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I was talking with Taehyung and Jimin when Koral came into the Theatre room looking at us with a indifferent look.

She seemed odd, like she acted odd after the breakfast ended.
Is she hiding something?

Just after seeing Koral, Taehyung jumped in happiness and called her like a child wanting his candy.
But a very different look was on him, somewhat of a heart eye.

He seemed more cheerful than usual..
Not that I'm complaining,it is calming that Taehyung is back to being the goofy self, the smiling and enjoying one. But this time, the aura is different. Love?

"Koral come and sit!" He shouted and she just glared at him. What is wrong with her?

She quietly came and sat down next to me, taking a book from the stand and reading it with a pout.

"Whats wrong Koral? Why are you acting like that?" I ask and she glares at me too. What the heck is wrong with her?

"I seriously hate girls who get angry for no reason.." Jimin sighed and taehyung hit his laps making him groan, "what are you talking about? Maybe mood swings. Don't talk, you have your mood swings too." Taehyung snapped back like a boy defending his girlfriend.

"Woah I can't believe.." with that Jimin left the room while shaking his head.

"Whats the matter?" I turn towards Koral, with a serious face. She rolls her eye at me and then looks at me dead in the eye then glaring at Taehyung behind me who is innocently looking at her.

"Whats the matter? Jane you should ask yourself that. Whats the matter with YOU. This is not your home, not our house. We need to go back, uncle is worried." She yells at me. She yelled me. She YELLED at me?

I ignore that fact and look at her, scoffing.
"Him and worried? Never in my fucking life have I ever seen him show sympathy to me and he would be worried about me?"

Taehyung interrupts, "woah woah, girls don't fight. It's not good to fight."

But Koral just..."you shut up. You're no one to say anything in this. She is my cousin sister infact younger than me and she should listen to me. Taehyung don't even play the saint here , you're nothing but a stranger to both me and Jane." She spits and I nearly slapped her.

"KORAL!" I yell and she flinched.

"What? Did I say anything wrong? Isn't he a stranger?" She rubbed in.

I was going to stand up but Taehyung's hold was stopping me, "Koral, stop it. You don't know him, in fact he is more better than you. He was the one who helped me stay here safely and don't you dare say he is a stranger. He is like my brother. I swear if you play the ' you're choosing him over me' card. Because it's not like that, I said that because right now in this situation and place you're the stranger here. This is not your house or home. So respect the owner, you're just a guest."

She scoffs and folds her arm, "You really are defending him?  You wanna fight with me just for this boy? Seriously? I can't believe it. I guess you're right, I'm just a guest and you are too. So let's go back and snitch them up to your father then we will surely get praised. You've always wanted to get praised by him so here's a chance, we can just tell your father their address and then we might get praised by him. So be happy."

Koral, I'm disgusted of you. You're still thinking about your post.

"Koral, stop talking before I forget who you really are to me. I can't even tell how much I'm disgusted you would think like that. I got their trust with my own trust at stake, and I don't intend to break it ever.  You, are you on my side or my father's?" I say and she looks at me surprised.

"Honestly, I'm surprised. I never thought my sister who basically grew up with me and was the only bestfriend would ever say things to me like that. You know what, save it. I'm going back. And I'm gonna tell all the press about this."

"Koral, don't you dare" Taehyung threatens and she just flicks it off.

This was our first fight. Our first fight and was not a bicker it was a real damn fight about trust and betrayal.

"Koral, think before you speak. Remember that once you do this, I'll never forgive you." I say, looking at her with clenched fist and she turns towards me.

"Jane, you're really a nasty girl. I never thought that just because you love one of them, you would forget about the old ones. I can't think about it, I am going from here."  She says and leaves the room.

I tried to run after her but was stopped by Taehyung.
"Let her go, let's see how far she can get without getting lost."

 LOVE or DIE • J.JK FF ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora