Blood and Wires...

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This chapter contains Major Spoilers for Lego Ninjago: Season 16, episode 26,

Read at your own Risk

Overview of Safe Haven:

Kai managed to save himself and Cole from the wreckage, only Cole wasn't exactly himself. He'd hit his head, and wasn't being as helpful as he usually was. They ended up getting cornered by Pythor, and luckily, Skylor jumped in and saved them. And when she did, Kai started to question himself.

He knew he liked Skylor, that was certain. But Cole? Kai thought he was starting to see him in a new light, especially after everything that had been happening to them. The thought was one which he couldn't help but smile at.

The trio bumped into Jake in an arcade, and received Wu's transmission, and code to where he was located. The team managed to find the paperboy warehouse, and reunite with Wu.

Meanwhile, Garmadon and Lloyd were searching through the Serpentine tunnels for help, but found nothing. Lloyd ended up shouting at Garmadon, angry with him, but they continued to think of a plan to defeat the Overlord.

3rd Person POV:

Borg Tower:

At Borg Tower, Aly was being seen to by a doctor, who was bandaging up her leg after stitching it up. "How long do you think it'll take to heal?" Aly asked, worried about how she'd fight. "A few weeks at the minimum. If you had left it any longer, you would've gotten frostbite, and it could've been a lot worse." The doctor told her, making her sigh. "I understand, thank you."

Aly carefully stood up, and walked over to the table, where Cyrus was lying Zane out on the table. "He is in really bad condition. I-I don't know if I'll be able to fix him in time." Cyrus admitted, seeing this task to be out of his capabilities. "That's why I'm going to help you." Aly smiled, opening a panel on Zane's arm. She found a small compartment, and opened it, taking out a USB stick. "Zane always keeps his blueprints close by, in case of emergencies." She told him, handing it over.

Cyrus took it, and plugged it into his computer, bringing up Zane's blueprints so they knew what they were doing. Cyrus turned back to the Nindroid, soon putting his head down and getting to work. Aly did the same, opening his chest panel.

Pix watched from afar, letting out a sad sigh before turning back to help Ultra Violet, Killow and Fugi-Dove with their new mechs.

Ninjago City:

Ninjago City was in danger, with the few survivors taking refuge in the Newspaper warehouse. They were all frightened for each other and their safety, but Kai tried to cheer them up.

"Yes. The Overlord's army has overrun the city and driven us into hiding. Yes, we're scared and tired, but there's some good news." Kai told the people, walking around to them. He smiled at Jake before pulling out a bowl of noodles. "It's noodle time!" He gave the little boy the hot bowl of noodles, before grabbing more from Skylor and dishing them out to the survivors.

"Noodles for you! And you! And you! See? Your face has a hard time being sad when you're shoving noodles into it." Kai smirked, making a few smile and laugh. "And don't worry, there's plenty to go around! Skylor and I found a ton of supplies in a nearby warehouse! She's cooking up more as we speak." He told them, pointing to the Master of Amber who was making up more food.

"I know noodles! I grew up around my dad's noodle houses, after all." Skylor beamed, dishing up more bowls. "Sure, they were all just fronts for his criminal enterprise, but you still pick up a thing or two." She told them, throwing a carrot in the air while chopping it, impressing the people in the room.

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