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"So what are you doing here, Sam? Where're the oldies?" Sam laughed as Virgil nudged him a bit. By this point, all three of them were walking down the pathway just chatting. Roman bought the kid a cone and Virgil got some soda as they all talked.

"Ma's around here somewhere and dad, he's uh..." Virgil tensed seeing the way Sam's eyes went dark. "He's on his way to the hospital." Virgil froze up instantly startling Roman who could easily see the panic setting in the smaller one. Virgil gulped down his anxiety as he tried to laugh the fear off.

"Why's he going there... What he'd do? Give himself a heart attack drinking so much of that crappy choco coffee he likes so much?" Sam only shook his head making the pit in Virgil's chest worse. "Sam, what's going on? Why is Aaron going to the hospital?" Virgil's hands were shaking and Roman's twitched wanting to comfort him but both remained still as Sam just sighed. "He isn't hurt is he?"

"No, not dad." Virgil let out a shaky breath as Sam started to tear up only making Virgil lose his breath again. "Grandma Mel is dying." This burst of energy tumbled through the space as Virgil's eyes started glowing brightly. Both the other two felt the surge of power as Virgil hovered slightly above the ground. "Virgil?"

"How long does she have?" Sam frowned seeing the pain Virgil was in as Roman drew the boy's attention to him. 

"Not long. This last bout of cancer has really taken over. Virgil..." Sam turned back to the darker on only to frown more as tears built up in Virgil's eyes. "You should probably see her."

"Virgil, do you want to go see her? Roman tried too but Virgil wasn't reacting. It was even worse than the last time Virgil shut down. "Virgil?" Sam could feel Virgil's pain and he sighed looking over at Roman who was obviously worried. "Virgil..."

"He used to be really close with Grandma Mel. He said so himself but..." Sam frowned as Roman looked back over at the boy. "He hasn't seen them in so long. Not her or dad..."

"Aaron!" Roman flinched hearing the absolute pain in Virgil's eyes as the darker one dropped to his knees taking Sam's hands. "Sam, please... How is he? How is he taking it?"

"About as well as he could be, this is his mother, Virgil." Sam offered the darker on a smile feeling just how Virgil was reeling. "You should visit. I just know she would love that."

"Of course, I..." Virgil's eyes darkened as all his fears started to creep up again. "I-I would love to b-but I don't think..."

"Don't worry, Virgil." Virgil looked overseeing Roman smile so softly at him that his chest started to hurt. "I don't think Thomas would ever say no to this."


"SAM!" The young boy spun around seeing this woman calling for him and Virgil's eyes darkened even more. Penny... Sam's mother. Penny's eyes went wide as she looked over at them. Virgil looked away quickly shaking his head. 

"You should go, Sam." 

"Just... Just wait here a minute. Please?" Virgil narrowed his eyes but nodded anyway, watching as Sam ran off. He just hugged his hoodie even tighter feeling the air move around him as he started to hover even higher with nerves. So much higher, Virgil freaked and grabbed Roman's hand again so that he didn't fly off unexpectedly. 

"It's going to be ok, Virgil." Virgil looked over to see Roman smiling at his as Virgil slowly touched the ground again. "I promise you'll see her." Virgil narrowed his eyes as Roman laughed. "Even if I have to drag you there myself. Rule number 3 right... I intend to keep my promises."

"If Thomas says no, are you really saying you'd go behind his back?" Roman tensed as Virgil looked away. "Didn't think so."

"Virgil, I will do whatever it is I have to." Virgil finally let his hand drop as he stared over at his other. He was extremely grateful for his black gloves right now. He's touched Roman now what? 5 times? Virgil teared up as he slowly took off his one glove, making Roman concerned. Part of his really wanted to... well, no. He wanted his Roman. He wanted that familiar electricity that tore through him with every touch. He wanted his soulmate. Virgil clenched his ungloved hand so tightly as he hugged his hoodie around him tighter, putting his glove back on with a frown. "Virgil, why don't we go ask him now?"

"Wait, what?!" Roman frowned as Virgil shook his head and looked back over at Sam who was now pointing at them. "I can't, Princey. No... I... I can't go."

"Why not?" Virgil's eyes darkened as Roman bit his lip anxiously. "You don't have to tell me Virgil but... I feel I should say that... I think you should go." Virgil frowned as he looked up to see Roman's sad expression. "You might not get another chance."

"I can't, R..." Virgil groaned as he shook his head and sighed. "I want to. I really do, but... I can't. She won't want to see me. If I go it'd just cause issues."

"If you care about her, Virgil, then go say goodbye." Virgil tensed as Roman stepped away to give him some space. He didn't know why but he didn't want Roman to move away. He wanted the man to hold him... to comfort him. "It won't take all the pain away but if you don't you'll just regret it later." Virgil let out a shaky breath as he looked over to see Sam giving them a thumbs up and his eyes fell. "Please, Virgil?"

"O-Ok..." Roman beamed as he started to walk off only for Virgil to take his hand again making him freeze up. "Don't... Don't leave me." Roman's eyes sot wide as Virgil shook. "I don't want to be alone."

"I won't, Virgil. We can go find Thomas together." Roman couldn't stop the smile he had as Virgil nodded and let him lead him off. 

"Thank you, Princey."

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