I Was Made For Loving You

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The pain is killing me. I feel like I'm gonna die. I pop another damn pain killer into my mouth. Literally all I've been doing today is popping pain killers. Suddenly there is a knock on my door. "What?" I yell. The door opens and reveals Jules and Zac. "Hi babe. How are you doing?" Zac asked. "How the fuck do you think I'm doing?" I snapped. "Sorry. It's pain. It's getting to me." "It's fine." "So what happened?" Jules asked as she sat on the end of my bed. "Um. Someone stabbed me. I went to hospital. My dad found about Pete and Salvatore while he was there. Apparently Pete was then punched in the face. The cops were called. The cops questioned me about Salvatore and asked who stabbed." I took a really large breath right after I said all of that really quickly. "Whoa. That's a lot of shit that went down." "Yup."

"So how's Pete?" Zac asked. "I wouldn't know. I can't see him before I leave. Which means I won't be saying goodbye." "I'm sorry Jay." "Don't say sorry. It's not your fault." "But look at the bright side. Graduation is tomorrow!" "That is the last thing I'm excited about right now." Another knock was on my door. "Oh my god. What?" I yelled again. The person was revealed. "What the hell are you doing here?" Those are the words that came out both me and Jules' mouth. The person was Sal. "Hi Jay. Hi Jules. Zac." The only person Sal is friends with in the room is Zac. So why is he here? "What are you doing here Sal?" "What? You think I'm gonna hear that you got stabbed and not come check on you?" I understand that he was trying to be sweet. And he is. But I don't want to talk to him. Not right now. "How are you Sal?" "Don't worry about me. How are you?" "I'm okay." He nods. "So I just wanted to let you know. Mr. Salvatore was arrested." I suddenly raise my head up.

"Are you serious? Are you sure?" "Yes. And yes. I thought you'd want to know." "How do you know?" "Friends who live near him." "Thank you. Seriously. Now that he's gone. I don't think I have to worry anymore. But I think I'm going to go see him." "Are you serious?" They all said loudly. "Yes. I need to know why he did what he did. Why me? I just really need to know. So I think I'll go see him tomorrow. But don't worry. Like I said, there is nothing to worry about anymore." Then I remember. I do have to keep worrying.

"I'm not the only one who is against you. Someone close to you was helping me."

Those are the words my mother said to me the day I got out of the hospital.  Any one of these people in this room could be that person.
Any one. Jules, Sal, or Zac. Do I want to believe that? Hell no. But it could it be? Yes. But there is no way to find out. So I'm not going to stress about it. I'm leaving tomorrow. I think I'll be fine.

"So graduation." Jules takes a big sigh after she heard me say this. "Yup. I swear I'm gonna cry." She said. "I won't. Honestly I can't wait to get out of here. Sure I'll be back. But I have so much baggage on my back from this fucking place. I need to get out of here for a while." "That's understandable." Sal added. "Why are you still here? Jules said to him. "Jules don't." "No seriously. You gave us the info on Salvatore. Thanks for that. Now bippity boppity the fuck out of here and navigate yourself back to the front door." She said very quickly and practically yelled. Sal looks to me. Hoping that I would say something. I grin at him. "Thank you." "No problem. I'll see you tomorrow." He leaves.

"Was that really necessary?" "Yup." "You were kind of rude." Zac added. "I was rude? He fell in love with my fucking best friend and I'm the bad guy?" "That was a while ago and I don't think he was in love with me." "Jay, he just came here and told you that the man who hurt you was arrested." "That doesn't mean he is or was in love with me." "Whatever. I'm going home. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Zac."

"You know she still loves him." "Of course I do." "Are you ever going to tell her?" "No. She'll never forgive me." "Maybe she will." I look over to him. "This is Sal we are talking about. The only guy she has ever loved. Trust me. She'll want to kill me. But anyway, I've had enough depressing shit going on. What's going on with you boo?" "I met this guy." He smiles and turns red. "Oh my goodness. Zac are you blushing?" "I was just surprised when he was talking to me. I didn't think I would find anybody here in Chicago."

