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Christmas Day... Everyone seemed to be in some sort of a buzz. Remy and Emile were lost in a bliss together with Remy no doubt already trying to plan things out like how he was going to make an entrance at his own wedding. Remus and Janus were still going crazy over the games they all played, with Janus refusing to accept how he had lost at two truths and a lie. Virgil was apparently far too good at that game. Roman was off with Aaron continuing their conversation from the night prior. All while Virgil, Thomas, and Patton chatted about with the rest of the Black family.

That left Logan... standing there leaning against the wall, clutching his fist against his chest as he tried to school his thoughts. He knew what he wanted but now how he wanted to do it. Unlike the others, he was a very mellow man. He didn't make big scenes. He didn't do anything that would usually draw massive amounts of attention. Usually, he leaves that more for his soulmate in which he would stand behind to him to 'have his back' as they would say. The problem with that was... He wanted to push past his comfort zone for this one... just not as much as he had originally planned. What with Remy's huge scene the day prior in his proposal to Emile, Logan just felt he was... tired out. He was at a loss for what to make of it all... 

And the day was running out.

"DINNER!" Thomas yelled out happily with Sam copping him. The two ran into the dining room as Patton chuckled softly. Patton, Roman, and Virgil had brought out all the food and set the table up all nicely while the others were still chatting away. It didn't take very long for everyone to have taken their seat. Logan frowned as he glanced around at everyone before finally making up his mind and gently pulling Patton away.

"What's that about?" Janus whispered as Roman just eyes the two as they left the room.

"I don't know." Roman shook his head as he took Virgil's hand in his and smiled. "But knowing Logan it must be something important. We should wait until they get back."

"But I'm hungry NOW!" Remus screeched only making everyone at the table laugh. Roman just flicked a small blast of fire at his brother making Remus squeak before glaring his twin down.

"Nope!" Virgil called out quickly making the air seem to buzz with his energy. "Not at the table. You all worked hard on these dishes." Virgil turned to Remus with this spark in his eyes as Remus just pouted childishly. "If you destroy them you'll never get to eat."

"Fine." Remus muttered before jumping up with a giggle. "Let's play a game while we wait!"

"Logan?" Patton whispered softly as his partner gently lead him to the hall. "Lo Berry, is something wrong?"

"No. Nothing's wrong, Pattycake." Logan smiled softly as he turned to hold both of Patton's hands. "I just couldn't handle any more of a scene." Patton's eyes narrowed in confusion as Logan chuckled softly. "I'm an introvert, much like Virgil. You know this. And after yesterday's proposal... I knew I would not be able to ask you this in the company of others so..."

"Yes." Logan stopped short, eyes just blinking in a daze, as Patton's sweet giggle filled his ears.

"I'm sorry... what?"

"I said yes, Lo." Logan frowned in confusion as Patton gently nudged his face over to look at him better. "You forget, I'm an empath. A strong one at that. I can feel your emotions. The anxiousness... The anticipation... the love... I know what you're going to ask, and my answer is yes." Logan let out a breath, the tension in his shoulders leaving him just like that.

"Thank you." Patton just smiled more as Logan dug around in his pocket. "As much as I wanted to... I honestly didn't know if I had the energy to say the actual question. Yesterday took so much out of me."

"It's alright, Lo. But... You know you didn't have to ask at all. I love you. I'm not going anywhere." Logan just nodded as he pulled the small black box out and handed it over to Patton. 

"I wanted to. After everything that we've gone through I knew for a fact I would not have been able to preserver any longer... without having taken at least this step. I want to call you my husband, Patton." Patton's eyes lit up as he took the box and just squealed, bouncing up and down, happy as can be. He opened the box and just melted at the lovely azure blue and diamond band. And before he could stop them, tears had started streaming down his face.

"I didn't think we would do this." Logan smiled sadly in understanding as Patton carefully put the ring on his finger. "You were never one for this sort of thing. You didn't care about the paper or the title. You didn't want a big event. You can't handle it sometimes and that's ok." Patton's breathing hitched as Logan gently wiped a tear from his cheek, caressing him fondly with a soft smile. "I was completely ok with never getting married because all that mattered was being with you. We're soulmates... that's a bond far stronger than any marriage could provide."

"And yet I still find myself wanting that marriage with you." Patton's eyes were glimmering in his tears as Logan gently pulled him closer. "I thank you for never pushing me... far finding contentment in our relationship despite all I lack. You have always been my dearest angel. I cannot help but want to be worthy of such grace."

"You're starting to sound like Roman." Patton couldn't help but laugh seeing the blush burning up Logan's cheeks.

"Yes, well... When you live with one such as him, you tend to learn how to at least portray your devotion to another." Logan took Patton's head in his hands as he pressed a soft kiss to the other's nose and smiled. "My devotion to you knows no bounds. However, my desire to be wed to you only grows with time. I'm sorry it took me so long to get here."

"Never apologies... I loved every second of the wait."

"I served in the American Revolutionary war. I was aboard Captain John Smith's ship when he 'discovered' America. I worked under King Arthur under the name Merlin." Virgil called out without the slightest hesitation or clue. He smirked a bit as he saw everyone just stare at him in both awe on confusion.

"It's the Merlin thing." Roman pointed lazily as he spoke with surety, even though his expression made it clear he was only guessing. "Merlin isn't real so obviously it would have to be that one. You were never Merlin. That's the lie."

"OH YEAH!" Remus giggled as he made a face over at Virgil who's smirk only grew. "There's no way you were Merlin. We all know Merlin is a fictional character."

"Actually..." Virgil started before laughing at how everyone's face paled. "That one was a truth. I did work with King Arthur under the name Merlin. I also did in fact serve in the American Revolutionary war. The lie was the John Smith one. I was never aboard his ship and I thank the gods for it. That man was horrible."

"What's going on here?" The room went quiet as Patton and Logan finally joined. Patton just laughed as he looked over at Virgil with this look in his eyes. "What was this I hear about the Rev war."

"Oh! Right. I never did tell you all didn't I?" They all just shook their heads only for Virgil to notice the sad look in Thomas's eyes. "What's a matter, Thomas?"

"I just uh... I realized now why that Museum exhibit was so hard for you." Virgil's eyes darkened as he just nodded before going back to eat... only to freeze up the second he noticed the blue band on Patton's finger. His eyes flashed brightly as he suddenly turned to Logan with this protective glare in his eyes.

"You better take the best of care of my best friend mister." Logan paled as once again the room went quiet. "I'm warning you... no funny business." Only the sound of Patton's giggles could be heard as the bubbly man covered his mouth to hide how bright his smile was... and that's when everyone saw it... 

And it was suddenly all about the ring.

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