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"AARON?!" Virgil was frozen in shock just staring over at his son. His son who was currently staring at him in tears. He couldn't do it. He couldn't do it. He just... "Shit uh..." So he tried to bail. "You probably want some time alone with your mom, huh? I'll just get going and..." Aaron stepped closer to the door blocking it and making Virgil's panic even worse. No escape...

"Virgil, Dear... There's no need."

"I really don't think I should be here while you to have your moment so if I could..." Still, Aaron did not move. Virgil was caught with no way out. He could feel his throat starting to close upon him. Mel could see the panic in him as clear as day.

"Virgil, breathe." 

"I just... I don't... I can't." Aaron's eyes widened as Virgil clutched his shirt. "I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have..."

"It's ok, love. It's..." Mel broke out in a coughing fit instantly shocking Virgil out of his panic who of course ran to help.

"Mel?!" He helped her sit up better as he rubbed her back all while Aaron just watched with a growing smile. "It's ok. Don't push. Just try to relax. Take slow short breaths until the coughing stops." Mel just shook her head as she weakly pushed Virgil's hands away, only serving to upset him more. "Mel?"

"I don't... need your help... Virgil." Mel slowly started to stop coughing and Virgil just stepped back as he deflated. "I don't want your help."

"I see."

"That isn't what she means..." Virgil shook his head as he stuffed his hands into his pocket and smirked, decided to just play his part and leave.

"It's fine. No one wants to look weak in front of the fam." Mel's eyes narrowed in confusion and Virgil just smiled. "Even if one is a distant cousin."

"Virgil..." Virgil cut her off by holding his hand up. 

"It's ok, Mel, really. I really should get going anyway. I've got Roman out there waiting for me and Thomas..." Virgil burst into broken laughter scaring Mel who spotted the tears Virgil quickly wiped away. "Thomas is probably freaking out without me there you know. How else is he going to get his hourly dose of panic and troubling thoughts?"


"I'll just see ya later Mel. Ain't no point staying where I'm not wanted..."

"Dad!" Virgil froze up as Aaron placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok, Dad." Aaron tensed the moment he spotted the tears and frowned. "Dad?" 

"I'm sorry." Virgil choked on his words as he started to curl up slightly. Aaron pulled him in and frowned as he looked over to see him, mom, frowning in understanding. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."


"Just hold him. It's ok." Aaron nodded as Virgil shook in his arms. "Virgil, dear, breathe. You'll set yourself off."

"I'm sorry." Virgil squeezed his eyes shut as he struggled just to get his words out. Aaron sighed sadly as he pulled him in more frowning at how Virgil clutched his shirt. "I'm sorry."

"Hey now, Dad... It's ok. You came through. You sent a card and letter every week and holiday, just like you said you would." Virgil slowly looked up at his son who just smiled down at him. "Even though you weren't there with me... you were there for my son. You sent him a gift every year. You set up that trust and paid for his boarding school... as well as his extensive library of video games." Virgil laughed softly as he pulled away and wiped his tears. "Sure you weren't there in person but... you were still there, Dad. I never once doubted you cared... which is why I beat the shit out of those assholes in the 7th and 11th grade who tried to tell me otherwise."

"AARON?!" Virgil jumped smacking the man's arm lightly as Aaron just laughed. "What the hell dude?"

"What? They were assholes." Mel just laughed as the two spoke. "I loved you, Dad." Virgil paled as Aaron let out a shaky breath. "I didn't ever stop. You're my father. Why would you think I wouldn't? How could I ever hate the man that cried every time I hurt? Or the man that snuck me some ice cream after mom said no? or the one that told me all these stories every single night, tucked me in and... Dad, I could never hate you."

"I wasn't a father." Aaron frowned as he shook his head and nudged Virgil's shoulder as the dark prince wiped his eyes. 

"You were more than my father, Dad. You were my best friend." Everything seemed to snap as this massive blast of energy tore through the room, once again making black and purple flowers bloom in all the vases Mel had littered around the place. Aaron just laughed as he looked around at all of them. "And now I know why we had these roses everywhere."

"So... I was..." Virgil smiled softly as he looked between the two. "I was a good father?"

"Of course you were, Virgil." Mel smiled as he reached out for him and Virgil just laughed. "Come on." Virgil sighed as he slowly made his way and pushed himself onto the bed. Mel held him close as Virgil just stared off at nothing happily comfortable in her arms. "For someone who doesn't like contact... your quite the cuddler."

"Don't start, Mel." Virgil laughed as he buried his head in her chest. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok." Virgil frowned as he sad himself up and looked over at Aaron with a question in his eyes. Aaron just rolled his eyes as he shook his head. 

"You're wondering how I found out?" Virgil nodded as Aaron moved to sit on the bed with them both. "It was Sam."

"What?" Aaron nodded despite the panic in his father and sighed. "W-What do you..."

"Dad, we all know. Sam, Penny, and I... Sam had shown me a picture of you two and I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it, a-at first anyway. I just didn't understand but... Sam is a lot like you and his mother."

"So I've heard." Virgil frowned as Aaron continued on as if he hadn't said anything.

"Sam's always known I think. It was him who told me about you. He never said, cousin. He just always said, Virgil. When I asked him who you were he smiled and showed the picture and just simply said... virgil. As if that was enough to explain everything." Aaron laughed softly. "And you know what... It was. I think I cried but I can't remember if I did or not."

"So Sam... knew? He always knew?" Aaron nodded and Virgil hugged his knees. "He isn't..."

"Virgil, you've seen that boy more times than we probably know about, does he look mad at you?" Virgil just sighed and shook his head while Mel held his hand. "We're your family, love. We understand." There was a knock on the door and Virgil froze up seeing it open to find Roman smiling sadly. 

"Virgil..." His eyes darted between everyone before frowning. "Thomas called."

"Do we have to leave?" Aaron frowned as Roman's eyes darkened. Virgil sighed as he slowly got up only for Aaron to grab his hand making him freeze up.

"Don't..." Virgil frowned only for Aaron to let go. "Don't be a stranger. Call or whatever... I don't care. Just want to talk more, you know?"

"Virgil?" Roman smiled as he opened the door fully and laughed. "Why don't you invite everyone?"

"What are you talking about?"Roman laughed as he rolled his eyes.

"Christmas? Thanksgiving... Even Halloween. You know Thomas would always allow it. You can tell everyone what's been going on. Plus you know Patton would jump at the chance to spoil Sam." Virgil narrowed his eyes in thought as a slim smile slowly appeared.  "What do you think?"

"It has been over 30 years." Roman's eyes shot wide as Virgil just laughed. "It might be nice to..."

"I'll ask Thomas." Virgil beamed as he stood up and spun around to smile at the two. "Maybe for Christmas."

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