Too Little, Too Late

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Pete helped Alaric up off of the floor. That punched looked like it hurt. Like hell.

"What the hell just happened?" Dale yelled. Then their faces all turned to me. Pete walked up to me. "You wanna tell me what that was about?" He whispered.

"I love you?" "You know something." "I know nothing." he grinned. He turns around. "Hey mom, we're gonna go find mark and then head home." He hugged his mom and turned back. "Bye jay." she said while looking at Alaric's eye. "Bye"

"Do you know where he went?" "Nope" "Are you going to tell me what that was about?" he asked while starting the car. "If i knew, i would" he looks at me. "But i don't so..." He squints his eyes looking at me as if he doesn't believe me. Of course he doesn't believe me. I'm a fucking terrible liar.

He opens his mouth to speak but instead, he closes it and starts driving.  "Where do you think he could be?" "Oh i don't know. Your house?" The sarcastic tone comes out.

"Are you being a smart ass right now?" "Maybe" i smiled. "Oh you find it funny?" he chuckles. "Yeah. a little." "Do you want to fight?" he chuckles. "Pete. I think we both know you don't stand a chance against me." "You sure about that?" "No. Not at all" i smile and he laughs. 

We get back to the house and find Mark's car in front of the house. As we get out, i see a redhead coming up to the car. Angela. Of fucking course. "You're Jay right? Pete's step sister." "You could say that." "Yeah. Didn't i see you at that karaoke place?" "No. Goodbye." 

I go to the other side of the car and go to whisper in Pete's ear. "If she makes a move on you? Just know that i can slap a bitch." I move away and raised my eyebrows at me. Which caused him to have a smirk on his face. Then i find Mark on the couch.


"Hey Angela" Oh shit. From the amount of texts i saw on my phone from her. I know i'm about to get a ear full. "Really? 'Hey Angela'. That's all you have to say?" "Um. Yeah?" "I texted you. Why didn't you text me back?" Janis Ian much?

Oh damn. I've watched Mean Girls way too many times with Jay.

"Look Angela. When we had sex, i had just gotten out of a relationship. I was depressed and drunk a lot. Then i saw you and i took advantage of you. For that, I'm sorry." She nods. "So you used me?" "Yeah. I'm sorry. Really." She got closer and put her hands on my chest. "So you don't want to keep doing this?" she said in a seductive tone. 

Sorry. But i like my girls, how can i put this? Not desperate.

Grabbing her hands and moving back. "No. We can't." She nods. "Okay" She walks away. I go back into the house. Only to find Jay and Mark near the window. "Really. You were spying?" "We have no idea what you are talking about." Jay denies. "I do. Bro, her hands we're on your chest. Naughty Naughhim in he raises his eyebrows in a sexual way and Jay hits him on the arm. 

"Really? You're going to try and joke your way out of this one?" "Well i was hoping for it." "No. Why'd you punch him the face?" He glances at Jay and looks back at me. "Let's just say he pissed me off. In a way." "In a way? That's all you're going to give me?" "Pretty much. Yeah." he nods. I throw my hands up in the air.

"Guess i'm not gonna know" I sit next to Jay, making her scoot over. "Unless. Jay gets tickled, because i know she knows and if i do that, then she'll talk eventually." "Dude you know how much i hate tickling." "Oh i know." i smile. "You're having fun with this aren't you?" She asks. "Very much. Yes." 

"Mark? You going to tell me or what?" I look over to him. He sighs. "It's not my business to tell, big brother." He gets up and goes upstairs. I look at Jay. "Well what does that mean?" She shrugs. "I'm gonna go get some sleep." She kisses my cheek. 


I get up the stairs and decide that i'm gonna stay over tonight and text Ryan. I go into Pete's room and change into some night clothes and then use the bathroom. Coming out of the bathroom. I hear the words. "Are you ever gonna tell him?" I turn around and see Mark standing in the doorway. 

"What?" "Are you ever gonna tell him?" i sigh and go to the mirror. "I didn't plan on it." i say as i pull my hair into a messy bun. "You're serious?" I turn around. "Would i kid around about this?" i say. He comes into the room. "Jay. He needs to know." "Yeah. I know. But i'm not going to tell him. Especially since i'm leaving in a few days. I don't want to ruin anything before i leave. It's too little too late for me to tell him. We've already been through so much." 

"Jay. I love you and you're my best friend. But he's my brother. You expect me to not tell him?" "No. It's understandable if you want to. If you did i would understand. But i won't tell him. I can't." "Okay. Then i won't tell him." "But if it comes out and he asks me about it? I won't lie." I nod. "I understand. Thank you." "Whatever. Just remember that you owe me." he smiles and i laugh. 


Standing behind the doorway. I hear Mark and Jay talk. About me. "Are you ever gonna tell him?" "You expect me to not tell him?"

This whole time i stand here thinking. 

What do i need to be told?

A/N ~ Yes i know it's been like 25 years. And for that i am very sorry. Writers block is a bitch. I have been confused on what to write.  But i'm back. Now that i have finished writing this chapter, i am going to go watch reruns of one tree hill. Because i just finished all the very last episode on netflix and i miss it already. Byye. 

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