*Surprises In All Shapes!*

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The next day you had back to back surgeries with Alex and Arizona. She tried to smile but you could see she wasn't herself. At lunch you sat down with Alex and Jackson.

Y/N: Where is Arizona? She didn't had any surgeries today..
Alex Karev: I don't know, maybe she just went to Sophia.
Jackson Avery: Hey Y/N have you said anything to April?
Y/N: Only medical related, and only once! When i said i'm gonna make her sweat i ment that.

You got a page to an on-call.

Y/N: I'll talk to you guys later!

You went to the on-call room to see your mother sitting on the bed.

Y/N: Mom how?! Why how did the check-up go?
Rebecca Drew: I'm about to go in. What car does Arizona drive again?
Y/N: Red.. why?
Rebecca Drew: I think she's in her car. Where is Jackson by the way?
Y/N: Cafeteria.. uhm why don't you go to the lobby and i'll page him.
Rebecca Drew: Sounds like a plan!

You bring your mother to the lobby and paged Jackson. You immidiatly ran to the parking lot to Arizona's car, you saw her sobbing. You knocked on the glass and she rolled the window down.

Arizona Robbins: Y/N what are you doing here?!
Y/N: Get out Arizona and go to the passenger's seat.
Arizona Robbins: Why are you kicking me out of my own car?
Y/N: Hop in and you'll see!

She sat in the passenger's seat and buckled up.
You started to drive

Y/N: Why didn't you take the dag off?
Arizona Robbins: I wanted to be surrounded by the people i love..
Y/N: Okay so i looked online to bakeries right outside Seattle and i think this is the one.
Arizona Robbins: Why outside Seattle?
Y/N: Because Callie told me you liked them the best..

Arizona put her hand on your thigh and kept looking at you.

Arizona Robbins: Why are you doing this..
Y/N: Because i know how it feels to not grief properly.. so we are getting donuts and drive back to the hospital, go to your office and eat some of them okay?
Arizona Robbins: Sounds amazing..

You looked at her and saw she was smiling a little, you looked back at the road and kept on driving.

Y/N: What type of donuts do you want?
Arizona Robbins: I'll get them!

After about 5 minutes Arizona came back to the car and held your hand. She turned on the radio and put her hand back on your thigh.
You arrived back at the hospital and went to Arizona's office.

Y/N: Here let's eat now..
Arizona Robbins: I'd like that..

You sat on a couch in her office, she cuddled up to you and started eating them. You then took out your phone and texted Alex.


Where are you? I haven't seen you or Arizona and checked every supplycloset!

We're in Zona her office! Can you check our patients please?

No problem! I"ll get some cheeseburgers from Joe.

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