Is It Mine?

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Jay's POV

"Wait whoa, how do you know they have different father's?"

"Well the size of the babies tells me that you had sex maybe a week or two, after the last time you and your boyfriend did, and if they had the same father, they wouldn't be different sizes" She gave me this look saying she was judging me.

If only she knew the real reason.

I left the room, angry.

"Let's get out of here" I said to Pete.

As we walked to the cars, Pete said something. "So what happened?"

I ignored him, got into the car, and went straight to Jules house.

I started crying as I was about to knock on the door.

The door opened and I saw Sal.

"Are you Okay?" "No" "I am definitely not Okay." He left me inside. "Hey what's wrong?" Jules asked. "Sal do you mind if I talk to her alone?" He left the room and went upstairs. "Wentz?" "Somewhat" I said."I'm pregnant" she spit out the water she had just put into her mouth. "You're kidding Me" "Nope, but thats not all" "It's Twins, And one of them isn't Pete's" "Huh?" She looked confused. "I was raped, and the person is the father of one of them" "Was it Matt?" "No"

"Salvatore" Her eyes widen I started crying more. She came over to me and hugged me. "Does Pete know?" "Yea he knows" "and he hasn't killed him yet?" She said in a sarcastic way. "Suprisenly no" "I think you should tell the police"

"No I can't, if I do he comes after me" "Can't come after you if he's in jail"

I will admit. Jules had a point. "Does Ryan know?" "No I planned on telling them tonight" "it's just I know he won't except it" "Well you always stay with me if you don't want to be there" "Thank you, but I don't think you're parents will be Okay with you hanging with Pregnant girl who's 17" "They can't tell me how to live my life. So twins Huh?" "Oh, how am I gonna raise two kids? I can barely raise myself, i'm having an affair with my teacher for God sakes" I wiped my tears away. "Hey, I'll be here" she said.  "I'm gonna be there for you and so will Sal. Won't you Sal!" She yelled. Sal appeared from behind the wall. He came and sat beside me. "Of course I will" he smiled. "Have you been listening this whole time?" I said. "Yea, and now I know why you've been so emotional, I thought you were on your period or something" Jules gave him the what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you face. "So are you telling anybody about me and Wentz?" He hesitated. "No. But only because I love you, and you'd probably cut off my penis and stick it up my ass if I did" "Thank you" "oh and I'm gonna be the godmother right?" Jules smiled. "I'd have to think about that" I laughed. She jokingly looked like she was offended. "Bitch" she said. "Whore"

"Oh it's about to go down" Sal said. We all laughed.

I left about an hour later.

I went into the house and saw Lisa, Ryan and Marisol all at the kitchen table.

I went into the kitchen. I stood on the other side of the table as they stared at me in confusion. "Jay?" Ryan said. "I have to tell you guys something."

"Okay shoot" Marisol said. "I'm pregnant"

Ryan dropped his coffee mug hard on the table.

I stood there in silence for about three minutes.

"Get out" Ryan said. "What?" I said. "Get Out of my house, you're not welcome her anymore"

I nodded my head. I am not suprised this happened.

I went upstairs and packed a bag.

I texted Pete. 
I'm coming over.

Okay. He texted back.

Pete opened the door.and let me in. "Hey I would ask why you have a bag but I'm gonna taken guess. You told your dad?" "Yup, as you can see it didn't end well"

I kissed him. "So you gonna tell what happened today or?"

"Sit down."

"Twins" I mumbled.


"Twins" I said louder.

"Uh huh. One second" He went into the kitchen and came back out with a glass if whiskey. He chugged it. "Is that it?"

"Nope, one of them is not yours".

"I'm gonna need more of this" he said while pointing to the cup. Then went back to the kitchen.

Unknowns POV

Whoa, this just went to a whole new level. I grabbed the phone i usually dont use to send a text, so people wouldn't know who it was.
Jay Taylor is pregnant! Turns out she's more of slut than I thought she was! Spread the word.

I sent it to 53 people. I'll get Jay somehow. She'll pay for stealing him.

Salvatore's POV

I woke up to go to work.

I saw Pete in the hallway.

"Yo Pete!" I yelled


"Why did you hit me?"

"None of your business"

"Uh it is my business"

"Tony goodbye." He walked away.

Jay's POV

As I got to the school. I see Everyone staring at me.

I saw people whispering to others.

"Hey why is Everyone staring?" I asked Jules.

"No idea"

Eddie came up to us.

He held up a condom to my face.

"You might wanna use this next time" he started to laugh. I smacked him in the face and walked away.

Salvatores POV

~2nd period~

I waited till Everyone left to call her over. "Jay please come here"

"What do you want?" "Are you really pregnant?" She didnt answer. "Is it mine?"

"Goodbye Mr. Salvatore" She left the room.

A/N: OH SNAP!!! Okay sorry I'll stop.

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