Jenny's Note

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Hey :-)

Been a long time since I put a note, right?

The story of Jane's point of view of how she met and found her freedom has finally ended.

This book has been the first ever that I finished so enthusiastically , although its the only book I finished.

Ah, it makes me so sentimental.

It took me nearly a year to finish this, imagine the others? Yeah, my drafts are full of books that I'm writing.

This story, I don't know if I should be proud or just disappointed. Because I have mixed feelings.

Jane's story, this has just been an over all recap of her life. You can see how I didn't focus on everything that seriously.

I didn't focus on the emotions and feelings either, I just couldn't get into making Jungkook believe Jane through my words because I knew I wasn't qualified to make you feel that emotion. I just showed the overall story of how Jungkook fell in love, Jane got her freedom, the boys got their first win, Koral got her family and how the story goes on later the book.

Jane has been a strong woman. Koral has been a strong woman.

I hope the characters I tried to portray has been delivered safely and hopefully to make myself and my book stay in your hearts.

Readers of my first ever book that finished, I really appreciate you. Even the silent readers, thank you for supporting me silently. I wouldn't be more grateful than this.

To the readers who reached out to me and messaged me, I'm very grateful to all of you, maybe because of those messages, I was able to keep on going with the book.

The book has finally came to an end. The next chapters of Jane's life remains to herself. She would like to keep it to herself and finish the whole book of her life ;)

And Clement, I feel like I haven't given him justice, I didn't let him move on but I did feel like his longing for Jane couldn't fade away over a span of months. I decided to let him have his time and move on when he wants to.
He has always been in love with Jane,  but maybe because of his stupid choices, he lost the treasure. Who knows, maybe he'll find his universe later.

Lisa is the Queen that came as a cameo and ended as the legend. Never knew I would add her in but I don't know regret it at all.

Koral And Taehyung has a family. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

The boys have their own girlfriends now.

Mother Of Jane, Park Jisoo is still being courted by Gonghyun if you don't mind. (◕દ◕)

And Jenny, the writer of this book, still decides to stay single because none of the boys deserve my ass at this moment, prolly because I'm still not ready for it.
(To tell the truth, they ain't Bangtan Sonyeondan that my ass who has high standards would fall for)

And again, thank you for reading this book. I love you all.

Love Or Die has Officially Ended-


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