Hit And Run

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Pete's POV

"Babe are you okay? It's me" She then finally said something.
"Who are you?" Oh no. "babe it's me" i started crying. "Babe?" I heard her say. "I'm just kidding" I gave her a glare. "I fucking hate you" "I'm sorry" she grabbed my hand. But started laughing"I'm sorry you're just really gullible" "That's not fucking funny, I was seriously about to cry." i said to her while laughing. "What happened?"

Jay's POV

"What Happened?" Pete asked me. Should I tell him what happened at school? That same question keeps going through my mind. "Someone hit my car." I told him. "Did you break anything?"

"The doctors say I may need some stitches on my leg and my forehead, but no i haven't broken anything." "Good. So you would be able to go somewhere with me next friday for break?" He said to me smiling. "Where are we going?" "You'll see." "Okay well I think you should go. Just in case my dad shows up."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later?" "Yep." i put a fake smile on my face as i think about what happened. A tear fell from my eye.

~A few hours later~

The doctor came in. "Jay, we are going to need to take some blood from you to run some blood tests is that okay?" "Yea that's fine." They took the blood and She then asked my Dad if He would step out to talk to her. He came back in a few minutes later. "So the doctor said you could come home tonight." "Oh great" I said in a sarcastic way. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Okay Let's just say that I would rather be in this hospital for years than be in a house with you till I go to college Ryan" I said as I got up. "Oh and I'm going somewhere with Jules for break this Friday just so you know" I lied. "Where are you going?" "None of your business." I look around the room. "Where's my phone?" "It broke in the accident."

"Oh great, that is just great." I said. "Do they know who hit me?" "No the poilce said no one was found in the car." "What the fuck are you talking about?" "I'm talking about the police that When they got to the accident they said no one was in the other car, they escaped"

"Wait. So it was hit and run?"

"Yup" When those words hit and run came out of my mouth, I can only think of one person who would do it. The person who's been messing with me for the past few weeks. We got out of the hospital and went back to the house.

We got back and I went straight to my room.

I heard a knock on my door.

It was Lisa.

"What?" I said. "I was just wondering if u were okay." "I'm Okay, just really not in the mood" "Okay" she said, and started walking away. I noticed she was limping. "Yo." she turned and then I also noticed a cut on the side of her face. "What happened to you?" I asked. "Soccer practice" "Really, soccer practice did that?" "That's what I said." she walked away.

Right then I learned that I would have to watch out for her. Not in a sisterly way. But In a She might be the person messing with me way.

~A Week Later~

It was finally Friday. Today I got to go off with Pete. Thank God. And it was my first day back to school, after the accident. I got up and got dressed. I grabbed my phone. I had finally got a new one. I got in the car and went to school.

I went to first period. I sat down next Jules. I saw Pete wink at me. All I could do was blush. He started to teach.

~Second period~

I was walking to Salvatore's class, I didnt know what to do. For once I was scared to go into that classroom. I got there and he looked straight at me. He winked at me. Tears then fell down from my eyes. I went sit next to Mimi.

"You Okay?" She asked. "Yeah" I nodded.  About 10 minutes into the period my phone rang. Everyone in the room looked at me. Knowing it was mine.  I ran outside the room and answered it.

"Hello?" "Hi is this Jay Taylor?" "Yes, who is this?" "This is the hospital you were in. Christiana Hospital" "Okay?" "We ran blood tests after you left and we have some news for you" "What were you talking about? What news?"

"You're Pregnant"

Sorry this is so short, I will definitely make the next longer.

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