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TW~ Panic, mentions of blood, death, gore, gun

Flashes... That's what he was seeing. Constant flashes. Blood, a sword... fire and sand. Screams... Just never-ending screams. An arm covered in blood outstretched as if begging to be held... A broken crown. That's what he saw every single night...

Something bad was going to happen... something very bad. He's seen Remy and Emile die in a car accident over and over. It was obvious that was a vision of the future. Remy and Emile were destined to get into a crash. But what was that other part of the vision... Who was that on the ground? Who was reciting that spell?

The world flashed around Thomas making him have to guard his eyes. He heard the sound before he ever managed to see it. The sound of something tumbling harshly. Thomas felt his whole body go cold as he slowly looked up to see the body before him. He couldn't stop the scream that ripped through him at the sight.

Remus laid there at his feet, neck twisted at an obscene amount. Bruising and blood covered his skin with all the broken bones and lacerations from the fall. Thomas couldn't breathe. He just stood there completely frozen as he stared into those cold dead eyes. The world shifted like a storm, flurrying around him until everything was gone and he found himself standing in this hallway. 

Thomas tensed as he heard the sound of a fight. Already he could guess what was about to happen... First Remy and Emile... Now Remus and... There was a gunshot and Thomas's face paled as he pushed this door open to see Janus against the wall of his dressing room, a hole in his chest. No. NO! Why is everyone dying?! WHY?!

He didn't even get time to freak out about Janus's death before plummeting into the black again and finding him in this ally. His expression was blank spotting the gray cardigan in the mud. Thomas didn't even blink as he stepped over the obvious warning, following the sounds of a scream that blasted through his ears.

He stopped only as he came to this old building. The only thing he could think of at this point as he stared down at the battered bodies of his friends below him... was at least Logan and Patton died together. 

They all died... each and every one of them are destined to die. Why? Wait... ROMAN?!

"NO!"  The familiar sounds of screams filled Thomas's ears as he found himself in that unsettling black. He felt numb. As if everything had finally beaten him down. "No. Not gonna happen. YOU AREN'T GOING TO DIE, DAMN IT!"  How exactly was he supposed to do anything about this? His visions were of things he could not affect. They were merely a warning of what could happen. Sure they were never exact but... He's seen the same thing so many times... At this point, it was clear just what exactly his dreams were telling him."YOU CAN'T DIE! Don't leave me. Don't... I won't let you die on me." His heart broke for them all but... more so than anything... "SOMEONE HELP ME GOD DAMN IT! Please? Please, don't die. Please, you can't leave me like this. You can't leave me alone. I need you. I love you. PLEASE?!" His heart broke for Virgil, as he would lose them all over again and there was nothing they could do to stop it all. "Please? Please. Please. Please... Don't go. Don't leave me... I..."

"Virgil, come on!" Thomas bolted upright at the sudden sound of Roman yelling out down the hall. "Don't just ignore me, Love. Please? Talk to me?"

"Leave me alone, Roman! I'm fine!" Virgil teleported out of the house before Roman could say anything. He couldn't take it anymore. Anytime he saw his love all he could see was him so covered completely in blood. It broke him every time. He felt like he was going crazy. He had to be right? He was imagining his love... his friends all as corpses. His mind wouldn't relent. He just couldn't take it anymore. He was going mad. Of course, he was... he was already crazy... it was only a matter of time before it started to really catch up.

"Virgil, please?" Virgil flinched as he looked behind him to see Roman on the verge of tears. Of course Roman knew where he had gone. The darker prince just huffed as he turned away trying to avoid looking at Roman at all. "Love, I..." Roman grimaced as he forced himself to lean against the porch fencing with a very ragged breath, only just managing to make Virgil tense up in concern. "Please talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk abou-..."

"I can't do this, Virgil. Don't..." Roman cut himself off as he gripped the wooden banister so tight it started to splinter. "I can't go through this again." Virgil frowned as he finally looked up to see just how much pain we're in Roman's eyes as he stared off towards the road. "You're pushing me away again, refusing to talk to me. I can... I can hear you... you t-telling me t-to leave. Th-That you... you..." Virgil's eyes softened at the first tear that started to fall from his love's eyes. "I know you're scared. I can tell. I can feel it. Something is wrong but you won't tell me anything. I'm scared, Virgil." Virgil's breath completely left him as Roman met his gaze with such heartbreak. "I'm scared you're going to push me away completely again."

"No. I'd never..."

"You won't talk to me." Virgil clamed up as Roman's pain only visibly got worse. "The last time you pushed so adamantly was when Eva had gotten in your head... you ended our engagement because of it. Virgil, I can't lose you."

"You aren't going to ..."

"Then why won't you talk to me? Why do you keep pushing me away?" Roman whined as he moved one of his hands away from the wooden banister revealing just how much damage his strength had caused as he reached out towards Virgil. "Please, explain it to me, because I am losing my mind."

"I... I-I don't..." Virgil blinked as Roman just laughed so brokenly and let his hands rest over the banister again. "I don't know."

"Virgil, I'm scared. With everything that's happened to the both of us... I just don't know what to do for you. I don't know how to help you when you won't let me." Virgil sighed as he leaned his back against the railing listening to how quiet his love spoke. "First it was the nightmares... and then... then episodes during the day... panic attacks... and now you hardly ever even look at me. You avoid everyone. You're avoiding me! I just... I don't know what happened. I won't ever know how to help you... if you don't let me in."

"It really is Eva all over again... isn't it?" Virgil whispered so quietly making Roman flinch bad.

"Don't say that. Please? Don't say that." Virgil smiled sadly as Roman ended up crashing against the railing. "Don't say that because Eva... she... You... You broke up with me. You kicked me out. You-..." Roman jumped only to melt completely as Virgil took his hand into his. Roman's bright glowing white eyes showing just how lost in his emotions he really was. "I made you a promise. I won't ever leave you so... please... please don't ever leave me. Let me help you. Let me in?"

"I don't want history to repeat." Virgil choked out as tears burned his eyes. "I don't want it to be like before." Roman sighed softly as he held his arms out letting Virgil slam himself into his embrace trembling horribly. "I don't want to feel like this."

"Talk to me, Virgil. I promise you... I will never let you go. No matter what, we'll go through it together. Please?" Virgil nuzzled into Roman, losing himself into the calming warmth his soulmate let out before just breaking down completely.

"I feel like I'm going crazy." Roman's eyes flashed as he held Virgil tighter. "I keep seeing flashes... Of everyone dying... nightmares of it all. It won't ever stop."

"It's ok. I know what that's like. It doesn't mean your going crazy. We've been through a lot. It's understandable."

"Roman, I'm seeing you dead!" Roman tensed up badly. So bad in fact, Virgil could literally feel how stiff Roman had gotten. "You... You're just covered in blood... st-stabbed and I... I can't... I can't take it anymore." Roman swallowed his pain, eyes dazed and dull, as he carefully held Virgil tighter against him. "I'm going crazy. I have to be. I have to be."

"It's not your fault." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman whispered oh so quietly, almost as if not wanting Virgil to hear him. "It's not your fault." Virgil honestly didn't know for what Roman was trying to reassure him about. "I promise you... none of it your fault."

"I'm scared, Roman."

"I know, Baby." Roman hummed softly as he pressed a kiss to Virgil's hair. "I know, but I've got you. You're not alone anymore. We'll get through this together."

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