Now or Never. Right?

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"Hi baby. I knew you'd come." He stands up and comes toward the door. "They said you wouldn't. But I knew you would." "I want to know why. Why me? Why did you pick me?"

"You love me."

I nodded negative multiple times. "No I don't. I hate you. Don't you get that? You are just a deranged, pathetic psycho. And I never ever want to see again. Ever. Okay?" I turn around to leave, getting a few steps in. "Then why'd you come?" He yelled. I stop. "Have I been in your head?" Flashbacks to prom, the time he raped me and the time he kidnapped me come to my head.

"You asked me to come on to you Jay. You stared at me in class all year long like a puppy dog because you wanted me. " I turn around. "You are wrong. I stared at you because you're the fucking teacher!" "Now we all know that you were thinking about me." "Not that way. Sure, everyone thought you were hot. But did i have want to have sex with you? Did I ever want you to rape me? Hell no." "Oh yeah?" His eyes go up and down at me. "Is that why you dressesd like that today? Those tight jeans to remind me of that nice ass you have. That shirt that shows off the top of your boobs." I grab my jacket and cover myself. I move away from the cell a little bit.

"Are you a tease Jay? By dressing sexy? Wearing those jeans. Wearing that shirt. Wearing that perfume. Making me ache for you and then saying no." "Stop." "Are you a tease? Jaylyn. Because that would be really disappointing." I step away from the cell. "I did not do this. You did this. " I start walking away. As I walk I hear. "No. You did this!" "Can I leave please?" I yelled looking for the guard. "You did this to me Jaylyn! It's all your fault! You did this!" The guard finally came to open up the door. "Tease!" I flip him off after I am finally let out.

I am out of the station and finding myself not being able to breathe. No. You will not have a panic attack today. Get ahold of yourself. In. Out. I breathe in and out and I find myself okay. I get into my car and start driving. As I get to a stop light, I look into the mirror. "Okay Jay. You'll do fine. No crying. No more being afraid. You'll graduate today. You will get on that plane and you will be fine. Okay?" This is the second time I have talked to myself today. What the hell is wrong with me? I hear a loud honk telling me to go.

I get back to my house and immediately I am ambushed when I get in. Of course by my father. "So where'd you go?" "None of your goddamn business." "Tell me where you went because if I keep thinking I know where you went, then I am calling the police on him right now." I turned around. "I went to go see Mr. Salvatore in jail. Happy now?" "Why'd you go to see him?" "Again, none of your business. Now excuse me, I'm going to go get ready for what is supposed to be one of the best days of my life. Bye now." "You have a visitor in your room."

Locking my door behind me, I see my best friend sitting on my bed. "You know, you could have at least called me so i knew you were okay." He said staring at me.  "Hi Mark." "Hi dickface. Are you okay?" "Yeah. A little pain here and there. But that's what pain killers are for." "You saw who did this to you?" I nodded and sat next to him. "It was my mom." "Wait. I thought your mom was dead." "So did I." "But why would she want to kill you?" "Let's just say, I had someone she wanted and she didn't like it. But I think she is out of town now, so I doubt they found her."

He had a worried look on his face. "It's okay. I'll be fine and I'm not even with who she wanted anymore so it's fine." Shit. His eyebrows went up. "It was Pete?" I took a sigh. "Yeah it was. Speaking of, how is he?" "He's hurting. To be honest. He was just waiting for this day so he could at least look at you." "Mark if I could have gone to go see him I would have bu-" "Yeah I know. Your dad will call the cops yadda yadda yadda and all that type of bullshit." "You still should have called me though. Do you know how worried I was? And what is this I heard about downstairs. You went to go see him in jail? Why would you even give that son of dick the time of day?" He was practically yelling now. "I just needed to talk to him. I'm never going to do it again." "Good." I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

"Thank you for being my best friend." "Anytime." "So, are you staying her while I get ready or no? Because I need help picking out what to wear for the party after." "I thought you were leaving right after?" "It's been changed too later on tonight." "Okay. I'll help you." I went into to my closet and pulled out a white dress. After putting it on int the bathroom, I came out. He breathed in. "What? Does it look bad?" "No. You look great boo."  I smiled.


Marisol stops the car and we are in front of the car. I look out the window and see every one in there cap and gowns. All smiling and jumping around. I smirk and get out of the car. Lisa comes over to the other side of the car where I am. We look at each other in out cap and gowns and smiled. Ryan comes out the car.

"You guys ready?" "Now or never right?" I said. "Right. Alright let's get a picture." He takes a picture of me and Lisa and we hurry up to get to our assigned place in line. I look around and see Zac. I run over to him and jump on his back. "Ugh! I'd know that much weight from anywhere." I jump off and hit him in the back of the head. "You calling me fat?" "Yup." "Ugh. Jerk." We both laughed. Someone taps me on my shoulder. "Hey Sal." "Hey. Everything go well with Salvatore?" "It's fine." "Good. I'm gonna miss you guys." I hugged him. "I'll miss you too." I look to the nearest person. "Um hey can you take a picture of the three of us?" She takes the picture and gives me my phone back. "Hey have you seen Jules?" "Um, no and I don't plan too. I'm gonna go get to my place in line. Talk to me after guys."

The clock ticks and ticks. The time comes closer to when we need to start walking into that building and become High School Graduates. Let's just get this over with. As we start walking I hear someone talk over the speakers. They open the doors. "Everyone please stand up, and welcome the class of 2015." We walk and I can't even here the music over all the clapping and yelling. I stop looking at the ground for a second. My head comes up and I keep walking forward. As I walk I look right at Pete. Right in front of me. Slowly Clapping. Sitting with the other teachers. My eyes on his. His eyes on mine. I get to my seat and I sit down. The principal gets up to speak. I turn around. I look straight at him and in his eyes I can see disappointment. "I love you." He mouths. I grin and I turn back around. Looking right at the principal behind the podium.

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