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JANE'S p.o.v

Taehyung was still laughing, *sigh* I'm feeling embarrassed.

"Taehyung stop!" I yell and bury my head into his pillow.

He laughs louder to which I think echoed through out the house, "" He couldn't complete his sentence and burst out laughing again.

I told him all the experience I had, yesterday night and then the morning sight.  His hair wet, his abs wet , his towel soaked wet, his hair- stop.

I curled myself like a snail, he patted my lower back while still laughing, "Taehyung seriously stop." I groan.

He stops laughing and folds his lips to stop him from laughing again, I didn't bother peeking cause it was so easy to feel his actions. Still curled in a ball,I groan more louder, suddenly a voice chimes into the room "Hyung, what's with the lau-" the voice stops mid sentence, a voice so familiar.

I peek a bit to see the person, my eyes froze and I immediately sat up. The heat again crept into my cheeks like wild fire.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, eyes staring at me with a look that shouts Jealousy.

"Uhh, I -i" I couldn't form sentence but Taehyung's laugh shoots in the awkward moment.

"Jungkook, she told your abs were unholy and she thought you were ho-" I cut him by jumping infront of him covering his mouth. "Shut up!' I whisper yell and he still laughs muffled.

I look back at Jungkook to see him staring at me, "uhh jungkook you needed something?" I awkwardly ask while his eyes narrow.

Author's p.o.v

Jungkook was happy that Jane was talking about him, even though she didn't let him complete his sentence he already knew the meaning.

But he still couldn't identify why the hell would she be covering Taehyung's mouth like he was her boyfriend.

He walks towards her and taehyung, standing infront. He immediately scoops her into his form while she squeaks loudly.

"Jungkook, put me down!" She slaps his shoulder but he doesn't budge and walks out of the room leaving Taehyung with whistling and bursting 'ooooo's towards the two.

"Jungkook put me down!!" She slaps his shoulders again but to no Vail, he enters his room and sets her down on his table where he usually plays video games.

She tried to quail down but he doesn't let her, trapping both sides of her against the table, he leans in, "What were you doing in his room?"

She gulps down at the closeness, this nervousness was irritating her. What happened to the confidence when she called him 'daddy'? What happened to that confidence she had when she dared to wreck his hair?

She tries to act tough, crossing her arm ,head tilting up, "I was talking business."

Jungkook tried not to smile at her cuteness, "hm, talking business about my abs being unholy to your eyes, and how hot I looked half nake-"

She cuts him off by covering his mouth, in all of this she got so close to him she didn't notice, "Someone might hear. Specially Jin, he would not let me off easily if he knew I saw those...those unholy things." She whispered to him.

He smirks Under her hands, he slowly took her hands in his and kissed it, while she was blushing red. "So unholy in a good way or bad?"

Looking up at his eyes, she forgets about her mission. His eyes that showed full innocence and naive, he was letting his guard down for her. And she felt guilty, she had set that she will trap jungkook in a love game and run free. She knows that he will kill her on spot when he knows it, but if it means she has her freedom back even for a second, she was ready to take the risk. But right now, she was falling in her own trap. She is falling in love with her kidnapper.

"Jungkook, just what are you doing to me?" She thought loudly which startled him for a second before leaning in and grasping her waist closure to his posture.

"What am I doing to you?" He tilted his head, he liked to watch and stare at her that it was addicting, more addicting than drugs.

"I'm scared." She softly whispers. For second, all her life cycle moments flashed when she made eye contact with him.  She was scared to fall in love, after all she doesn't know anything about him. Dare she ask anything deep, she is scared that she will lose all this authority she is having now. Authority to touch him, to hug him, to like him or to even watch him.

"Why are you scared?" He asked, hugging her form,letting her cheeks rest on his chest.

She pulls away and maintains eye contact, "I'm scared that I may hurt you when you least expect it."

"Oh, so me being a mafia, you think you can hurt me?"  He teased.

She smiles, tears started pool her eyes but she stopped them from rolling down her cheeks. Sure she wasn't good at expressing her feelings, nor was he. She doesn't even know when she fell in love. Nor does he know.
It was difficult for her to hurt him, not physically but emotionally. She was so happy when he thanked her on his birthday, she was so happy when finally he was open to her but remembering that this is all a plan, she felt guilty. This plan started after jungkook's birthday, she felt that she was gaining trust, and therefore wanted to take advantage.

She was also scared to break Taehyung's trust.

"Hey, are you crying?" He asked, softly, gazing his thumb on her skin, she felt comfortable.

"Jungkook do you trust me?"

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