Boobytraps And How To Survive Them...

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Aly's POV:

It didn't take us long to arrive at the pyramid. Nya parked the Bounty near a small tent, not far from the pyramid we longed to explore. It was huge; built from an old type of stone with golden serpentine details. Truly something worth exploring. 

We spotted Gayle Gossip not far away, with her film crew in tow. We hopped out of the Bounty, and made our way to the tent, where we were told Clutch Powers was.

Lloyd poked his head inside the tent, to find the professor slumped in a chair reading a book with his face on the cover. "Uh, Clutch Powers?" Lloyd asked. "Yes, yes what is it?" He huffed moving his book to get a better look at us. "Oh, the Ninja. What brings you here?" He sighed, reading his book again, sipping a drink

This guy is not making a great first impression

"We came to investigate the pyramid." Kai told him. "Yes. And your assistance would be very helpful." Zane added, making him toss his book aside. "Nope. No way. Nein danke." He quickly stated, sipping his drink again. "But nobody knows what's inside. There could be valuable historical relics." Lloyd said, quite enthusiastic. 

"Treasures." I added. "Gold and diamonds." Jay beamed, but Clutch shrugged his shoulders, clearly not interested.

"You are the foremost expert on ancient structures, and your book, Booby-traps and How to Survive Them, is considered a seminal work." Zane told him, clearly trying to get him on board. "Flattering. But still no." Clutch grumbled as he continued to slurp his drink. Nya was growing impatient however. "Professor, isn't there something we can do to convince you?" 

"Professor Powers! There's a call for you." A young boy stormed in, carrying a phone. "Now, Dwayne, I told you, I don't want to be disturbed." Clutch angrily shot back at the boy. "But it's the Explorers Club!" He told him. The man almost choked on his drink after hearing that. "What? Give me that."

He snatched the phone, and cleared his throat before answering. "This is Professor Powers." He calmly said over the phone. I just sighed and rolled my eyes

I can't believe this guy. 

We all watched his expression change as he spoke to whoever was on the other end of the phone.

"What? This is an outrage. I demand an explanation.......I just discovered a pyramid!..." Clutch was losing it, stomping around growing more and more angry. "....Yes, yes, I'm here. Don't cancel anything. I'll get back to you." He finally got off the phone, letting out a deep sigh. 

"Well, guys, looks like you're in luck. Clutch Powers is open for business." He told us before opening a chest and pulling out a small stone amulet with a red jewel inside. "Ugh, finally." I huffed, watching the others silently cheering at the fact we could officially start our quest.

Clutch grabbed two torches, before leading us to the base of the pyramid. The serpentine head looming above the entrance was ginormous, and the stones supporting it were just as big.

 Clutch pressed a tile on the wall, and the giant slab door slid away, revealing a very dark and dry tunnel. We all started to run deeper inside, but the Professor stopped us. "Now, before we take another step, I hope each of you has read my book. It could save your life." We all stared blankly at him, since no one had read his book. 

But luckily, one of us had. "Of course." Zane poked his head over Kai's shoulder, staring directly into the light. "Yeah. I loved...that book." Kai laughed, trying his best to hide his lie. Clutch shook his head, and led us deeper inside the pyramid.

We entered a large room with a rickety old bridge above a deep hole in the ground. "Chapter 8. Rickety old bridges. Only one way to cross them. Fast and first." Clutch suddenly sped over the bridge, making it to the other side with no trouble at all. 

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