This Is The Part Where I Don't Answer you

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We arrive back at the house at almost Three in the morning. I pull out my key and unlock the door. "I'm going back to sleep." Mark says and heads back to the couch. I go into the kitchen to get some water. Then I notice an open water bottle and a bunch of water on the floor. How'd that happen?

After cleaning up the water, I put the bottle into the trash. I go back into the living room, and Mark is already asleep. I turn on the hallway light for upstairs. Slowly, I walk up the stairs. Hoping not to wake Jay. As I walk up, I see red drops on the stairs. On every one. Now I know that wasn't there. "Jay?" I run up the stairs, finding more drops on the floor. I turn to go to my room. The door is cracked open with a hole in it. I push open the door.

Oh my god. "Jay!"

I ran up to her. There so much. So much blood. I pick her up off of the ground and hold her. Hoping that her are at least a little bit open, to know that she's still with me. They aren't. They're completely closed. "Jay!" I shake her. "Baby. I need you to stay with me!" "Mark!"

~*~*~*~*At The Hospital~*~*~*~*

I carry Her into the hospital. "I need help!" A nurse comes up with a hospital bed. "I found her upstairs and there was a lot of blood!" A bunch of nurses surround her and start pushing the hospital bed. I follow them and see then taking her through a door, when I'm stopped. "Sir you have to stay here." "Excuse you?" "You can't come back here. Sorry." She runs away, through the door. Running my hands through my hair, I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Don't touch me!"

"Pete. She's going to be okay." "Mark, Don't do that. Don't try to make me feel better, because you don't know that! If I had, if I had stayed there. If I hadn't left her there alone-" "Whoa! Pause! Let's get this straight. This was not your fault. Somebody else did this to her. Not you." "But if I had been there to protect her. She wouldn't be in here, possibly dying." Tears fall down my face.

I sit down in the nearest chair and put my face into my hands. Mark sits down next to me. "No matter what you say. This isn't your fault Pete." "Just because you say that, doesn't mean I'm going to believe it." "Yeah. I know. That's kind of how it works with you. Runs in the family remember?" "Don't make jokes right now bro." "Okay."


Bouncing my leg up and down, I get anxious. It's been almost an hour. What the hell is taking them so long? I look to the door and see two people come in. After putting my head back dorm into my hands, I hear the words. "I got a call about my daughter. Jaylyn Taylor." My eyes widen right after I hear those words. I look up and see them talking to the lady at the front desk. "And you are Ryan Taylor?" "Yes." "Alright. Please take a seat." I see her dad and the lady, who must be her stepmother, sit down.

"Excuse me?" I look up and there is a doctor in front of me. "You're the ones who brought Jaylyn Taylor in. Am I correct?" We stand up immediately. "Yes. Yes. Is she okay?" He waits to answer me and sighs.

"Um. She lost lots of blood." Oh god. Please don't tell me.

"But she is alive." I take a sigh of relief. Oh thank god. "She's going to be out for some hours. She'll wake up some time after. But she will be okay." As I hear the doctor talk, I look over and see Jay's dad and stepmom walking over. "Excuse me? Did I just hear my daughters name over here? Aren't you Jay's gym teacher? What are you doing here?" "You must be her father. I was suppose to talk to you after. Are you aware of what happened to jay?" "No. They just told us that she was here."

"Your daughter was stabbed. She lost a lot blood. She's lucky to still be alive." "How did this happen?" "We do not know. We were hoping that they would point us in that direction." He points at me. "Why are you here?" Her dad asks me. "Doctor, can I speak to them alone please?" The doctor leaves. "I'm the one who found Jay." "How?" "I pause to speak. "Sir-" "Pete don't." Mark says. Here it goes.

"Sir, I'm in love with your daughter."

All they both do is stare at me. "I know this is-" Suddenly I'm punched in the face. "Ryan!" I hear her stepmother yell. Blood coming from my nose right after. I look back at him. I guess i deserved that. "You have blood falling from your nose. Now I suggest you leave now, before you have teeth falling from your mouth." He says, scrunching up his fists. "Mark. Let's go." We leave the hospital. "Are you stupid?" Mark asks as I hold my nose. "Very much so. Yes."


Blurry. Blurry. All i see is blurriness. My eyes open fully and I see a ceiling. I turn my head, seeing Ryan sitting in the chair asleep. I try to sit up, but it hurts. "Jay." I look over and see that I woke him up. "You're awake." "Yeah. What time is it?" I say tiredly. He looks at his watch. "Almost ten am." "How long have I been out for?" "Since six." "Jay?" "What?" "I have two questions." "Okay. Well how about we start with the first one."

"Who did this to you?" I hesitate. "This is the part where I don't answer you." "Okay. Second question. Are you having sex with one of your teachers?" I immediately jump up and look at him. I wince in pain. "What?"

"Mr. Wentz. Your gym teacher. Are you having sex with him?" "Why would you ask me that?" "Your always out. Your always saying you're over Julianna's but I called her and she said you guys haven't talked since prom. The doctor told me the teacher was the one who found you. There's just one more Small thing." "What's that small thing?" My stomach turns as I get nervous.

"Why did I have to punch him in the face because he told me he's in love with you?"

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