*Is It Time Yet?*

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April Kepner: Oh i'm getting paged!
Y/N: I didn't hear anything..
April Kepner: beep beep, well now you did bye!
Y/N: I have an IV stuck in my arm, i can't wheel myself.
Meredith Grey: But i can! I'm sorry about the other day..
Y/N: It's okay, i think everyone knows by now..
Meredith Grey: Only the board, and some chief-departments. We are all here to help.
Y/N: Do you know what time it is?
Meredith Grey: It's almost the end of my shift, you need something?
Y/N: If you could ask the nurses for my clothes and get this IV out of my arm...
Meredith Grey: Well sure! Can i ask you something?
Y/N: What is it?
Meredith Grey: How do you tell someone your pregnant?
Y/N: What? Congratulations! I won't tell!
Meredith Grey: Thank you, but how do you tell someone?
Y/N: My brother made cupcakes, every cupcake had a word on it which spelled out a sentence.
Meredith Grey: Didn't know you had a brother.
Y/N: Only Derek knows, he is an addicted and Derek helped us with the rehab. That's how he met Amelia..
Meredith Grey: Amelia? She is with someone?
Y/N: As far as i know yes!
Meredith Grey: Well here we are, i'll get the clothes and page Robbins!
Y/N: Thanks!

April came back to your room and shut the door.

April Kepner: So i don't know what your deal is with me?!
Y/N: You called me pregnant, you spread rumours about me that weren't even true! You keep breathing down my neck while i just want space, you can't follow the instuctions i give you like letting go of my chair!
April Kepner: Well okay, bit you can't run forever..
Y/N: What do you mean?
April Kepner: I invited Jackson's sister, she is arriving soon..

April walked off, Arizona and Meredith came in at the same time. Meredith took the IV out and gave you your clothes.

Meredith Grey: I'll give you some privacy..
Arizona Robbins: Here let me help you!
Y/N: Thanks..
Arizona Robbins: You seem quiet.. did i do something?
Y/N: It's Kepner... and i'm tired.
Arizona Robbins: Lets go home then, Alex is waiting in the lobby!

They walked up to Alex, gave him a hug. You saw Jackson's sister so you quickly put your hood on and walked to the exit facing to the ground.

Alex Karev: What the hell was that about?
Y/N: Just keep walking!
Arizona Robbins: Guys my car is over there!
Y/N: I don't remember parking it there..
Arizona Robbins: I needed to pick up Alex.

Alex drove back to Arizona's house, he got the permission to turn the guestroom into something a bit more Alex.  Since Alex knew about you guys he said you could sleep upstairs.

Y/N: Looks nice!
Alex Karev: Thanks, Y/N i'm happy you joined the peds-team!
Y/N: Are you crying?!
Alex Karev: No your parfume stings my eyes!
Arizona Robbins: I ordered pizza!

You waited on the couch when the doorbell rang, Arizona opened to see April with a girl standing next to her.

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