Just One Yesterday

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After the funeral, Me, Jules, Sal, and Bobby went to get some food. We went to Mcdonalds, well of course we went there, it's my favorite resturant. We stayed and talked about our friendship, talked about Jill, reminising.

I took Bobby home and then i went home. When i got home Matt and Mom were still at the kitchen table, staring at their laptops. Like they hadn't moved at all since i left. I went into the kitchen to get a water bottle out of the fridge. "How was the funeral?" Mom asked me. "You would know if you had gone" "Jay don't talk to your mother that way." Matt said to me.

"Didn't i tell you not to tell me what to do?" i said sarcastically to him.
"Don't talk to him that way, don't forget i'm marrying him!" my mom said to me. "I don't give a shit! You already know i don't approve of of this relationship, i told you that he hit on me and you didn't listen. You chose him over me!"

"i never hit on you!" matt yelled. "Yes you did, and mom if you believe him over me again, then you go fuck yourself!"
I ran upstairs and locked my door, i got a text from Eddie.

E: Hey
J: Hey
E: You gonna go on a date with me yet?
J: I don't think so.
E: Why not?
J: I just don't like you that way Eddie, you're like a brother to me.
E: Well doesn't seem like anybody else is asking you out.
J: What the fuck is that suppose to mean??
E: Nothing just don't talk to me anymore.

Well that was random and mean as fuck. I keep thinking to myself. I put on some pajama's and go to sleep.

The next morning i wake up early so i can go to the office before first period put on a blue shirt, my skinny jeans, and Combat boots. I grabbed my keys and hop into my car and get to school. I get there and head into the office. Mrs. Robinson was there. "Hey Mrs. Robinson" "Hey Jay, you know you're like 10 minutes early right?" "Yeah i know. I was wondering, is it possible to switch out of my gym class into tech ed?" i asked her.
"I believe it is, I don't know for sure though" She handed me a form. "Just get this form signed by your PE teacher and I will talk to the principal about it" She told me. "You could go get it signed now, Mr. Wentz is here" she said to me.
"Okay thanks"

I head down to the gym as i saw Pete walking down the hall. "Hi" he said to me. "Hi, can i talk to you in your room please?" I asked him. "Uh yeah sure" He unlocked his door. "I'd like to transfer out of your class" He just stared at me.
"Umm okay, look i understand where your coming from, but i just wish you could stay in the class?"

"Dude this isn't an easy decision, but i feel like its the right thing to do." "I can keep my feelings in check." "Well i can't" I assured him. "And even if i could, i wouldn't want to. It's hard to be in class, and see you do stretches and pushups, and have to call you Mr. Wentz" "I can't just pretend i don't know you"  I added.

"Okay i don't get, yesterday we were kissing in the church and now you wanna switch out of my class."
"You kissed me" I said as if I never wanted him to. I still have feelings for him, i don't want to have them, but i do. "Will you just sign this please?" I handed him the form. He signed it and I leave.

As i walk to my locker, i say to myself, "Don't look back, This is the right thing to do, Don't look back."

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