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Roman knew they had to get going. Thomas wasn't going to get to angry that the two of them had gone back home. Not after everything that happened but they hadn't packed any of they're stuff, so it was all still in the hotel room waiting for them. The issue was... Virgil's hidden room.

Roman stood there in just his shorts glancing around as Virgil slept. His eyes darted about everything in a flood of dizzying emotions. He was far too concerned over Virgil to really notice everything. But... Virgil actually had a lot. Not everything. The room was far to small for that but... He still had a bit. Roman walked around only to stop dead, eyes wide as he stared at his old uniform.

"How he could have possibly gotten this restored..." Roman chuckled as he carefully opened the glass viewing box and let his fingers trail the white cloth. The sash responded instantly, glowing runes seemed to shine through the fabric in response to his touch and Roman melted. "Shit, it really is mine. For a second I..." He thought maybe Virgil had gotten it copied or something. You can't copy that.

"Of course it's yours." Roman jumped quickly shutting the box out of reflex and making Virgil laugh who was leaning against the door. "I never make fakes."

"It's just... Virgil... It's been forever."

"2,000 years." Roman's eyes darkened as Virgil smiled.

"Oh, hun... It's been way more than that." 

"I know. It's just what I latch onto because I can't remember... and it's been 2019 years since the start of A.D." Roman nodded with a sad look as Virgil sighed as started over. "Roman, what's wrong?"

"You've been alive this... entire time?" Virgil paused as Roman shook his head. "You've been here for... all of it... All those years. And where have I been... dead. I've been dead."

"Roman, I'm ok."

"No, you're no..." Roman's eyes met with this one trinket and his rage burn through him instantly. Virgil faltered seeing the flames ignite in his love's eyes. "The fuck... is that here?" Virgil frowned in confusion following his gaze only to frown as his eyes caught sight of the small tiara sitting there on one of the tables. "Virgil?" Roman's voice had an obvious venom. A venom so clear it made Virgil shiver. "That's hers. Why is that here? Why..." Roman growled as he started to pace feeling his anger start to wrap around him like a rope digging and burning into his skin. "Can't... Fuck! I hate her so much!"


"I'm sorry." Roman whined as he gripped his arms tightly. "I just... I'm still me. I'm still... Hastings AND Graves." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman curled into himself. "She pisses me off so fucking much. I hate her. I hate... h-hate... her..." Roman's eyes shot open fire burning around him as Virgil crashed. "I can't... I can't. Shit."

"Roman, breathe." Roman whined as he hugged himself tighter. Virgil frowned as he slowly inched closer only making Roman growl to make him stop. Virgil sighed as he just shook his head. He knew what was wrong. It's happened with him before. Whenever Roman's anger get to much his power takes over and he can't calm down. It's like a panic attack in a sense but at the same time... not. Roman Graves had intense firey anger that burned through him all the time. 

"You shouldn't have that. That BITCH fucked you over. That... Fuck, I hate her." Virgil shot him a look and Roman grumbled angrily. "I fucking hate her. VIRGIL, SHE MADE YOU... She..." Roman clammed up as everything died down instantly. His eyes fell to the floor as tears pricked in them. "She hurt you." Virgil took his arms with a soft smile. "I don't... like that you have it. She was horrible. She hurt you. She..."

"Is Thomas's ancestor." Roman tensed as Virgil raised a brow at him. "I legally can't get rid of it. It's not mine. It's his... I just don't really want to give it to him."

"Why do you even have it to begin with? You should have left it where you found it... or better yet... burned it." Roman's voice growled out as his fire reacted with the burn. "Why, Virgil? She hurt you... She... She m-made you..." Virgil frowned as Roman just shook his head again. "I'm sorry. I just can't... Thinking about her... I get so angry. I can't stand that she hurt you. She killed all of us, Virgil. She... She's a fucking monster."

"She's dead, Roman." Roman curled into his love as Virgil smiled. "It's been over 2000 years. She's dead... and she's gone."

"I want to burn it." Virgil deflated with a laugh as he walked over and picked it up smiling. "I want to destroy it. I want to..." Roman's eyes shot wide as Virgil held it out to him. "Wait..."

"Go ahead." Roman's eyes flashed instantly as he took it. Fire erupted in his hands wrapping around the tiara only making him crash in realization. Virgil nodded with a pained look. "You can't destroy it. That's why I have it, Ro. Did you really think she wouldn't protect it?"

"Welp, back to plan A." 

"What?" Roman smiled as he stormed out of the room making Virgil pale. "ROMAN!"

"If we can't destroy it..." Roman hissed before walking himself outside and grinning. He set himself up before flat out whipping it out through the air, sending it flying off into the distance, his super strength carrying it far far away. "... then it does not stay here. Let it rot in a volcano or something."

"Roman Asher Hastings!" Roman literally beamed as he spun around with his joyous look making Virgil freeze up. His eyes narrowed in confusion as Roman just laughed. 

"You said my name." Virgil's eyes narrowed more as Roman rolled his. "My... My whole name, Virgil. My whole name from... from back then."

"Well, it is your name." Virgil was confused. Roman could see that but he was just so happy.

"Virgil... You said my complete name. It's been so long since I've heard it... especially from you. I just... It hit me. It just... hit me that... You..." Before Virgil even realized what had happened he was in Roman's arms as the other shook slightly just overwhelmed. "We're back. Or well... I'm back. It hit me that I finally had you with me again. That I have you... and that you knew it was me."

"I love you, Roman." Roman seemed to break down completely sobbing into Virgil the second those words left the older's lips. "I love you, Amica mea."

"I... I-I..." Roman held him tightly as he sputtered and laughed through his tears. "Te amo quoque angelum meum tenebris. Amo te tam multo!" Virgil just laughed as he held his husband close, practicly glowing with happiness. "Ne umquam obliviscatur. Te amo. Ego autem semper, amore."

"Oh, Hun. I'm never going to forget that." Virgil giggled as he teleported them both out and back to the hotel before Roman could even blink. He pulled away with a smile as he brushed Roman's tears away. "We're soulmate, Roman. I could never forget that."

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