What A Catch

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A/N: Alright just wanna give a shoutout to HaileyUrie bcuz she made a cover for the book for me and that was so sweet of her so thanks again!

Jay's POV

After I got done singing, I sat back down at our table. Sal looked at me angrily. I ignored him. "So, how's everything going with-" Jules stops staring at Zac. "It's okay, he knows" "Okay, so how's it going with Mr. Wentz?" "Okay, I guess" "Just Okay?" "Yea" I looked away. I look at the door and see someone who looks familiar come in. It's Mr. Salvatore. Of course he's with some woman. A redhead. The girl who once flirted with Pete. Angela. Pete's neighbor. My friends notice and turn to see who I'm staring at. "Let's go" Jules says. We all get up but sal is up before us. Before I know it he's walking really fast over to Salvatore. I see them talking for a split second. Then, Sal punches him in the face, twice. I run over and stop him. "What the fuck are you doing?" He reeks of alcohol. This is the first time I've ever seen him like this. Salvatore gets back up. "Well that was a nice hello sal" he looks to me. "Jay" Let's go" I yell to my friends. We head out the door. "Hey where do I know you from?" The redhead asks. I turn around. Oh do you remember the time((A/N: *starts singing Michael Jackson*)) when you asked my boyfriend out on a date and he told you I was his stepsister??

"Watch out for him" I looked at Salvatore. "He may seem like a good guy now but--" "Just watch out" she looks at me weirdly. I follow behind Jules. "Dude what the fuck are you thinking?" Jules yelled. "Now he knows we know something" "Okay what the fuck just happened?" Zac yells. Sal lays against the car. I can tell he's drunk. "You must not know" Sal says slurring his words. "That is the guy who raped Jay" "our teacher?" Zac turns to me. I nod. "The other father?" I nod. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I walk over to Sal. "Are you fucking crazy?" "I did it for you" he whispered to me. I can't talk to him right now. Not when he's drunk.

"Lets go" I say to Zac. "I'll talk to you later Jules"

Jules POV

Me and Sal get into his house. "So we going upstairs?" He said grabbing my waist. "Sal you're drunk" "I had two drinks" he said holding up three for fingers. He looks at his hand. "Okay maybe more" he starts laughing. I make him some coffee and wait until he sobers up. "Sal we need to talk" "Why'd you do what you did?" I ask. "What are you talking about?" "I heard what you whispered to Jay" "about hitting Salvatore" I say. "Okay so?" "So I have to ask you something" "What's going on between you and Jay?"

"Nothing" "It didn't look like nothing" "I saw the way you looked at her" "So I will ask you again, what is going on between you too?" he gets up from the couch and walks in the kitchen. "Do you want a snack?" "Stop trying to change the subject" I walk in the kitchen. "Just tell me the truth" "I am telling you the truth, nothing is going on between us " "okay, then i'll ask you another question" "shoot" he yells. "Do you have feelings for her?" He opens his mouth as if hes gonna say something but he doesn't. Right then i have my answer, but i want to hear him say it. My eyes start to water. "Do you have feelings for her?" I yell. He looks back at me. "Yes i do" I walk closer to him and smack him in the face. I grab my keys and leave.

Jay's POV

I drove Zac home and drove back to Pete's. I saw him on the couch. "Hey" I said to Pete. "Hey" I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. "You Okay?" "I will be, eventually" he holds me in his arms.

My purse buzzes. Sal texted me.
She knows

Who knows what?

Jules knows that I have feelings for you.

Did you tell her about anything else?

Did I tell her that we made out and that we were very close to having sex? No I didn't.

Please go to sleep, you're drunk.

Will you join me?

Goodbye Sal.

"Jay I want to talk to you about something" I sit up and face him. "Okay" he pulls out his phone. He shows me a picture. A picture of me and Sal. Kissing. There's also a caption. Most girls do homework, but she gets to do her friends and her teacher. How's that going Pete? "Pete--" "Stop"

"Do you know who sent this?" "No" "Then who sent it because if this person knows I'm thinking everybody else knows to" "are you saying that you think I told everybody about us?" "That's what I'm thinking, but let's focus on that later" "You said that nothing was going on between you and Sal" "You lied to me" "Babe we kissed and that is all that happened, and I told him it's not gonna happen again" I reach to touch his face but he moves away. He doesn't believe me. Even though I'm telling the truth. "You don't believe me" "It's not that I don't believe you, it's just, maybe you should be with Sal" "What?" "You deserve somebody you're own age, someone you can go out in public with, you wouldn't have to hide your relationship, you obviously feel something for him" "Pete what are you saying?" "I'm saying you should go to Sal" "But I don't want Sal I want you" I move closer to him and kiss him the lips. "I love you" I say. "I love you too, but I can't do this anymore" Tears roll down his eyes as they do mine. "Pete, please tell me you're kidding" "I wish I was" he kisses me on the lips.


It's been 5 days since me and Pete broke up. I packed up my stuff and moved back in with my dad. Did I want to? No. But I had no where else to go. I miss him. I put on a red shirt with black skinny jeans and black converse. I drove to school. I don't know how I'm gonna see him again. It would be my first time seeing since the breakup. I haven't talked to Jules. That doesn't surprise me.

I walked up to my locker. I see Jules walking down the hallway. "Hey" she walks past me. "So you're not talking to me now?" She walks back to me. "Hi Jay" "Tell me we are still friends because I can not lose anymore of them" she pauses for a very long time. And finally she says something. "Yea we are" "Really? Even with the Sal thing?" "Yea, it's not your fault he has feelings for you" I didn't say anything back. I know I should tell her but I can't lose her. I can't. "So I have news" she looks curious. Tears come to my eyes. "Pete broke up with me" "oh I'm sorry" she pulls me into a hug. "I loved him" "i know" "are you gonna be okay going back to his class?" "I'm gonna try" I let go of her. "Alright, lets go"

We go into the health room and sit down. Sal comes into the room. "So are you guys broken up?" "Yea" "oh" "Wow, both best friends single in the same weekend" Jules says and starts laughing. "We'll be single together" I give her a high five. Pete walks into the room. He looks at me for a second and then walks to his desk. Oh What a Catch.

I walk out of last period and go to my locker. "Jay can I speak to you?" Salvatore says with his head poked out of the classroom door. I walk in and he closes the door. "What?" "You told Sal" "What are you talking about?" "I'm right aren't i?" "I have no idea what you are talking about" "I told you what would happen if you told" "I didn't tell anyone" his eyes were filled with rage. "You're lying!" He yelled loudly. He stepped closer to me and I back away everytime he does. Eventually I end up with my back up against the wall. Salvatore puts his hands around my neck. I yelled. Hoping someone would hear me.

A/N: I love cliffhangers but I hate them. It's a love/hate relationship. Now excuse me while I go read Fifty Shades Freed. I'm obsessed with the fifty shades of grey series lol....

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