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"NO!" Roman jumped up screaming as his heart raced. Tears fell from his eyes like endless waterfalls as once again... He didn't feel quite in control of himself. That dream had him reeling. He standing there what looked like a throne room as Virgil told him to leave. He could literally feel his heartbreaking. And no matter how much he cried out... how much he screamed for Virgil not to do this... how much he pleaded to just say one fucking word so that Virgil could hear his thoughts... Roman just stood there as Virgil told him to get out. In his dream, he wasted no time packing all the things he wanted... which honestly wasn't much. He didn't care about anything but the rings Virgil told him to take with him. He would have left it, but he was scared Virgil would've thrown them away. Roman woke up the moment the dream him reached the motel and just broke down. 

"Roman?" The man frowned as he watched himself slowly get up and go to the door. He didn't know exactly why he was moving. He hadn't wanted to get up. Even still, he opened the door only to frown seeing Thomas standing there with a very sad look. "I take it, Virgil didn't come back last night?"

"I don't estimate Virgil coming back this time." Thomas's eyes narrowed in confusion as Roman just cocked his eyebrow looking slightly annoyed. "Erat semper amica mea pertinax arbitrii. Erat unus de tantum dilexit me sunt."

"Roman?" The man just stood there with an empty and tired look as Thomas looked him over in concern. "What did you just say?"

"I don't estimate Virgil will come back. He said he didn't want to see me." Roman's eyes fell even more as he sighed as shook his head. "Now, if you excuse me, I'd very much like to be alone and wallow in heartbreak in peace." Roman went to close the door only for Thomas to stop him making Roman once again cock an eyebrow in confusion. If he really wanted to, nothing could stop Roman from closing the door. 

"Roman Grave's, what the hell you mean 'heartbreak'?"

"Graves?" Roman frowned as he shot Thomas a highly confused look. "My name is Hast..." Roman gasped as something just snapped in him. Thomas rushed in helping him to stand as Roman tried to get a grip on himself. He blinked several times before shaking his head and laughing in spite of himself. "Shit."

"Roman? Are you ok?" Roman smiled softly as he nodded wincing slightly at the headache he had.

"Yeah. I'm good. I don't what that was." That only made Thomas frown more as Roman let out a shaky breath. "I'm sorry for scaring you, Tommy."

"I'm more concerned about you, Roman. What did you mean heartbreak? And... You spoke like this had happened before." Roman's eyes darkened as he frowned with confusion. 

"I told you, I don't know what happened. I'm just as confused, Thomas. But... One thing I will say is... I really do want to just be left alone today." Thomas sighed as he pulled away with a guilty look. "What?"

"We're going to the zoo today, Ro." 

"Oh." Roman carefully moved back to the bed with this off look to his eyes. 

"You really don't look to good. Why don't I ask Emile to stay with you? He might be able to help you with whatever it was that happened?" Roman quickly shook his head shooting Thomas down as he smiled.

"I couldn't do that to Remy. It was Remy's idea for the zoo. Taking his soulmate away now would just be heartless." Roman joked as he waved Thomas off. "Don't worry, I'm fine."


"I know, I can't be alone." Roman shrugged as he glanced over to see Virgil's bed untouched. "I figured after what just happened you'd revoke privileges. I've been under your care for a long while Thomas. I know the drill."


"Just let me get ready ok?" Thomas stopped and just nodded as Roman smiled up at him. "I'll meet you all in a few then." Roman watched as Thomas started to leave only for his mind to haze again just as a question formed in his mind. "Hey, Sanders?" Thomas froze up on the spot with wide eyes as he looked back to see Roman with dulled eyes again. "Do you know where Virgil is?"

"Honestly, Roman?" Roman's eyes narrowed as Thomas nodded. "I told him he could go home if he wanted to." 

"Oh." Thomas smiled sadly as he watched Roman look back over at the bed. "Like I said... Qui in ipso est quis pertinax."

"Right. I do not understand what you just said at all. What language is that? It didn't sound like Spanish." Roman's eyes narrowed as shot Thomas this look.

"It's Latin." Thomas's eyes went wide as Roman just rolled his. "Est patria lingua mea."

"I thought you only knew Spanish." 

"When did I say that?" Thomas just shook his head as he tried to file his confusion away for another time.

"Nevermind. Just get ready. I'll see you in a few Roman." Roman simply just sat there as he watched Thomas walk out the door. His eyes went back to the bed and he sighed. 

"He went back home, huh?" Roman laid himself back as tears fell from his eyes. "Had to go all the way back home just to avoid seeing me. Why are we back to this, Virgil? Didn't I tell you that I would never leave you?" His tears fell harder as slowly shook the haze away making Roman frown as the headache got worse. "I just wanted you to feel comfortable with me. Hadn't I proven you could trust me?" Roman pushed himself up ignoring the way the room spun as he pushed himself into the bathroom to get ready.

He didn't understand the flashes he was seeing. The moments of time that flitted past his mind made no sense to him. He didn't understand the deja vu. He didn't understand what was happening to him at all. Those moments where he didn't feel in control... where his body moved and spoke without a single thought. He just didn't understand it. There was only one thing he knew for damn sure about this whole mess...

"I love you, Virgil." ... his heart was broken. "Why can't you just let me in?"

The Timeless PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora