Don't Be A Little Bitch

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Jay's POV

I woke to go to school. All my of my clothes are at Pete's house now. I put on a Nirvana shirt, black skinny jeans and Black heels. I noticed Pete was still asleep. I push him off the bed with my heel. "Wake the fuck up!" I yelled. He struggled to get up, but finally got up.  I ran out the door. I went to school. I saw Sal and Jules sitting on Sal's Car. "Hey" "Hey Betches, You coming with me to first period? I said to Jules.  "Let's go" We went to our lockers quickly to get our gym clothes then headed to the locker then headed to the locker rooms. I saw Mimi try to leave as soon as i got there. "Mimi!" i yelled "Hey are you mad at me? "No" she said. "Then why haven't you been talking to me?" She hesitated "I just don't think we should be friends anymore" "uh huh" I said. "Does this have anthing to do with the fact that i'm pregnant" "Kinda" She then walked away. "Hey Mimi, next time you wanna stop being friends with someone, don't be a little bitch about it, just tell them" I yelled. I'll admit, I might have overreacted. Me and Jules then walked out to the gym and got into out positions. "Push ups!" Pete yelled. We did our situps then we had to run outside on the track. "So how's things going with Wentz and the baby?" "Okay, I'm kinda still having doubts about both things but, other than that okay" " You're still having doubts?, So you're tell my speech didn't work" She gasped as if she was suprised. "It worked, just not fully" She shoved me lightly. I punched her in the boob, and then we had a catfight.

School ended but i stayed for study hall. When i got in i saw Sal sitting in one of the chairs. I also saw that Salvatore was watching us. Oh Great. "Sup Hoe" Sal said. "Sup Bitch Tits" We studied math for a little while then Left. "Hey wanna come to my house for a few hours" "sure" I followed Sal back to his house. "Alright now i know you're gonna say that you wanna watch netflix so find a movie" he said pointing to the tv. He came back in with snacks. I put on Mean girl because the movie is bae. About 20 minutes passed by. I noticed Sal looking at me. "what?" i said. He then pressed his lips against mine.

A/N: Alright guys be mad at me, i'm sorry. Anyway sorry this is really short, but i wanted to update today bcuz my phone is broken so it'll be at least a week till i do again. And i only had a short period of time to update because the library closes early so sorry.  Sorry if also some grammar is wrong. Now i'm gonna go home and watch Mean Girls. See Ya!

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