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TW~ Panic

"WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?!" Roman sat there curled up on the couch, shaking as he tried not to burn the whole place down. Virgil sat beside him with a sad look in his eyes as Roman whimpered. "They should be back by now. They said they were just going to the store. Why aren't they back by now?"

"I know you're scared, Love, but try to breathe."

"Virgil, please... please, I can't..." Virgil smiled as he leaned Roman into him ignoring the fact that it felt like he was touching fire, and just gently rubbed the other's arms. "They aren't back yet. The store isn't that far away. What if they were attacked? Thomas saw them dead in some random building. What if we never see them again? WHAT IF..." Roman tensed up at the sound of Virgil humming a soft tune before his eyes shot wide and he whimpered. He remembered that song. Virgil was humming the song he used to sing all the time to him when he was having an attack. He couldn't help but melt into his love as Virgil continued to sing. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry." Virgil didn't respond. He just continued to sing until the front door finally opened to reveal two very dirty and tired men, and Roman jumped up instantly with anxiety. "What happened?"

"Now, kiddo-..."

"Don't you DARE kiddo me. You were gone for HOURS!" The two flinched as Roman growled angrily. "What the hell happened? You look horrible. You were attacked, weren't you? Fuck!"

"Roman, please breathe." Logan held his hands up only for the other to snap.

"STOP TELLING ME TO BREATHE DAMN IT!" Roman yelled out, causing all the lights to go haywire for a few seconds. He groaned as he ran a hand through his hair, noticing how the others all ran into the room, no doubt because of the yelling. "Please... just tell me what happened."

"Yes..." Logan sighed as he glanced over at Patton to see the sad look on his face. "Patton and I were in fact attacked." Roman growled as he clenched his fists but otherwise remained quiet. The others slowly gathered around Logan and Patton, as Virgil just watched from behind Roman, still seated on the couch. "They attempted to lure us in this old building where several people were armed in some way."

"How..." Thomas crashed as he looked the two over seeing how tired and dirty they truly were. "How did you manage to get out of that?"

"We..." Logan started only to stop as he glanced over at Roman with apprehension.

"We planned everything out." Patton finally cut in seeing how Logan didn't finish his sentence. "The two of us went over everything we could to plan out several battleplans for when we were attacked."

"Wait... for when? You're talking as if you expected this-..." Roman frowned as Patton just gave him a nod. "No... No, you were supposed to be trying NOT to get attacked and planning for just in case."

"Roman, we went out there tonight specifically to put a target on us." That was what finally broke the prince. Logan sighed sadly seeing how Roman visibly just crashed on them all. "We both realized that we were all being targeted anyway and with no real way of knowing who was getting attacked when... It's safer to focus all our attention on protecting one person, with no information on... then on three separate people, with differing information."

"You... You wanted... to get attacked." Roman seemed to just stand there frozen before finally snapping and running at them both. Remus was quick to hold his brother back as the poor prince just screamed. "ARE YOU INSANE?!"

"I assure you we are not." Roman growled as he just let Remus tug him back, as to not accidentally hurt anyone, all while Logan just spoke with a sad yet stern lilt to his voice. "We knew what we were doing."

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