*Visiting Hours*

869 30 0

You run to the patient you operated on earlier. You see helm doing compressions, you grab the paddle and charge to 200. It didn't work so you charged to 250, she flatlined.

Y/N: Time of death, 16:37. Good job Helm, you'll be on my service tomorrow i'll make sure of that.
Taryn Helm: Thank you doctor Drew, i won't dissapointed you!

You go to the nurses station and start charting. After 2 hours your shift ended, you got a page from Arizona to meet her in the lobby.

Y/N: Sorry i was charting..
Arizona Robbins: How are you? Like really..
Y/N: My mother and i never bonded that good, but i'm still mad i didn't protect her, i'm staying here. I'm staying with my mother.
Arizona Robbins: I'll stay with you, Alex and Jackson stay at the house. And tomorrow we can go back, Sophia is coming you know. She likes you!
Y/N: Well if she's here tomorrow i'll get her some ice cream..
Arizona Robbins: Let's go to your mom..

You walk to her room, Arizona asks the nurse for her chart and you sit besides her bed.

Y/N: Did you hear anything we actually said in the attending's lounge?
Arizona Robbins: What?
Y/N: Did you hear us yell at each other?
Arizona Robbins: I heard yelling and i left, your mother was happy to see you were okay. She told me what happend in New York, how people disrespected you..
Y/N: Let's not talk about that, i was never appreciated in New York. They all thought i got into the program of my parents, or Natalie. I had a gift and they almost took it from me. I'm happy now, and i missed her.. the last time she was this worried was when i needed to testify against Natalie, that was 6 years ago.
Arizona Robbins: Woaw.. well now she's here, you should talk to her when she wakes up. She is getting a skingraft tomorrow, done by Jackson. I wish Mark was here...
Arizona Robbins: You knew Mark worked here?
Y/N: His last name is all around the hospital, i figured it out. He has a daughter, her name is Sloan. She found out Mark died and was devistated.
Arizona Robbins: Sophia is his daughter aswell, i was furious when i found out..
Y/N: So Callie and Mark.. were a thing?
Arizona Robbins: Friends with benefits.

You suddenly felt a squeeze and looked up. Your mother was awake!

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