Now It's Okay

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The next morning I wake up to a snoring Pete. He's literally been snoring all night long and kept waking me up. Pulling the pillow from under, I hit him with it. All he did was groan and turned the other way. Falling back to sleep. Which made me roll my eyes. Well obviously I'm not going to get any more sleep.

Slowly I get out of the bed and put on Pete's sweats and black shirt. I brush my teeth and wash off all of the left over make up, that I forgot to take off last night off of my face. I put my hair in a messy bun and go downstairs where I see Mark asleep on the couch. Going into the kitchen, I see Pete's phone on the counter and it's blowing up with texts.

I take the eggs out of the refrigerator and the phone keeps buzzing and buzzing. Its getting annoying. I picked up the phone and saw a texts from Angela.

Why are you ignoring me??

What is your problem??

Did I do something?

Then one from last night.

Want me to come over?

Why would she want to come over? I swear if she slept with him,  I'm going to ballistic. I go into the living room and push mark. "What?" He groaned. I hold up the phone. "Why would Angela want to come over last night?" He just stares at me. "Um I have no idea" he gets up and goes into the kitchen.

"And I thought I was a terrible the liar" "Jay it's nothing" he grabs a water out the fridge. "Yeah. Usually when someone says 'its nothing' it's usually something" "What's going on mark?" He sighs and looks at the ground. "He slept with her didn't he?" He doesn't answer. "How many times?" "As far as I know? One." He looks back up at me. I nod.

"Jay. Do not overthink this like you do with everything else. He was depressed and drunk and desperate. Okay?" "He just wanted get his mind off of you because he couldn't stop thinking about you. I don't know about you. But I would take that as a good thing. Not a bad one." Shit. He got to me. How the hell does he do that?

"You're right" "I know" he flashes me a smile and goes back into the living room. I pull out a pan and start cooking. Then I feel arms around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. "Hey" he whispers in my ear and kissed my neck. "Hi" "Everything all right?"

I'm not going to bring her up. I want to leave with no drama between us. Besides we were broken up. I can't really hold it against him.

"Yeah. I'm peachy." I gave him a quick peck on the lips.


Pete was driving us to his parents house for dinner. I pulled out my phone and texted Ryan.

I'll be home a little late.

We arrived at the house and head inside. Right when we get in, I catch a whiff apple pie. I'd know that smell from anywhere. My mom used to make it all the time. She knew it was my favorite. "Jay?" I jump an snap out of the daze I was in. "You okay?" "Yeah. I'm fine"

"Petey is that you?" I hear the voice of Dale. "Yes mom." We see her and Alaric come out of the kitchen. Dale kisses Pete on the cheek and he wipes the lipstick off his cheek. Dale hugs me. "Long time, no see" I laugh. "Yeah it has been a while" I smile.

She talks to Pete again and goes back into the kitchen. Alaric was now not far away and came closer. "Hi Jay" he gave me the smile that I thought was hot when I fifteen. "Hi"

Before I can say anything else, I'm pulled into a hug. I feel his hand to my lower back. Before it can go any further, and so I don't have to slap a bitch, I pull away.

"Pete come help me!" Dale yells from the kitchen. "Isn't Mark helping?" "Yes. But we need more help." He groans and quickly kisses me to go into the kitchen. Alaric is staring at me and it's totally not creep.

"Hi Jay." He whispers. "You said that already." I say with a tone that wasn't very welcoming. Sorry, but I am kind of tired of this motherfucker. Don't know if you remember but last time I saw him, his grin was practically across his faece, ear to ear, when I told him me and Pete had broken up.

"So you're back together?" "Yup" I said popping the p. "Well why did you go back to him? You could have gone for another Wentz" he whispers and smiles at the same time.

Typical Alaric.

"Wow. You never stop do you?" "Really? How long have you known me?" He says sarcastically. 3 years. "Too long." I muttered. "What's your problem?" He says. "Who has a problem?" He looks back. Then pulls my hand and drags me upstairs.

"What?" "You're leaving?" "Pete told you" "Yes he told me. What the hell do you think this dinner is for?" "Oh. "Don't go." "What?" He grabs my hand and pulls me closer. "Stay. Be with me" I try to move but he just tightens his grip. "No. What are you going to realize that I don't want to be with you?" "We both know that I was nothing but sex to you." He finally removes his hands from around my waist.

"That's not true" "Not true?" He nods. "Alaric whenever I saw you in the building during my internship, all you wanted to do was pull me into your office and take my clothes off." He frowns. "You never held me. You never said nice things to me. You just had sex with me. You did not have real feeling for me."

"See? That is where you're wrong?" He says. "Huh?" He comes closer. His face inches from mine. His eyes looking down at me. "I had and have feelings for you. What did you want? Flowers and Romance?" I raised my eyebrows. "Would've been nice. It would have nice to know that I was worth that to you" he looks to the floor. "That's not who I am."

"Yeah. I know. But it doesn't matter anymore. I'm with Pete and I'm leaving in a few days. It would be better if we just forgot each other." I turn around and start walking. "Jay? I already know I won't be able to forget you. And you won't be able o forget me. You know what they say. You never forget your first"

"Whatever" I go back downstairs to find Mark at the bottom, staring at me. With shock on his face. Damn. "Tell me I didn't just hear what I think I heard." "Mark? Let me explain-" "oh my god" " Just let me explain please?" "What's there to explain?" He whispers. "You fucked my father" "It was a long time ago." "Jay?" I hear Pete yell. Mark looks back at me. "We will talk about this later"


"So you met my father two years ago during an internship?" I got up to close his door. Considering anybody could come upstairs. "That's right" "An internship for what?" "That doesn't matter" I sat back on the bed

"Look Mark, I was fifteen okay? I was stupid, hell I still am. I was naive and vulnerable and I wanted to be loved more. He made it seem like he could and I fell for it. Then it ended. Ever since I first found out he was your father, he's been trying to get me back. And I kept saying no." He nods and sighs.

"Okay." He says. "Okay?" "Okay." He nods. "Oh thank god. I thought I was gonna lose you for a second." I hugged him and let go. "I just have to do one thing." He leaves the room and I follow down the stairs. He goes to the end of the stairs and looks around. Stopping at Alaric. He walks up to him and punches him straight in the face. Which causes him to fall.

I gasp with my mouth open in shock. Same with Dale and Pete.
Mark walks back over and passes me to the door. Holding his hand and his eyebrows scrunching together in pain. I turn around and see him looking at me. "Now it's okay." Then he leaves the house.

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