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Today was your 1 year anniversary with Arizona. In that time Meredith gave birth to her beautifull daughter Ellis and got closer to Callie and Sophia. Amelia moved in with Derek and looked for a job while babysitting the kids. Alex moved out and bought a place with Jo. You wanted to do something special for Arizona and had the day off.

Y/N: Okay.. what am i gonna do?! Okay Y/N think what does Arizona like! Okay let me call Amelia, i'm glad she still stays at Derek's!

You called Amelia over and started preparing the backyard.

Amelia Shepherd: Hey Y/N let's take a break and eat, it's already 1 o'clock!
Y/N: What do you want?
Amelia Shepherd: A sandwich will do.
Y/N: I'll make 2 sandwiches!

You make the sanwiches and go back outside.

Y/N: 2 sandwiches, i'll get the fairylights!
Amelia Shepherd: C'mon Y/N! I know you want this too be perfect but you will faint if you don't eat, we've been working on this for 2 hours and still have to do some more so here enjoy this sandwich with me!
Y/N: Why can't i say no to you?
Amelia Shepherd: Because you know i'm right!

You ate the sandwich and drank some lemonade. After Amelia finished the sandwich you went to the store to get all the ingredients.
When you got back you saw it was 3:30PM and panicked.

Y/N: I will never be done in time!
Amelia Shepherd: You're lucky Meredith is the day off so i can help cooking. So just relax and go pick out your outfit!

You picked out something nice and simple and relaxed even more since you knew Amelia was here to help.

Amelia Shepherd: I already started on the tiramisu! You made a great choice going all italian!
Y/N: It's the first meal i made, nice and simple but it has a meaning! I also need to record some of the songs i picked out.
Amelia Shepherd: Songs?
Y/N: I picked out some songs i can play and would play them while we ate outside! Do you think it's a bad idea?!
Amelia Shepherd: It's lovely! Now how about you go take a long bath while i finish up the tiramisu?
Y/N: What would i do without you!
Amelia Shepherd: You would be less awsome and stressed out!
Y/N: Very funny!
Amelia Shepherd: How about you go take a bath and i'll stay downstairs. I'll be good for 1 hour at least!
Y/N: Okay then, check on the tiramisu in the meantime!
Amelia Shepherd: Will do!

You went to the bathroom and took a bath, 45 minutes later you got out and put on some sweatpants.

Amelia Shepherd: The tiramisu looks good!
Y/N: Okay how's the backyard doing?
Amelia Shepherd: I'll check outside! Do you have any more surprises?
Y/N: I need to record one song, cook the actual meal, get ready!
Amelia Shepherd: And we can do all of that in 1 hour!

You started on the pasta, it was the same recipe from the first time you cooked for Arizona. Amelia came running in after about 15 minutes.

Y/N: Did something happen outside!?
Amelia Shepherd: Look what i found!
Y/N: A ladybug.. really?
Amelia Shepherd: Ladybugs bring goodluck!
Y/N: Take the poor thing back outside and try this sauce!

You finished the pasta half an hour later. You took it of the hot stove and went upstairs to get dressed, Amelia waited downstairs.
(You picked this)

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