never complain when im rough in bed ' i remarked .

' FINE ! you wont have to worry about that anymore , cause we WONT be having sex ANYMORE ' she screamed at me turning pale in the face .

' Its okay i have my own hands , which can do a better job then you ' i smriked . ' Shut up , i dont care , im perfectly fine  without him.' she yelled at me .

' Really megan ? YOU WALK AROUND HERE ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY , LIKE YOUR ALL GOOD AND A SMILE ON YOUR FACE , i hope your truely happy without me. ' i screamed .

' I am fine without you ! i dont need you to tell me ' she spat .

' Well fine cause i dont miss anything about you ! ' i told her . ' After all the things we been through , i cant see why i even fell for you in the first place ' i added .

She looked at me with a blank stare , thats when i strated to notice the bags under her eyes , the pale-ness in her face , how her fingers were chewed down to the nub and her lips were really red .

So tooked a deep breathe  , ' Im just going to hold it in ' she whisperd to her self . She walked out in the middle of the conversation.

At least i got to her ,

I think .......

The next step was to bring up kids and then the finale was wedding dress magzine and to explode it all propose to nicole infront of her .....

' What you do now ? ' louis ploped next to me on the couch next to me . ' Nothing , she was having attuited complication .' i said simpley

' Mate grow up , you dont have to argue about everything with her . Your making her feel like shit , dont push her away , your cutting her deeply man . ' louis looked really aggravted at me .

' I know what im doing louis , worry about you and elenor ' i spat at him .

' Your right ' i know he didnt really mean i was right . He meant it as " Your wrong , but do what you want " .

I was watching t.v for about about an hour when i had to take a pist really badly .

While i was walking to the bathroom care free feeling all good and shit . I couldnt help but hear humming .... like it was coming from the wine cellur.

I really needed to pee , but it sounded like someone was crying . ' Hello ? ' i shouted to the basment as i made my way down .

It was silent , no response , so i shook it off , but there was a sudden movement then a loud THUD noise .

I didnt want to go down cause it was dark but i still presist to go . I looked around but i didnt see anyone , but i felt a presents . I knew something or someone was lerking around , i sense it .

' Hello ' i called out , they refused to answer .

I had this gut wrenching feelings that megan was down here . ' Denise ? ' i only called her by her middle name when i was serious .

I was trying to start an arguement now , i just didnt want her in the wine cellur by herself at night ... it was creepy down here and plus she was scared of the dark .

' Can you come out , i dont want you down here by yourself in the dark dummy ' i said out loud .

I stepped in wine , like the bottle was broken . She was terrible at hiding .

I looked on the other side of the wine cellur and low and behold megan was standing there very still cover her mouth so i didnt hear her cries .

I placed my hand on her shoulder ' If your going to cry , please cry in the light where people can see you retart ' i tried to make her come up stairs but she wouldnt fucking move .

I already knew she was crying , i mean she was down here , in the dark . I was totally avoiding looking at her face , cause if i saw her crying then i would start bawling .

' Megan can you stop crying for a second ? ' i ask her politely . But she couldnt stop , her hands were shaking so much i could barely hold them .

She dropped something out of her hand and it cling on the floor , like metal .

I had to turn on the light . But it didnt help much , the lights where really dim .

I looked on the floor , it was a razer blade with blood stains on it .

' Oh jesus ' i let out a gasp and took deep breaths . I was so nervous . The blood was seeping threw her white shirt .

I was taking deep breaths ....

I knew what she was doing .... and it was because of what i said to her . ' Oh shit .... why megan ? ' i knew i was going to start crying , i was trying my best to delay the tears .

At the same time i wanted to lift up her sleeve and see but then again i didnt want to see how bad it was 

It was another story when i was hitting her , but self harm was differnt , i couldnt stop her or prevent her from hurting her own self.

That was the last thing i wanted her to do . She was holding her self for blame for everything .

See her like this was really crushing me .

I felt like everything was closing in on me , i was barely breatheing .

Are so called love ?- (A zaynmalik & meganfox dirty love story) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now