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We all were eating, the boys were really talkative. While I had no one to talk to.

I seriously doubt if they are Mafians.
Because they could even lie, I don't think they are The UK group. I have heard all the horrible things they've done and now they all are like kids bickering at the dining table. The only one who was not bickering was Yoongi, he was sitting by my side.

"Ssh, do they always fight like this?" I ask him ,whispering.

"Yup, you have to get used to this" he replied.

"I seriously doubt if you all are Mafians, if you were then you all would be torturing me until I screamed my lungs out" I say.

"Well the torture hasn't started yet" he smirked.
My eyes widen. So first they are going to treat me nice then the torture. Oh hell I have to get free.

"What are you two talking?" Jungkook asked, staring down at me.

I will admit, I felt small under his gaze.

"I was asking questions to yoongi" I replied.

"Am I not visible that you have to ask him?" Another arrogant question.

"Well I would have asked you, if you were not busy fighting ladies who got 50% off sale for food." I state.

The person beside me tried to hold his laugh.

"Damn she is nice" he whispered.

I could hear it.

"Oh well if you weren't"

"Cat got your tongue?" I crossed my arms again.

When I did, he gulped down his food harshly.

He was looking down, I followed his gaze. He was looking at my chest.

I immediately let loose and turned for my food.
"Pervert.." I muttered.

"Well little girl, he is the second pervert after Jimin..." Yoongi said to me, only for us to hear.

I widen my eyes, the mochi faced is a pervert more than jungkook?

"I can't believe it.." I whispered.

"Can you two stop whispering!?" A yell broke from the bunny.

We all flinched.

"What now?" I asked groaning.

"Kook just tell if you're jealous. You don't need to yell, my eardrums might blow" Yoongi got back to eating his food after saying.

"Hyung, I'm not jealous. She is annoying what can I do? But little lady from tomorrow you gotta wake up early at 5, run for hours. Around 20 laps across our training area." He stated.

20 laps!? Has he gone crazy?

"Are you crazy?20 laps? I don't even know how big your training area is. 5 in the morning, nope not doing that." I say,putting my chopstick down.

"You little lady, you're kidnapped. You're not some princess that we would do anything you want. Also don't try to run" he said more.

"Why would I run? Isn't it obvious? You all are group of Mafians, they have security panels, and your minions would be around the ground. I know" I flicked my hair in proudness instead I heard a scoff.

"We are not like other groups, we don't have minions like others do. We were seven from the start and we will be seven till the end. And no, we don't have security panels, or any security passwords to break through", Namjoon answered.

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