Five Second Head Start

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What do I need to be told?

What do I need to be told?

What the fuck do I need to be told?

That same question goes around in circles in my head, over and over again. It repeats as I watch Jay sleep next to me. Wondering, What she is hiding from me? Wondering, What does she want me to not know?

Maybe I can get Mark to talk.

Looking at the clock, I see it's almost one in the morning. I get up off the bed, carefully. Or so I thought. "You okay? What are you doing up?" Jay said tiredly. "Um, couldn't sleep. I'm thirsty, just go back to sleep babe." I kissed her forehead. Before you know it, she's asleep again.

I grab a hoodie and put on some pants, before going downstairs. I slap him on the arm. "Wake up!" I whisper. He pulls the cover over his head. Putting my hands on his legs, I push him off the couch. "What the fuck!" "Sshh. Shut up." "Why the fuck are whispering? It's fucking one in the morning. This can not be healthy."

Sometimes I wonder if Mark was just born a smartass, he sure seems like he was. Seriously, he just woke up and he's already sassing me.

"We're going for a ride." I say grabbing my car keys off the table. Mark sits there on the floor curiously looking at me. "Don't just sit there. Get the fuck up. Get your pants on and get in the god damn car." "Feisty." He says. "Seriously?" "Alright I'm getting up."

We get into the car and I start driving. No direction. No destination. Just driving. "You want to tell me what this is about?" Mark asked.

How about you tell me? I'd like to know myself.

"You and Jay are really close right?" "Yeah." "How close would you say?" "So close that she has tried to tell me about her sex life with you before I stop her. She's my best friend."

Whoa. Whoa. I don't even know how to think about what he just said. Anyway. Back on topic, Pete.

"Would you say that she tells you everything?" I say stopping at a red light. "Pretty much. Yeah." "Hmm. Anything you wanna tell me?" Turning my head, I look him straight into eyes.

"Bro. What is going on?" I ignore his question and put my eyes back on the road. Then I see these woods and pull over next to them. "Um. Is this where you kill me? Do I at least get a five second head start?"

"Ha ha. Funny. Get out." "I don't wanna." I close my door. "What's wrong?" "Is Jay hiding something from me? Something she doesn't want me to know?"

"Why would you say that?" "Just answer the question Mark." He sighs and takes a minute. "You'd have to ask her." "Or? You could just tell me." I say with a frustrated tone. "Dude, even if I knew something. It wouldn't be my business or place to tell."

I know he knows. I heard them talking for gods sake.

"So she's not hiding anything?" "I don't know." "Really? You don't know anything?" "I know that you are acting really strange. Last time I remembered, I was the strange brother."

"Stop screwing around." "Can you at least tell me why you think she's hiding something?" I don't answer the question. Maybe I can beat it out of him? "Dude, she leaves in what? Two days? I don't know. I'm tired as fuck. But Focus on being with her, not on drama. You both have already had enough of that."
"I know. But-" He's right.

"You're right." "Tell me something I don't know." Ugh. Dickface. "Now can we go home?" I start the car and start driving.


I wake up and look at the clock. Two in the morning and I find no Pete next to me. I slowly get up from out of the bed. As I go down the stairs I notice that Mark isn't on the couch. "Guys?" I jump as i hear a noise. As if something had fallen on the floor.

"Are you guys messing with me? It's not funny." No response. No noise.
Whatever. I go into the kitchen and grab some water out of the fridge. Forgetting to turn on the light. When I close the fridge, I turn around and see a black fiqure. Standing not to far from me in pitch black. Oh god no.

"Mom? Please just leave me alone. Please. Just stop. We can get over this. We can get you help. Just please stop." "Aw Jay. You know the begging never worked on me. You wasted your time then, and you'd be wasting your time now." As she finsihes, I see(barely) her arm move and she holds something up. That second she says "I'll give you a five second head start."

That second I run as fast as I can. I go to the front door. Trying to get the door open, but I keep fumbling with the locks. Then I noticed she was closer and gave up, and ran up the stairs. But my leg was pulled and I fell right on my face on the steps. Trying to get up as fast as I could, my leg got a really sharp pain in it. I screamed so loud. I didn't care to look back to see what it was. What I really care about, is getting the fuck out of here.

I kick her in the face and get up. Limping my way to the bedroom, I lock the door. Then I hear pounding on the door. "Jaylyn, open the door. Okay? Baby you know I love you. Just open the door okay?" She hits the door again. "Jay, open the fucking door!" I go to the window. But it won't open.

The window won't fucking open. I push up as hard as I can. I look to the door as I hear the pounding again. The pounding keeps coming and coming. That's when I notice that pieces of the door are falling on the ground. Causing a hole. As if she hitting the door with a brick or hammer. Oh my god.

I push again at the window and it won't budge. Looking to the door again, I see a bigger hole and see her hand coming through. She unlocks the door and opens it. "What? You didn't think I'd make sure you couldn't get out the windows?" She comes closer.

I charge at her and we both fall. I get on top of her and start punching. Then I gasp as I feel pain. I look down and see a knife in my stomach. Blood dripping out into my shirt.

She stabbed me.

My mother stabbed me.

Revolving Doors ↪ Pete WentzWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu