She Was Mine First

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Jay's POV

I went back to the gym and pretended like everything was okay. Pretending was the only way I was going to get through this night. I put back on my mask and walked in. "Hey, where you been?" Brett asked. "Um, bathroom" Obviously that was lie. "You have a huge cut on next to your cheek. It's bleeding. What happened?" I touch the cut and see blood on my finger. "Uh, Yeah I just tripped while walking in these heels and fell." To break the awkward silence, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the dance floor.

Brett slows down for a second and leans his forehead against mine. He leans in, breathing heavily. "Kiss me" he whispers. I lean in a little more, but stopped. He gives me a look, questioning why I stopped. Why? Well...two reasons.

1. It didn't feel right, I'm not ready to kiss him. Not yet. Not now.

2. Pete's walking towards us.

"Hi, can I steal her for a minute?" He says with a smile. "Um who are you?" Brett asked. "No one you need to worry about" he pulls me away by my arm, causing me to wince in a little pain. We go over near the food table. "Jay, you got ten seconds to get in my goddamn car before i spank the living shit out of you." i scowl at him.

Did he just threaten to spank me??

I tried really hard to hide my amusement. But snickers came out of my mouth. ((A/n: *thinks about the commercials and says* Pete you're not yourself when you're hungry. See what I did there?? No? Okay.)) He raised his eyebrows at my laughter. That's when I knew he was being serious.

"Pete, you're being a real asshole right now." "Thanks. But I don't think you realize that you're being a bitch. I'm just trying to protect you and in order to do that, I have to be an asshole." "Now go say bye to the boy and get in the fucking car. Now." He walks out of the gym and I walked back over to Brett.

"Um. Brett I have to go" "Is everything Okay?" "Yeah, it's just that something has happened at home and I need to go" "Okay I'll drive you" "No! Um I'll be fine" I kiss him on the cheek. "I'll see you at Graduation?" "Yeah. Night"

Leaving, I go into the parking lot. I look for Pete's car and it pulls up in front of me. He reaches over and opens my door. "Get in" I get into the car and take off my mask. The drive to Pete's was completely silent. When I say completely, I mean completely.

Pete starts to park his car in the driveway and takes the key out. Running his hand through his hair, he leans back and turns to me. "Are you okay?" "The real question is Are you okay?" "Jay, tonight you were almost raped. Again. I think you win." I pull of his mask and see his eye is practically black and purple and has cuts under them. "Let's go inside."

After we get in I get the first aid kit. He sits on the couch so that i am looking down at him. Putting the alcohol on cotton ball, I apply it to his eyes, he winced in pain. "Did he recognize you?"

"My mask was on. I'm not that stupid." I apply the cotton ball again, harder this time. Again, he winces. "uh ow?" "Don't be an asshole." "Don't think that I forgot what i said about Spanking you." he wiggles his eyebrows at me and smirks. I gave him a glare. "What is this i hear about you drinking?" "Mark told you?" I wish. Then I wouldn't have had to see Alaric. I was hoping not to see him at all anymore. "Does it matter who told me?"

"Don't worry. I'm not doing it anymore." "You promise?" "Yeah." he said. "Jay you know I didn't mean to break your heart, and I don't mean to but I have to tell you-" "You can't break what already broke apart." I cut him off.

"Will you just listen for once?" "No." he gets up from the couch. "Oh my God. Let's not be stubborn for once." "I'm stubborn?" I yell. "This is coming from you?" He puts his hand on his heart. "Uh what are you trying to say?" I grin.

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