For The Love Of A Daughter

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"I said. Why did I have to punch him in the face because he said he's in love with you?" He repeated to me.

"Um..." "Any day now jay." "Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't know why?" "So you were or are with him?" "I never said that."

"You didn't have to."

Here it is. For once in a while, I've decided to tell the truth.

"It was just supposed to be just a one night stand. It wasn't supposed to go this far. It just happened." "This far? Wait? When did this start?" I breathed in and out. "Around the beginning of the school year." "With a teacher? Your teacher?" He was basically yelling now. "It wasn't planned okay? We met when i was out with friends. Then I found he was my teacher and it all started from there.

"You were pregnant. Was the baby his?" "One of them were." "Can you elaborate on that?" "I was having twins. One of them was his. The other wasn't." "Who was the other father?" A tear falls down my eye. "Mr. Salvatore." "Another teacher." "Don't talk me like that. That was a totally different situation!" "Explain it to me then."

"He raped me." "What?" "Salvatore raped me. He did it once and tried twice after that. One time being recently, at prom." I look down and fiddle with my fingers. Then I hear laughing. I look up at him. "Are you laughing?" "Jay. You lie. We all know this. Why do you expect me to believe you?"

"Because I'm your daughter."

"Have I lied about shit? Yeah I did. Everyone does. Am I having a relationship with my teacher? Yes. I'd be lying if I said I didn't love him back. But let's get one god damn thing straight! I would never! Ever! Lie about being raped. I am not that fucked up."

He just stares at me. "Okay. I believe you." "Thank you?" I say in a sarcastic way. He stands up. "Both of them are going to jail." "What?" "You heard me." He heads towards the door. "No! For the love of a daughter, you will not send Pete to jail. Please." "He's not the one that raped me." He turned around and looked at me. "Ever heard of statutory rape?" He opened the door and left.

Oh fuck.


Not so long after, the doctor came in. "Hi Jaylyn. I'm surprised your awake." Of course I'm awake. My boyfriend is about to go to jail. Why wouldn't I be awake? "I have a question." I stated. "I have an answer."

"In one day. I leave for California and my graduation is the same day. Would I still be able to go?" "This is the day after tomorrow?" The doctor asks. "Yes. It is." "I would say...." The doctor looks at papers in his hand. "Yes. You would still be able to go. But all of tomorrow you have to stay in bed. Do not do a lot of movement whatsoever. If you feel any pain, you are to call or come to us immediately. Got it?" "Clear. So I'd be leaving tonight?" "Yes."

"But first, the police have been called-" Wait. "You called the police?" I practice yelled. "Yes Jaylyn. That's what we do when someone is almost murdered." He said in a sarcastic way. "No. No. This can't happen. You have to call them back and tell them no." "Well I'm sorry Jaylyn. But they're outside as we speak. So I'll send them in. Then later night you should be able to go. Alright?" "Whatever" I whispered. The doctor leaves and before I know it, the cops are both in my room.

"Hi Jaylyn. I'm officer Morris and this is officer Filcik. We need to ask you a few questions." "No need." "I'm sorry. Excuse you?" "There's really no need for this. I can't tell you anything." "Uh huh." Officer Morris sat down. "And why is that?" "Can I ask you something officer?" "You may."

"What is your definition of a revolving door?" He gives me a curious look. "Please just answer the question." "Okay. A door that rotates." "Hmm. Yup." "And can you explain what does this have to do with the person who tried to kill you?" "My life is a bunch of revolving doors. Revolving doors that keep rotating, and rotating and rotating. They never stop. You two trying to find the person who killed me, won't make them stop. They'll just keep rotating faster. You seeing my point?" "I do see your point Jaylyn. But I still have to do my job." "But first, it was brought to my attention that you were raped. Am I correct?" Oh man.

"Yes." "By your teacher?" Please. Please. Please tell me he didn't tell them about Pete. I see officer Filcik writing things down on a notepad. "Yes. Tony Salvatore." "Can you tell me the clinic you went to for your pregnancy?" "Yes. Caris on Wabash Avenue." "Okay. Back to our other subject. You got to tell us something. Do you know who did this?" Office Filcik finally opened his mouth and spoke. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Try me." "Fine. But you can't tell my father. He'll think I'm lying." They look to each other. "Okay."

"It was my mother."

I woke up to the hospital phone next to me ringing. "Hello?" "Jay?" Oh this bitch has got the fucking nerve. "What the fuck do you want?" "I'm just going let you know. I'm not the only one who is against you. Someone close to you was helping me. How do you think I always knew where you were?" "Why are you telling me this?" "Because hopefully before the police find out that I faked my death, I'll be out of Chicago. The person who helped, I haven't really heard from in a while. But you will be. Maybe they'll fill in for me. Maybe not. But just know, you can't get away. Now, I'm gonna hang up. Have fun at graduation." Those last four words made chill down my spine.

Someone close to me?

~Three Hours Later~

It is almost ten pm and the doctor is finally letting me get out of here. Damn, I hate hospitals. Since I'm not allowed to walk on my feet yet. The doctor puts me into the wheelchair. The doctor takes me out into the waiting room, where my Ryan is standing right in front of me. "Now remember, if you get a little pain. Just take one of these." He hands me the bottle of pain killers. "Any pain worse, you call us. You are to stay off your feet tomorrow. So cancel all plans." Oh yeah. Because I totally have plans after I got stabbed. "That's pretty much it."

Ryan pushes the wheelchair and helps mean to the car. The car starts and he starts driving.

"You didn't tell the police." Breaking the awkward silence. "About what?" "You know what." "I could see how much you both mean to each other. But as far as I know. You will not be seeing him before you leave for California." "Excuse you?" "You heard me. You are not to see him at all."

"No. I have to to say goodbye to him." "No, you don't and you won't." "But-" "End of discussion!" I gave up. This is unbelievable. "Just be grateful he isn't going to jail." "Oh go suck a dick."

A/N: So who do you guys think the "person close to jay" is??? I remembered that I never really gave you guys any detail in who the second person was. So who do you think it is?

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