Sometimes Relationships Can Be A Pain In The Asshole

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Jay's POV

"I was raped!" I yelled.

Pete stopped walking and stood frozen. He turned around. "By who?" He said angrily. "I can't tell you" I said with my eyes tearing up.

He started walking away again. I followed him. "Pete I'm telling you the truth" "Jay how do you expect me to believe you if you won't tell who did it?" We ended up back at the cabin. Pete changed out of his wet clothes and went straight back to sleep. I changed my clothes. I kinda felt like it was over. I know he didt say it but i know he's thinking it. It was around 5am and I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I grabbed the keyboard near the doon. I got a piece of paper and pen. I went on the back porch. I started writting and starting fiquring out the chords. I then started singing.

Well, it's good to hear your voice
I hope you're doing fine
And if you ever wonder,
I'm lonely here at night
I'm lost here in this moment and time keeps slipping by
And if I could have just one wish
I'd have you by my side

Oh, oh I miss you
Oh, oh I need you

And I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face
Nothing's changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay

Well, I try to live without you
The tears fall from my eyes
I'm alone and I feel empty
God, I'm torn apart inside

I look up at the stars
Hoping you're doing the same
And somehow I feel closer and I can hear you say

Oh, oh I miss you
Oh, oh I need you

I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face
Nothing's changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay
Always stay

I never wanna lose you
And if I had to I would choose you
So stay, please always stay
You're the one that I hold onto
'Cause my heart would stop without you

I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face
Nothing's changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay
I'll always stay

And I love you more than I did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask I will stay, I will stay
I will stay

I started crying and couldn't stop.

~Last Day Of Break

I made sure i had all my stuff with me before we left. Pete is not talking to me. Obviously he doesn't believe me. He made that very clear. I just don't know at all what to do. Do i tell him just in case? I hate questioning this. It makes me have so many doubts. I tell him, something bad happen. I don't tell him, he hates me. So do i really have any clue right now? Hell no! I grabbed my suitcases and put them in Pete's car. Patrick, Joe, Elisa, and Marie got into their cars and we headed back to Chicago.

There was so much awkward silence that i had to break it. "So are we going to talk about this or no?" i said sarcastically.

"Jay I really don't want to talk"

"Well I do. Ignoring me isn't going to make it go away, I'm pregnant Pete!" I practically yelled.

"Yeah and it might not be mine" "I told you what happened" I said tearing up.

"Jay unless you tell me who it was I am not gonna believe you, I love you but I can't".

I laid back in the chair. I looked outside my window and Tears fell down my eyes.

Relationships are really a pain in the asshole.

We had finally gotten back to Chicago. We were at Pete's house. He pulled the key out of the car and laid back as if he was frustrated.

Pete's POV

I was so frustrated. How could she wait so long to tell me she's pregnant? I hate the feeling of thinking it might not be mine.

"Salvatore" I then hear.

I looked at Jay and see her crying. "What?"

"It was Salvatore, Mr. Salvatore raped me." She started crying more. I didn't comfort. It's not didn't want to. I was just figuring out what weapon I'm use to hurt Salvatore.

We went inside the house.

After about 5 seconds of being in the house, I punched the wall leaving a hole.

"I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him" I kept saying.

"Pete no you're not" "Why not? He deserves it" "Trust me I wanna hurt him to!" She started tearing up. "You think I don't? God you have no idea how i feel because of what happened, i feel--" she hesitated. "Dirty" she said. "I have had someone try to rape me before but i got away before they could. I couldn't get away from this one!" She yelled.

"Can we at least tell the police?"

"No, he said he would hurt me if anyone found out, and when it comes to guys, I don't doubt that he will"

Jay's POV

"Okay i Won't call the police" Pete Said. He walked towards me and put his hand on my cheek. "But i wanna let you know, even if this child isn't mine, I'm gonna raise it like it his" I smiled.

Hearing him say that made me absolutely happy.

A/n: omg guys i seriously cried writing this chapter!...please comment and tell me what you thought!!! Pleeeeeaaaasssseee

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