A Bastard Ripped My Heart Out & Stomped On It. That's All

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Jay's POV


I get from on top of them, no not them, not just any person, but my Mom. Last time i remembered, my mom was dead. Oh God. I can't breathe. oh God. I can't have a panic attack. Not right now. Breathe. Breathe. "Hey baby" my mom whispered standing over me. Standing up, i go towards her and grab her in my arms and hug her. My mom, my mom is alive. Then I remember, she tried to kill me, multiple times. I let her go and move back. A few tears fell from my eyes. She moved towards me. "Stay away from me!" "Baby, don't be like that" My eyes widened in shock. Is she serious? " 'don't be like that?' You tried to kill me! You're supposed to be dead." "Well i'm not" "Obviously" "But Matt Killed you" "Not exactly" I raise an eyebrow. She moves and sits on a rock. "This was all kind of a plan" she says.

"No dip dipshit" "Can u not be a bitch please?"

Oh you best be fucking kidding me. Did she really just say that? "Bitch? I'm the bitch? I'm not the one who tried to kill her own daughter!" "Listen!" She yelled.

"I was on Tetrodotoxin. Which made me seem dead, but people are just so stupid that they mistake it for dead, it-" "It induces zombification, Yea, I don't need a fucking school lesson. How did you get out?"

"The people from the ambulance, may or may not be dead"

"Oh my God" I felt like I was going to puke. "The Matt thing?" "Matt helped me. I told him he could have you if he did." My eyes widened in shock.

"You're sick" I said, with more tears filling my eyes. "I prefer disturbed, but that's good enough" "All of this because you wanted Pete?"

"I wanted something, you were in my way, I wanted to get rid of you" she had a smirk on her face. Telling me she still does.

"Was Matt's suicide apart of the plan?" "No, and honestly I could care less. He was always a dick" "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Wrong? You want to know what's wrong Jay? The fact that you have something I want. The fact that what I want is, wait let's see, you're 17, he's what, 25? 8 years older than you" "So you thought all of this was going to get him" "Well I was going to kill you first, then, nevermind , you don't need to know anything else" "It doesn't matter, we've broken up" "I know, i follow your every move. But the break up wasn't on your account. I wanted you to break up with him. Not the other way around."

"So you're still going to try an kill me?" "Not try, I will. Maybe not now because I don't have anything to kill you with, and you have caught me, but I will."

"What's wrong with you?" "Baby, many, many things" she said in a soft voice. Walking away, I go really quickly. "You can't hide from me Jay, I'm your mother. I know you very Well" Stopping, I turn around slowly. "My mom's dead! And to me she always will be!" I Quickly go and open the car door. Looking down at my phone, I see and email. Opening the email caused a gasp from my mouth.

Oh my God.



I know what to do. There's really no other choice. Oh my God. Yes! Looking in the mirror, I grab a tissue and the water bottle. I put some water on the tissue and wipe the blood off my face. I quickly drive back home.


"Jay are you sure about this?" My father or Ryan asked, with Marisol sitting to his left.

"I'm postitive" "Okay, I'm fine with it" I was very shocked. "Really?"

"I think it'll be good for you" Marisol said to me. "Yeah me too. Thank you" I smiled. "By the way, what happened?" "Huh?" I said. "You have some cuts on your face" Marisol said. "Oh, I kind of got into a little cat fight with Jules, and she has like bear claws" I lied. I went back up into my room. Pulling out my phone, I text Jules, Mark, and Zac, telling them the news. Looking in the mirror, I notice I need a change. If I'm going to do this I want a change. I go through my closet in the bathroom Looking for hair dye I've never used. There's plenty of it. I used to always say I was going to dye. But never did it. So of course I had a lot of unused hair dye. I apply the dye and wait.

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