American Psycho

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A/n: I'm sorry that I don't update as I much as I used to guys, i am just really busy with school and trying to keep my grades up, so i will try hard to update more.

Pete's POV

I hear someone yell. It sounded like it was up the hall. I walk in the hallway and see nobody in it. I walk up and look inside the classrooms. I get into Tony's classroom. His door was shut.

Locked. I knock on the door.

Jay's POV

There's a knock on the Classroom door.

I try to scream again, Salvatore puts his hand over my mouth. "Shut up" he puts tape over my mouth and hands behind my back, then pushed me into the class closet. I hear the voices from inside the closet. "Hey tony did you hear anything?" The voice sounded familiar. It's Pete.  "No i didn't hear anything" Before i know it i get pulled out and thrown on the class room floor. "Promise me you won't scream and I will take the tape off" i nod. He starts with my hand. He takes the tape off my mouth and hands. I try to make a run for it but he grabs my hands. I scream again hoping Pete wouldn't be too far away. He pushes me on the floor and gets on top of me. i scream again, louder. He smacks me straight across the face.  He grabs my neck and starts choking me.  I could tell i was going to die. Black spots appeared in my vision. I was about to black out. I was gonna die. Everything went Black.

~About 2 hours later~

My eyes opening slowly, I see the white ceiling above me. I start breathing heavily. Not knowing where I am. I was having a panic attack. I try really hard to breathe in and out slowly. It works, I'm breathing normally now. I sit up and notice I'm on a couch. I'm in somebody's house. Then I see Salvatore come in front of me with a glass of water. He puts it out like he wants me to take it. Are you fucking crazy? Why would I take anything from you? "Take it" "Fuck You" "Fine, suit yourself" he puts the water on the table in front of me.

I get and try to open the door. I notice there's no doorknob. "Looking for this?" He's holding up the doorknob in his hand.

"Let me go" "Sorry i can't do that" he goes into what looks like the kitchen and comes out with a knife. All of a sudden i was filled with fear. He get close to me. He puts his hand on my arm and his fingers glide against it going up and down. I try to smack him with my other arm. But he grabs it and pushes me against the wall.

He puts the knife against my neck.  He looks at me up and down. He puts his hand on my chest and makes his way down, touching my breasts and going down to my thighs. I would try to move but he would kill me in a split second with this against my neck. "Hmm" "What do you want?" "Jay, I want you" "for right now" "right now? What are you gonna do this to other girls?" "That's not what I meant" "What do you mean?"

"I'm going to cut you-" he presses the knife in a little bit more. "Until you beg me to use you, and after you beg me" his head moves down, to where I can feel him breathing on my neck. "I'll put you out of your misery"

"So either way I die" he moves his head up. "I guess you can put it that way, but don't worry, you won't live to regret it"

Quickly the knife swifts across my right arm. "Ah!" The cut started bleeding immediately.  "You're fucking psycho" "I prefer 'crazy', but whatever floats your boat" he cuts me on my other arm. He smacks me across the face. He throws me against the wall, hitting my back and fall to the ground. I fall on my arm with the cut on it, and it hurts like shit. I then pull up my leg and kick him in the stomach, pushing him on the floor. I run and look around the house for another door. I find a bathroom and see a window. I lock the bathroom door. I keep trying to open it but it won't budge.

Pete's POV

Why the fuck did I leave the room? I know I heard somebody scream. What if he's hurting someone else like he did--. No I can't think about her. I just can't. I go into my classroom and start grading.

I look through the window and see Tony in the parking lot carrying a girl on his shoulder. Oh shit. I can't make out who girl is. I grab my keys and go to my car. I get into my car and follow Tony's car. He pulls into a driveway of a white house.  I park away far enough so he won't see me. He grabs the girl out of the  front seat and takes her into the house. I go to the window in front of the house,  I see the girl being pushed against the wall, Tony has a knife. I moved over a little. I notice something. The girls hair. I'd know that hair from anywhere. Creepy. But seriously.  The brown Almost black, curly hair. I can't see her face but I know who it is it's Jay.

A/n: I know this isn't that long but I really wanted to update today and it's 10pm right now so I kinda gotta go to sleep. I will update again sometime this weekend probably and I'll try to make it longer.

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