Yeah. Neither did I.

"Alright. Let's watch prison break on Netflix."


Finally, after a day of popping pills and watching Netflix. I finally fall asleep. As I drift and drift. I'm finally asleep. Then I hear my door that was closed crack. I open my eyes immediately but I don't move. "You just don't want to die do you?" I heard someone whisper. But I knew who it was. I move my body, sit up and look at where I believe her to be in the dark. "Jules?" "You know Jay? I trusted you. I though you were my best friend." "I am your best friend." "No you're not. Not anymore. You were just some bitch who wanted to screw my boyfriend. My only real boyfriend." I get out of the bed. "Jules, let's talk about this."

I turn on the lamp light. I saw that that she had a gun in the pocket of her hoodie. "Why the hell won't you die? Your mom tried to kill you like a million times." She practically yelled. "Could you not yell so loud? I think you're forgetting that other people live here." So this was them. The person really close to me working with my mother. It was her. It was Jules. "I can't believe this. You really going to kill me? You want me gone? Come on. Do it." "That's what I hate about you Jay. You're fearless. And I don't mean that in a good way."

"Fearless? I'm fucking terrified. I've been scared for the past half of the school year. I've been hurt. I've been raped. I've lost the man I love. Not to mention my mother tried to kill me multiple times and almost succeeded. And all that has happen to you is that you broke up with your boyfriend? So forgive me, if I think that I would rather be gone than to be here with you right now. You want to kill me? Fine. Go right on ahead. I'm done fighting. I'm done running." I walk right in front of her, so I am right in front of her face.

"Do it. Pull out the gun. Pull the trigger." "Pull out the damn gun Julianna." She goes for it but hesitates. "You can't do it. Can you?" "No." A tear falls from her eye. "You know, if you hadn't just tried to kill me. I would totally comfort you. But I know this is my fault. I am sorry for kissing Sal. But just so you know, I would have never slept with him. Not that what I did wasn't wrong. For that, I'm sorry. Now please get the hell out of my house." She backs and and goes out of the window next to the bed. I feel a pain come to stomach. I bend down In pain and sit on the bed, throwing another pain killer into my mouth. Out of all people, it had to be Jules. Why not Sal, or Zac, or even fucking Loren? Why Jules? I'm over this shit. I crawl back under the cover and try to fall back to sleep, when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" "Hi baby girl." I lay my head back down on the pillow and put the phone under my ear. "Hi." "I know you probably are really mad at me right now." "Oh no. I'm totally jumping at the fact that my family knows that I slept with my teacher, let alone, fallen in love with him." "You know who did this to you don't you?" I take a long and huge sigh. "Yes I do." "Did you tell the police?" "It doesn't matter. She's probably gone by now if they haven't gotten to her. She had it out for me for a while." "Did you hear about him?" "Salvatore? Yes. I'm going to see him tomorrow morning." "Why?" "Clarification. That's why."

"Jay, no matter what happens. If we never see each other again. If you happen not to come back from Californ-" "Pete yo-" "Let me finish."

"If you happen not to come back. It's okay. I would understand if you didn't. But I want you to know something. You were made for loving me. And I was made for loving you." A tear rolls down my cheek down onto my pillow. "I don't care what anybody says. Your my girl. That will never change. You're mine. I love you." "Why do I feel like you are telling me goodbye?" I asked. "Because I'm hanging up the phone." The phone call then ends.


I get out of my bed and look at myself in the mirror. "It's graduation day. This is a good day." "Right?" I get dressed in some skinny jeans, boots and a red shirt and a leather jacket. I drive to the station and go in. "Hi. I'm here to visit Tony Salvatore." My hands shaking as I say those words. "Okay. Come with me. He's in a cell by himself. We are going to allow you to stand outside of it. The door will be closed. But he will still be able to hear you." The officer opens a cell, letting me in and I see a bunch of prisoners. Each one having there own cell. I go down to his cell and see him facing the wall inside his cell. His head turns around and looks at me.

"Hi baby. I knew you would come."

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