I Wanna Scream "I Love You" From The Top Of My Lungs

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Jay's POV

I woke up on the floor, not remembering how i got there. I tried to speak or even yell but i couldn't. My mouth was open but i couldn't get any words out. all i could do was mumble or moan, whatever you call it. I grabbed the doorknob and went out. It went black again.

Pete's POV

I hear moaning in the hallway. I went out and saw Jay fall backwards. I run up to her and she passed out.

"Jay wake up" i said shaking her. her eyes open but they close again. Everytime i say her name, they do the same thing. They won't stay fully open, they keep closing. "Jay wake the fuck up." I yelled. She wouldn't budge.

Her head then bursted up as if someone scared her in her sleep. She was sweating a lot. I tried to sit her up. She kept going in and out, as if she was falling asleep and her head kept going down.

"Jay look at me" "Huh?' she said as if she was really tired. I touched her forehead and noticed she was burning up. I grabbed a cold wet rag and put it on her forehead. "Jay what happened?" "I don't know" she said slowly. "I got out of the shower. It was as if black spots were going over my eyes and then i was on the floor." She kept talking slow as if she couldn't get her words out.

"We gotta go to the hospital" "No, I'm fine." "Jay something might be wrong with the babies" "Pete, I'm good." "We're going to the hospital Jay." "No we're not." "Do you know how stubborn you're being?" She got up slowly and held on to the banister to get back to the room. She laid back on the bed.

"Jay you're staying up" "I'm tired Pete." "Something might happen if you go back to sleep." "Come on. Let's go get something to eat." I helped her down the stairs and sat her on the couch.

I went into the kitchen to get her some food. I made her some of the extra pizza i had in the fridge and got made her some Tea. "Eat this" "Are you okay?" i asked her. "Yea I think i'm good" "Pete i don't think i can do this." "Do what?"

Jay's POV

"Pete i don't think i can do this" "Do what?" Pete said. "The baby, This Relationship" "What?" "It's too much, i can't have this baby." "I also can't be in this relationship anymore."

No matter how much i want to be in this relationship, i can't be in it. She or him or shim will attack me again. If they attack me they hurt the baby. Salvatore will do anything to get close to it and i can not let that happen. I love Pete. I do. I love more than anything, and i even love this baby. But i can't do it. I can't have this baby and i can't be with him.

"Jay You're lying right?" "I wish i was" "Are you fucking kidding?" he yelled "After everything you do this?" He yelled. He stood up frustrated. I stood up with him. "Break Up with me" "What?" he turned around. "Break up with me, Pete, I can't do it" "No Jay" "Do it!"

"No Jay. What i really wanna do is go to the top of a hill and scream 'i love you' from the top of my lungs." He pauses.

"But i can't do that because I'm afraid someone will hear me." He finally stops yelling. Tears fell down my eyes.

I grabbed my bag and jacket and left. I got into my car. As i was driving i saw a car behind me with their lights off. At night, No one would leave their lights off in chicago. This was only one person. I drove to the valley. I grabbed the flashlight out ot the glove compartment and went into the woods. I went back to where the first attack was.

"I know you're hear!" I yelled. "Come out!" I heard footsteps and leaves being stepped on. I saw a something black walking towards me. They stood about 10 feet away from me. "Show me who you are" They nodded their head no slowly. I moved towards the person a little. "Show me who you are" I said slowly. I ran towards them to try and knock them down, we both ended up on the ground. I quickly got on top of them. I punched them once.

"That's for Mimi" I yelled. I punched again. "That's for when you tried to kill me!" I tried to punch them again, but they punched me before I could. They ran away.

I ran after them, but they were already gone. I drove to Jules house.

"Hey" Jules said. "Hey your parents home?" "No they're on some trip" "oh"
"Something's wrong, I can tell by the look on your face." "That obvious?" "Yea, sit down What happened?" She said.

"I kinda broke up with Pete, and I don't think I should have this baby" "Why?" "I don't think I can do it, raise a kid."

"Jay, do you remember what the story my grandfather used to read to us when we were 4?" "Of course he would always talk in weird voices" "Yea I know anyway, what was that story about?" "I don't remember" I lied. "Fine then I'll remind you" she said. "It was about some animal, who was was different from all the others and he tried to do something and the others said he couldn't but he pushed himself and did it" She said.

"He believed in himself Jay, and you gotta believe in you."

Oh shit she got to me. It got me thinking about what Salvatore said about me not having guts. It annoyed me. It scares me thinking about getting rid of a kid.

"And about the Pete thing?" she said. "You guys obviously love each other, that doesn't come around a lot" "Do you love him?" She said.

"I do" "Then go to him" I hugged her. She always been there for me when I needed her.

We watched tv for a little while and then I left. I went back to Pete's. I knocked on the door. He opened it and stood there. He didn't say anything but he opened the door wider, which was saying come in.

He sat on the couch. I turned off the tv. I looked straight at him. "I'm sorry" "Pete what you don't know about me is that i push people away. That is what i tried to do to you and i am sorry. Trust me i dont wanna lose you" He looked at me.

"Come here" he said. I sat on his lap. "I love you" he kissed me. "I love you too" I kissed him again. " But Jay?" "Yeah?" "I really need you to get off me, you're killing me." I got off lap and sat on the couch.

I'm keeping the baby. I am also staying with Pete, no matter who's ass I gotta kick.

A/N: Don't know why but I really like this chapter. Now excuse me while I watch reruns of vampire diaries on Netflix.

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