*Hectic is the right word*

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Y/N: Don't try to talk! I'll call Jackson!
Arizona Robbins: I'll get a nurse.

You dailed Jackson's number.

Jackson Avery: Jackson Avery speaking.
Y/N: She's awake! My mother she's awake!
Jackson Avery: Is she breathing on her own? I don't want her to hurt anymore then she already does.
Y/N: Well she is but come look at it yourself. I'm not a doctor right now!
Jackson Avery: Give me 20 minutes.

You hang up and she wasn't intubated anymore. Her breathing was good and it didn't seem to hurt.

Y/N: You're okay.. i'm here.
Arizona Robbins: I'll go now..
Y/N: No stay! Mother this is Arizona, my girlfriend.

Arizona looked shocked and happy. You could see she had been waiting for this.

Rebecca reached her hand out to Arizona. Arizona shook her hand and sat back down.
20 minutes later Jackson arrived and checked to see if everything was good.

Jackson Avery: You're doing well miss Drew. Tomorrow you will get a skingraft for your face. We will also try and remove as much dead skin as possible.

Rebecca just nodded. You said your goodbye and went home with Jackson and Arizona. An intern was monitoring her so she should be fine.
You went to bed and slept in, you had half the day off so you did some chores and cleared out the box Derek dropped off.
You got ready and went to the hospital.

Y/N: Goodmorning doctor Robbins!
Arizona Robbins: Goodmorning doctor Drew, can i speak with you?
Y/N: Of course..

You follow Arizona to an on-call room.

Y/N: So what did you-

Arizona cut you off and pushed you against the wall.
A few minutes later you both got paged to the ER.

Y/N: We- we can finish this.. later
Arizona Robbins: Yes we can..

You both walk out of the OR and bumped into Alex.

Alex Karev: You got paged too?
Arizona Robbins: Yes but why tho?
Alex Karev: I have no idea.
Y/N: Guess we have to find out!

You arrive in the ER.

Owen Hunt: Okay everyone schoolshooting, lots of kids! Everyone listens to doctor Karev, Robbins and Drew.
Arizona Robbins: Okay everyone! Lot's of tiny humans, make sure their is enough blood and enough supplies!
Alex Karev: Make sure you keep the parents calm if they're not calm the children won't be either!
Y/N: We only got a few minutes people come on!

It was a hectic day, you only lost 2 kids out of 65.
You took of your scrubcap and went to your mothers room.

Y/N: Hey.. i'm sorry they didn't operate today, it was hectic. Schoolshooting with alot of children. They reshedueled it to tomorrow morning... and i'll be watching from the galery!

You grab her hand and squeezed it. Arizona knocked on the door.

Arizona Robbins: Hi! Uhm Alex and Jackson are waiting for us.. Hello miss Drew!
Y/N: Give me 5 more minutes! So tomorrow i will be their when you go down and when you wake up alright? I have to go but i'll come in a little early tomorrow for you! Goodnight.

You walk out with Arizona and are on your way to the parking lot.

Arizona Robbins: It's really sweet that you're talking to your mom like that!
Y/N: We used to talk like that every single day.. i miss her voice, the last time she used it was for yelling.. at me.
Arizona Robbins: You are not blaming yourself for this! It is April's fault she got here in the first place. I can't believe she would do such a thing..

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