*The Attack*

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You storm out of the attending's lounge. You wanted to go in the OR but not like this, you walked past Owen who saw something was wrong.

Owen Hunt: Hey Drew, follow me!
Y/N: I hardly know you..
Owen Hunt: I can see something's wrong so follow, me trust. You'll be in the OR in 5.

You followed Owen to the hospital's roof. He then positioned you to the right place for the steam.

Owen Hunt: Okay in about 15 seconds something will happen, when that somdthing happens you scream. Yell at the top of your lungs.
Y/N: I can do that..

When the steam came you started screaming, you felt relieved. You thanked Owen and went to the OR.
The surgery went fine, you then went to the attending's lounge again. You're mother was gone, you looked at your phone and saw multiple missed calls from Jackson.
You quickly called him back.

Y/N: Jackson why did yoy call like 9 times?!
Jackson Avery: Natalie is at the hospital, she saw your mother.. get to the ER now!

You run to the ER as fast as you can, you saw a few people working on a Jane Doe.

Y/N: What do we got?
Meredith Grey: You didn't tell?!
Arizona Robbins: Okay, Y/N follow me...
Y/N: I'm not going anywhere! Whag happend?!
Owen Hunt: Jane Doe is your mother..
Y/N: My what? How did this happen?
Jackson Avery: Natalie threw acid over her face, and her hands are messed up...
Y/N: Thanks a lot Derek!
Meredith Grey: This isn't your fault Derek..

You run outside, sit on a bench. You hear Arizona calling for you but you don't respond. You get called from an unknown number.

Y/N: Hello, doctor Y/N Drew speaking.
Officer 1: Hello miss Fields, am i calling at a bad time?
Y/N: No it's fine! What do you got?
Officer 1: We have a possible suspect with no alibi.
Y/N: May i ask who the suspect might be?
Officer 1: I'm talking about Natalie Avery. Do you know her?
Y/N: Oh you're kidding right? That woman is arrested i think!
Officer 1: Do you know where she is staying?
Y/N: Seattle, she attacked my mother. If my sources are correct she is at the police office right now.
Officer 1: Thank you for the information, i will call you later.
Y/N: Bye..

You hang up and walk back inside. You go to find Helm since she was your intern.

Y/N: Hey doctor Helm, how is the patient doing?
Taryn Helm: She's good, when am I on your service again?
Y/N: I don't know.. I'm probably taking off for a while, there's so much going on in my life right now..
Arizona Robbins: There you are! Jackson called the lawyer. He want to take this to court...
Y/N: And i'm fine with that. She has to speak in court, i mean this is assault right?
Jackson Avery: We have to talk about that later.. i think someone's here for you..

You turn arround and see the 2 police officers from a few days ago. You walk up to them.

Y/N: I thought you would call me?
Officer 1: We went to see the woman, Natalie was her name right?
Y/N: Yes. Jackson, come here!
Jackson Avery: Hello Jackson Avery.
Officer 2: She wants to see miss Fields..
Y/N: I- I don't want to go alone.. and i would like if you said Drew instead of Fields.
Officer 2: You can bring 2 people miss Drew. Could be also see your mother? Is she able to talk?
Jackson Avery: Her wounds are to severe for her to see any people right now i think tomorrow after surgery maybe.

You, Jackson and the officers are talking when you get a page.

Y/N: I'm sorry i have to go. I'll call when she's awake!

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