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"Hey. Hey, Virge." Virgil stopped short the second Remus called out to him. "Virgil, hey..." Remus laughed as he slid to a stop beside the eldest. "Can we talk?"

"Uh..." Virgil frowned in confusion before sighing and nodding. "Yeah, sure. What do you need?"

"I wanted to talk about your wedding." Virgil froze up as Remus started to lead them both to the older's room.

"What, why?" Remus laughed as he swiftly closed the door behind them before jumping onto the bed like a school girl about to talk about their crush. Virgil hesitantly followed suit, sitting down on his bed as Remus just giggled. "Remus, why would you..."

"Because Janus said yes, silly willy." Remus laughed but Virgil could feel the anxiety flitting through the air. The younger's smile faltered slightly as he sighed. "I want it to be perfect. I know our wedding will be different but I still want to know what yours was like."

"I was blind."

"Doesn't mean you can't tell me. Things like... What you wanted? What you expected? How you felt?" Virgil laughed as he leaned back against the headboard. "So?"

"I was blind, Remus. I don't know what anything looked like. I don't know what you expect from my answers. At that time, I had no expectations. I couldn't see anything to want anything out of it. As long as I was married to Roman at the end of the day that was all that mattered to me." Remus's eyes shined as Virgil smiled fondly over at his closet door. "He was the only thing I wanted out of it."

"Well, that doesn't help me." Remus teased with a slight pout earning a soft laugh from the other. "I'm serious Virge. I want to know." Virgil smiled as he nodded and tried to work through his memories. "Start with what you wanted from it. And don't give me that 'I couldn't see crap'. If you COULD see what would you have liked for it?"

"Lights." Remus's eyes widened as Virgil seemingly melted into the air around him. "Lights. Bright glittering lights. Like stars or fireflies."

"Really?" Virgil laughed awkwardly as he nodded. "Why?"

"Roman always mentioned how when his emotions got the better of him there would be these lights that would fill the air around him. I guess... In my mind, the idea of seeing him surrounded by all these twinkling lights sounded so beautiful to me. The night sky above us while were together out in this field just like when we met." Virgil's eyes were shining so brightly as he stared off lost to his thoughts. "Imagine it, Remus. Roman and I... It's night time with all the stars glittering above us. We're surrounded by flowers and friends. Gorgeous shimmering lights flitted around filling the air with light as the two of us hold each other's hands. Patton's the minister because... I mean... It's Patton. Having him be the one to marry us would just be so perfect."

"See I knew you put some thought into it."

"Yes, but Remus it didn't matter in the end." Virgil quickly shot back with never losing that fond expression he had. "What I got was just as good. I got the love of my life as my husband. At the end of it all, it doesn't matter if we got married in a field or in a church because HE was there waiting for me."

"You really didn't care?" Virgil shook his head as he rested his arm limply over his knee.

"Remus... After what Eva did to me... I honestly thought I would never get married." The look Remus got could send shivers down anyone's spine as Virgil just smiled sadly. "She twisted all my thoughts until I fully believed Roman never loved me. I thought I was alone and so to 'protect and save' myself, I broke up with him. Ended everything just like that." 

"Yeah, but that was the Enchantress, not you."

"No. It was me. Every choice I made was my own... I was simply led to believe something. It took everything in me just to relearn what it meant to be loved by Roman. That wedding almost never happened. So no, Ray. I didn't care what we did. We could have literally just signed the papers and been done with it. Remus... I didn't want the ceremony." Remus's eyes shot wide as he looked back at the door suddenly. "I didn't want the ceremony. You can even ask Patton. I fully wanted to drag Roman out of the church, elope, and start forever that second. I just wanted us to be married."

"That's kind of how I am." Remus smiled slightly as he nodded to himself. "I just want to marry Janus already. After everything, we've been through and then our death... It feels wrong to not have taken that step yet."

"Don't worry, Ray. When the day comes, it'll be worth the wait." Remus's eyes narrowed slightly as he glanced over at the door again in thought.

"Hey, Virge?" Remus smiled as he tilted his head slightly to show intrigue. "I just... I can't help but wonder. Given what you said about it... Would you ever renew your vows?" Virgil froze up suddenly as he blinked in shock. Remus couldn't help but laugh at the expression his brother in law had. "I was just thinking because... Yes, we all consider you two married still and all that. Technically speaking in this lifetime, you and Ro really... aren't. Would you ever consider marrying him again or..."

"Remus, I would love nothing more than to marry him again." Remus's eyes lit up as Virgil laughed softly. "He means everything to me as I'm sure you feel the same about Janus. Roman need only ask and I'd say yes immediately. It's just... He hasn't. And as I've stated before... it'll be worth the wait." 

"Thanks so much, Virge." Virgil faltered a bit as Remus suddenly jumped up with a laugh. "You answered all my questions."

"Was that really all you wanted?" 

"Yep." Remus giggled as he jumped off the bed, while Virgil just sighed and rolled his eyes. "Thanks again!" Remus bolted out of the room not wasting a single second to close the door behind him before coming face to face with the very man who had set him up in the first place.

"So?" Roman asked anxiously as he fidgetted with his fingers. "What did he say?"

"Did you really have to have me ask him?"

"That was the deal." Roman reminded as he shook his head and sighed. "I help you with finally asking Janus and you ask Virgil the question. Did you ask him?"

"Yes." Remus laughed as he smiled noticing just how nervous his brother really was about all of this. "I asked him if he would ever be interested in renewing vows... just like you wanted me too." Roman's eyes lit up as he held his hands to his chest, a soft hopeful smile on his lips. 

"And?" Remus groaned as he started to walk away making Roman race to follow after. "What did he say? Remus! Don't ignore me!"

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