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TW~ Blood, Death

"I must say... I'm a bit surprised to see you so close to him." Virgil tensed up as Roman quickly put himself in front of him more protectively. "I mean... after what he did and all those... nightmares."

"Wait." Roman's face fell as Colt just laughed. "How..."

"How else?" The air went frigid as they all slowly turned around to see the vile smile of the very woman they never EVER wanted to see again. Eva stood there, a new golden crown on her head, as her smile only grew. "Who do you think's been giving you them?"

"Miss Sanders." Virgil whimpered out as Roman pushed him behind him again with a growl. Thomas just stood there, horror in his eyes. To think... he was related to her. "How..."

"My dear child... If I had the magic to curse you to immortality... don't you think I'd have the magic to live forever myself? Or for my soulmate." Colt smirked as he held his hand out summoning a shadow sword making Eva chuckle. "I mean... Come now. With all that you know, I am capable of... I mean... Our dear Prince of Moonlight knows. Don't you, Roman?"

"You stay the FUCK away from him!" Roman growled as his eyes lit up like lights.

"How have your nightmares been... reminding you of anything?" Eva taunted as she made her way over to Colt, making everyone tense up at the pain in Roman's eyes. "It must hurt to experience night... after night..."

"You psychotic bitch." Virgil stood there behind Roman watching his love with such a sad look in his eyes.

"No. No... see. I'm just smart. I know exactly what I need to do to get what I want. Such as... Giving my lovely Tommy his visions about you all and the idea for the program." Thomas actually wanted to attack her. How dare he use him as a puppet? How dare she hurt those he cared about? "Give Virgil his terrors... Give you your nightmares... flashbacks."

"You didn't break me." Eva just smiled as she raised an eyebrow at Roman making him swallow tensely.

"Are you sure about that?" Roman lit his hands on fire before shooting a look back at Logan who just nodded creating a guard around Everyone behind him. Remy stepped up beside Virgil who was shaking at this point. "I mean I would imagine only a broken man would ever STAY so close to the man that killed him." The air went cold as Roman quite visibly flinched back, Virgil's eyes dulled and numb over what was said. "You remember it right... the way he plunged that blade into your-..."

"STOP IT!" Roman screamed out as he desperately tried to stave off his panic. "It's not his fault. It's not his fault."

"It's not? He was the one holding the blade. Virgil killed you!" Eva hissed with a laugh before turning her attention to the dark prince seeing how dazed he was. "You killed your own soulmate and don't even remember it."

"I..." Virgil shook his head as Roman whined as tried to take his hand only for Virgil to step away from him surprising everyone. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... You killed your soulmate." Eva grinned as she snapped her fingers creating an image to play out before them. The whole alley went dead as they just stared out at the transparent image of the two from their past life... blood coating Roman's clothes as he leaned against Virgil, whose hand gripped the blade in the other's gut. "You. Killed. Roman... and he made you forget all about it."

"NO! No, Virgil..." Roman growled as he tried to get his love to pay attention to him. Virgil just stumbled away seemingly lost in it all as Roman cried. "No. No. No... Virgil, it wasn't you. It's not your fault. Virgil, please?!"

"No one is ever safe with you are they?" Eva teased as her eyes shined a bright green. It was obvious she was trying to control him again... and Virgil's whole body seemed to go lax.

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