I Swear To God I Will Kill You

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"You really think someone killed your Mom?" Sal asked. "Yeah." I told him "And I think I know who it was." "Who?" Sal asked. "Don't worry about it, I think you should go" He walked out the door. "Hey?" I said. He turned around. "Thanks" I said.

"For what?" He said. "For being here." He smiled and left. I grabbed my phone and called Matt.

It went to voicemail "Listen you little bitch! I know what you did! And you are not going to get away with it." I said in the message.
I went upstairs, I didn't bother changing. I got into my bed. I then got a text.

Is It true that u had sex with Mr. Wentz? I looked at the text weirdly.

Wtf?! No!! Who the fuck is this??!

Xander Jones..the text read.

Xander was probably the hottest guy in school. He is just gorgeous. Well to me. I didn't text back. I laid my head down and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and changed into my red Panic! At the disco shirt, tights and sneakers. I headed for the door and I got a text. It was from my grandmother.

The funeral for your mother is on Sunday.


I went to school. Everyone kept staring at me.

Jules came over to my locker. "Why is everyone staring?" I asked. "Well it's either about your mom, the rumor about you and Wentz, or both." "It's Pete" I said "You call him Pete he's still Mr. Wentz to me" she said.

We went to gym and got changed. Mimi came up to us. "Hey we still on for tomorrow?" I totally forgot I asked her to go to the movies. "Oh yeah of course"
We got into the gym and started doing stretches. "Jay can I talk to you?" Pete said behind me. "Yeah"
Jules raised her eyebrows in a sexual way and of course I mouthed 'fuck you'.

He pulled me away into the health classroom in a corner so no one would see us. "I heard what happened. How are you doing?" I hesitated. Tears came down my eyes. "I'm not good" He walked towards me and held me. Finally he let go. "Do you wanna come over my place tonight?" "I can't. I got Business to take care of"

"Okay, Well I'm only phone call or a text away." "I know" I said. He kissed me. And then kissed me on the forehead.

We went back out to the gym. "So what were you doing in there?" I turned around and saw Eddie. "None of your business." "It is if you want me to keep your secret." I looked at him and He had a smirk on his face. "Fuck you Eddie."


I left school and got into my car. There was knocking on my window, which made me jump. It was Sal. "Hey you gonna be okay? Do you want company?" He asked. "No I actually have something to take care of but thank you"

I started to drive but I wasn't going home. I needed to take care of this. I need to take care of him.

I drove to his house. I sat outside and watched the house till he got home. He finally got home around 4. I put my leather gloves. I went into the glove compartment and grabbed the gun. I put it in the back of my jeans and covered it with my shirt. I walked behind the house to the backyard to the back door.

I grabbed a bobby pin from my hair and picked the lock. I heard a TV on in the living room. I moved towards the sound. I put myself against the wall and peeked into the room so he wouldn't see me.

He was standing up looking through the window. "Hello Matt" He turned around really fast. He had a shocked looked on his face. "What? Didn't you miss me?" "Get the fuck out of my house" He said.
I held up my hands as if in surrender. "Hey I just wanna talk."

"Yeah right" He pushed me and walked towards the house phone in the kitchen.

Does He know that I pulled out the wire?

He picked up the phone realizing it wasn't working. "Looking for this?" I said while holding up the wire. "What do you want?" He said. "Did you get my message last night Matt?" I asked.

"Yeah what do you think I did?" "Don't play dumb. We both know you killed my mom" I said. He had a look on his face.
That look told me that I was right. He wanted to hurt me. I could tell.

"So what if I did?" He said. He started walking towards me. I pulled out the gun really fast. "You stay right there." I said while pointing the gun at his face.

"What are you gonna do Jay? Shoot me? You don't have the guts." He kept walking towards me.


He ran towards me. I shot the gun but i was already down. He was on top of me. I was struggling. I noticed the gun was at least a feet away from me. He noticed what i was looking at. He grabbed the gun and pointed it at me.

"Go ahead Matt" I said. "Shoot me. do it" "DO IT!" I yelled. He pulled the trigger. But he didn't shoot me. He put the gun against his head and shot himself.
I was shocked but also relieved.

I left really quick before anyone would notice. I drove home. I don't care that I left him there. I think he deserves to be dead.

It was 6 when I got home. It was 6 on a Friday. So I was gonna stay up and watch TV. I got a text from Jules.

What movie are we seeing tomz? She asked.
Me and Mimi were thinking No Good Deed.
Okay what time?

I turned on Netflix and I fell asleep.


I was woken up to the sound of knocking. I looked at the clock and it was 12:09. I went downstairs to get the door. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

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