What Are You Doing Here Ho-Bag?

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*Jay's POV

I got a text. I thought Pete but it was Eddie.

I saw you

"Oh shit" I can't believe what I was seeing. Eddie saw us last night. But How? I texted him back.

Meet me at Dunkin donuts in 10 .
I got in my car and drove to dunkin donuts. I went and sat down, Eddie wasn't here yet. I keep wondering would Eddie actually tell? There was a tap on my back, it was Eddie. He sat down. "So?" Eddie said.

"What exactly did you mean when you said you saw me?" I already knew what he meant I just need clarification.
"I saw you with the PE teacher,what's his name? Umm Mr. Wentz" "How? Were you following me?"

"I was riding past here last night and saw you get into his car, and I was wondering what you were doing with a teacher so..I followed you Yes." "Well that's not creepy at all" I said in a sarcastic way.

"Look Jay if hes making you do this" "Ed-" he cut me off. "I can tell the principal"
"Eddie" he wouldn't let me talk. "We can go to the police" "Eddie shut up!!" I yelled.  All eyes were on us. And when I say all eyes I mean ALL EYES.

"It's not like that" I whispered to him. "Oh. Then what is it like?" He had look with disgust. "Look just promise me you won't tell anyone" "I'm gonna go now" he got up and started to leave. I grabbed him by his arm with as much strength I had. "Promise me." "Yeah. whatever"
"Eddie say it." "I promise"

I could tell by the look on his face that I had lost him. As a friend and as a brother that i never had. I went back home and someone was in the kitchen.
I went in and there was Matt.
No one can understand my hatred for Matt. He has hit on me twice. He tried me to rape me.

Whenever I tell my Mom, he just flashes that smile and she believes him over me. It's like he has her under some spell. I went to get water out of the fridge. Then felt my ass being grabbed.

Can you guess who did it?

I turned around and of course Matt was there. "Do not touch me"
"What are you doing here Ho-Bag?"
I fake smiled at him. "This is my house asshole" I pushed him out of the way. He blocked the doorway.
"Where do you think you're going?" "To my room so get out of my damn way"
"No" He pushed me on the floor. I tried to get up as fast as I can but he slaps me. He climbs on top me and rips off my pants.

I scream, hoping someone will hear me. He slapped me again.
"Shut up" he said as he covered my mouth. I bit his hand and hit him in the balls with my knee. I got up and started to run up the stairs. But a hand grabbed my leg and I fell face first.
Matt was pulling me by my leg, down stair by stair.

I kicked him in the face and he fell back.
I ran into my bedroom and locked the door and put my desk in front of it. The door knob kept turning. He stopped trying to get in after about 5 minutes.
He needs to get out of my house and I'm gonna see to it that he does, no matter what it takes.


I woke up, put on my Black Daughtry shirt, with Light blue skinny jeans, and Blue Heels. I looked in the mirror and noticed i had a black eye, it was blacker than yesterday. I put on as much makeup to cover it and finally you can't see it.
I grabbed my bag and got into my car and drove to school.

I went to my locker to get my books and I saw Eddie at his. "Can I talk to you after school?" I asked him. "Nope got football practice." Eddie won't even look at me. "Fine. whatever" I said to him.
I went back to my locker." Hey Jay" it was Loren."Hi" "There's this party tonight at Bobby's, you wanna go with me?" "Sure why not" "Okay, but can you pick me up?" "Sure"

"What period do we start with? "We have to start with period 7 from now on, so just walk with me"
Our schedule was weird, but i get to see Pete first every morning, so i think thats a good thing. I shut my locker and we walked to Gym, went to the locker room and got changed. I looked at Pete and he winked at me.

"Hey, don't you think Mr.Wentz is hot" Loren said to me. "Yeah he is pretty hot"
"I think I'm gonna try get with him" "You're are gonna date a teacher and you have Max?"

"We broke up and who said anything about dating? I just wanna have sex with him" I was starting to get mad.
"Yeah Well I hear he has a girlfriend" I told her. "She doesn't need to know"
Looks like i have a problem on my hands. Loren is one of those people who sleeps around. But she needs to keep Pete off her list.

A whistle was blown and we got into our spots, we did our stretches and push ups.
All I could do was stare at Pete's butt

Dat booty doe

I got hit in the head about a hundred times, with the basketball. Pete blew his whistle, which meant it was time to get changed. We went back to the locker room and got changed.
We got out and sat on the bleachers waiting for the bell to ring. I saw Pete go into his classroom when the bell rung.
I walked towards the health class room.
"Jay you coming?" Loren asked. "Umm you go, i'll catch up with you" "Okay"

"Hey" Pete smiled at me. "Hey" I gotta tell him. "So I know who wrote that message on you're car?" He gave a suspicious look. "It was Eddie Duran, but he promised not to say anything so"

"And how exactly do you know he wont say anything?" He said sarcastically. "I talked to him" "Okay?" I said.
"Okay." I started to leave.

"Hey?" He walked towards me.
"Jay you have no idea How much I like you. I might be even falling in lo-"
I put my finger over his mouth.
"Ssshhh, Not yet" I smiled and went to next period.

*Pete's POV*

It was 30 minutes into this period. I can't stop thinking about her.

Then I heard the bell ring my next class was having health, I went to my classroom and got the worksheets out.
But someone came in early that was a first. I looked up and noticed someone at my desk. It was Eddie. He's not in this period. "Eddie, what can i do for you?"
"Mr.wentz remember that paper you had us write 2 weeks ago?" "I do" He pulled the paper out of his bag.
"Well you gave me a C and if I have this I can't play football this season" "What are you getting at Eddie?"

"I think you should take a second look at my paper. Wait no, you're going to take a second look at my paper, I know things about you Mr.Wentz, things you probably wouldn't want other people knowing"  "I dont think so" i say.
People then came into the class room.
"Eddie whats up?" A kid said to him. "Hey Jack"  "You and Jay going out yet?" He asked him. "Nah turns out she's into older guys"  He started laughing.
"Here I'll take a second look" he handed me the paper.

"I knew you'd come around" he had a little smirk on his face. I wanted to punch it right off his face.

"Class I will be right back." I went to Mr. Salvatore's room.

*Jay's POV

I was listening to Sexy Salvatore speak but then someone opened the door.
It was Pete. "Hey, do you think I can borrow Jay for second?" He said.
"Yeah go ahead" 

"I thought you said you handled the Eddie situation" he said to me. "I did"
"Really? Cause he practically blackmailed me into giving him a better grade"
Why would Eddie do that? I thought I had gotten through to him. He Promised.
"No Eddie keeps his promises, he wouldn't blackmail anybody"  "Well he did. Fix it"
He walked away. I was speechless. Looks like I'm gonna need to smack some sense into Eddie.

Revolving Doors ↪ Pete WentzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang