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Author's p.o.v

Jane was awkwardly sitting infront of the gangleader who looked hot effortlessly.

Jungkook was wearing a button up shirt, sleeves rolled up, ripped skinny jeans, exposed knee.

It didn't help the fact that his collarbone was visible due to not buttoning fully upside, and the moon also shone so brightly tonight that it was visible she was staring at him.

She slowly ate her fried rice as he feeded, "Why didn't you tell me?" He suddenly asked.


"Why didn't you tell me you never had a mother since childhood?" He modified his question.

She scoffed, not believing he'd ask that,
"You asking me this? Really? Everytime I try to talk to you , you ignore me, scoff at me, throw nasty lines at me. I greet you every morning, every night saying 'Good morning', 'good night' but you never replied. All you do is hate me, imagine yourself killing me slow but painful, all that goes through your brain ,isn't it?"

He was surprised at such a comeback, gathering himself up, he nodded, pocking his cheek with his tongue.

"Why do you care to feed me?" She asked, voice gone soft.

"Cause Taehyung hyung said to." He replied ,clearing his throat to dodge the question, he lied.

"Don't lie, if Taehyung wanted. He would be barging into the room, cheerfully looking at me with his innocent smile. Shaking me until I said yes to eat." She says, chewing on her food non interested.

But she immediately regretted it.

In an instant, she found herself pinned down on the bed. Jungkook towering over her, his legs between her thighs, his hands pinning her wrists against the bed.

"Do you want me to do those?" He asked , voice hoarse. Rough. All the thing was rough.

She gulped down her lump of food, staring at his eyes. Making eye contact for a very long time and then reply, "All I ask you is that, be the same you were, the way you were with your hyungs before I came here."

"Why do you want me to be like that?"
Another question.

His Cologne was sweet but rough, all she can do was silently sniff at him.

"Because..... because..." She had no words, all the things she wanted to sprout got stuck in her throat.

His neck veins popping, muscles flexing, his chest centimetres apart from her breasts.

"Because I don't know. I felt hurt when you didn't encourage my help and hard work. I felt hurt when you said those without knowing the whole me. And that's why I don't want to say anything about you either, scared that I may say something so wrong that it will come to a point where I had to beg for my life." She finally sighed, again.

He felt numb after hearing them, his heart said she was right, his brain said she was manipulating him.

He was in dilemma.
She was in daze.

After a long silence, all he had said was.....

"You should sleep. Goodnight."

 LOVE or DIE • J.JK FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now