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(This is just going to be a shit ton of back to back flashbacks and flashback inception so... yeah bear with me lolz. Also if the last one really really got to you sorry about that. Lolz and warning there is going to be more heartbreaking events... Also, this is NOT present time. This is like a century or so before the present time.)

God only knew how many years later and... Virgil had found out the truth. A promise doesn't mean shit if you can't actually keep it. Roman had promised to never EVER leave him but here he was at a bar all alone... again. Virgil's eyes narrowed as he rubbed the rim of his glass repetitively. He didn't understand why he even came here, to begin with. His curse made it so he couldn't get 'injured'. Which mean's his liver can't... not work. His mind can't be damaged... Alcohol can only give him a slight buzz nothing more so there really isn't a fucking point to drinking.

He sighed as he got up and left. He wasn't in the mood to deal with any of this anymore. He'd lived through so much. When Roman and the others died he couldn't stay. He... He found himself just moving from place to place. He found a small cottage in a kingdom far far far away and just stayed there. He worked there to help the poor family. He cared for the children, cooked, and cleaned but... eventually, he had to leave again. 

There were many times the towns he stayed at got raided. He tried to protect as many as he could but... There is only so much a traumatized man can do when faced with the possibility of losing everything again.

Virgil groaned as he wrapped his coat around himself more. It's midwinter and this moron decides he's going to walk the whole way back to his place. He could have tried to take a carriage but he really didn't feel like it. He didn't feel like going home much either.

"Virgil?" A girl with long black wavey hair stood tiredly rubbing her eyes in the doorway. Virgil shifted anxiously as the snow started to fall over top of him. "It's late."

"I know I just uh... didn't want to be alone." She only smiled as she moved aside to let the other in. "Sorry for waking you."

"Oh, it's no problem. I told you to come over whenever you needed it." Virgil smiled softly as he collapsed onto the couch. "Virgie... I know you don't like to and I've told you didn't have to but... are you finally going to tell me whats going on in that head of yours?" Virgil's eyes darkened as he shook his head. "Virg..."

"I'm sorry, Eli." The girl laughed as she she sat down beside him. "I just can't."

"It's ok, Virgil. I'm not pushing." Eli sighed as she wrapped her arm around the man and pulling him into a hug. "Why don't you tell me about that princess, huh? The one you say I'm a lot alike."

"Eliza?" Eli nodded as Virgil's eyes narrowed in thought. "Ok sure. She's the youngest like I've mentioned. She was very playful... always getting into trouble but she was kind. She never let her status stop her from going out and getting her hands dirty. She helped with the homeless and the less fortunate all the time. She was a godsend. Especially to me."

"Virgil?" The darker prince jumped at the sudden sound of a door opening up and quickly went to muffle his sobs. All he heard was a soft sigh. "Roman told me there was an incident?"

"You mean when he yelled?" Virgil choked back the sob that wracked through him as he collapsed onto the bed. "He wasn't even yelling at me but... It just... I... Eliza?"

"Shh... It's ok Virgil." He felt as his soon to be sister in law wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head onto him. "You've been through so much and it's only been a few months."

"I panicked over my future husband yelling at someone else. Eliza... what if I'm far to broken?" There was a deafly silence that overcame the room. "What if I'm too damaged now? What if... Roman deserves better?" Virgil hugged himself tightly as new tears quickly joined the last. "You weren't there Eli. I... Roman snapped and I... I couldn't take it. The anger in his voice it was... JUST like how it sounded in my head. He wasn't even talking to me but I could do it. I couldn't breathe. Roman, he tried to help me... Tried to calm me down but I only pushed him away. I just don't know what to do."

"You're still recovering, Virgil. Worse still you might never get back to how you used to be but... that's ok. You went through hell, Virgie." 

"I'm broken and damaged and..." Virgil shook horribly as Eliza just held him tight. She saw Roman standing there in the doorway with tears in his own eyes. "How does he even still love me?" Roman tensed readily going to say something but Eliza just shot him a look telling him to be quiet. "I pushed him away. I pushed all of them away. They were right I... I was so scared. Miss Sanders kept telling me they couldn't be trusted that they didn't care. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared..." Virgil curled up into himself as he shook his head. "I still am. I don't want to be alone. Roman keeps saying he'll be there but... Should he? After what I did... after how broken I became..."

"Virgil, you are not broken." Eliza sighed as she ran her fingers through his hair making him lay his head into her lap. "You aren't broken. You're hurt. Someone hurt you and it's going to take a while to come back from this. Especially because it was all mental." Virgil frowned as he started to feel this warm seeping into the room. "He loves you, Virgil. Roman loves you and he's not going to abandon you because you're in pain."

"But... But... I..."

"Being frightened is ok." Virgil's eyes widened slightly as Eliza's voice shook. "You can be scared. You can be scared of him... of his voice... of him snapping. After what you went through I'm surprised you even let him touch you."

"I love him." Virgil held his hand out reading the immense guilt that radiated from the door... the source of the sudden low heat. He smiled softly as he felt that familiar buzz when they took his hand. "I love you."

"I love you too, Virgil." Roman slowly dropped to his knees as he pressed a soft kiss onto his love's hand. 

"You aren't mad?" 

"Of course not, Love." Roman sighed as he wrapped an arm around the darker prince and just stayed there in that lose embrace. "What happened wasn't your fault? Not this... and not then either."

"Wait so... You were engaged to her brother?" Virgil laughed as his friend giggled and fell into his lap. "You were engaged to a prince?!"

"This is just a story Eli. Who's to say any of it is actually true?" Eli laughed as she flicked Virgil on the nose and smiled.

"I know you, Virgil. You wouldn't just make up something like this." Virgil laughed as he nodded and actually started to feel a little better.

"Actually, to answer your question... I was married to a prince." Eli's eyes shot wide as Virgil beamed. "I still remember it too."

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