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(TW- Mentions of Death and Guns)

"VIRGIL, I NEED HELP!" Remy burst into the prince's hotel room scaring Virgil a bit and making him stumble onto the bed. "I'm scared and I need help."

"Slow down, Rem. Talk to me." Remy was clearly tense as he paced the room making Virgil frown with concern. "Is this about earlier with the mugging..."

"Yes. No. Maybe... No, it not it's... Confusing." Remy whined as he took his shades off and tossed them onto the bed, showing just how scared he really was.

"Remy, what's wrong?"

"I... I-I..." Remy teared up as he stopped in place and shook. "I died."

"What?" Remy crashed as he walked over and just collapsed onto the bed beside the other. Virgil was just frozen waiting for Remy to explain himself.

"Virgil, I died." Remy held his hand up like a gun and shook with a gasp as he cried harder. "I... I was shot. Em... Em and I... We were killed. We..." Remy's fingers brushed against his forehead as his eyes twitched. "We were talking. The two of us... We were just walking down the street. Em's empathic and... I was far to good an assassin to ever be worried about anything. I don't understand what happened. It all happened so fast."

"Remy what are you talking about?"

"Virgil, we were friends. I... Em and I. We were from Lux." Virgil's eyes went wide as Remy leaned limply against his legs. "I was the royal family's assassin. The best in the world, or at least I thought so. My soulmate... They were so perfect. Em... They were the most beautiful person I'd ever laid eyes on. They... He... I'm so confused. Em was nonbinary, trans masc, but Emile is a cis male. How the hell am I supposed to understand any of that?"

"Remy... I don't..." Virgil sat there in silence unable to latch onto anything. Despite, all he's already heard his mind has yet to react to any of it. He's just waiting... "I don't understand."

"Damn it, Virgil. I need help with this shit. I for some reason remember a past life that I didn't even realize I had. I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Remy crashed more as Virgil's eyes just narrowed slightly. "I am Jeremy Sutton but... I'm also Jeremey Reign, Lux Assassin. You... You are Prince Virgil Hastings. I was there at your's and Roman's wedding... FUCK! Roman!" 

"Remy..." Remy tensed as he looked over to see the tears in the other's eyes. "I need you to calm down and tell me EXACTLY what it is that's going on."

"I'm Jeremy Reign... and I just remembered everything." Virgil's eyes went wide as Remy smiled sadly. "I can prove it."

"Please do." Remy took a deep breath before nodding and making his eyes start to glow gold. He held his hand out letting golden sand swirl around until Virgil was face to face with a minute version of his best friend from 2,000 years ago. "Em?"

"They look so different then Emile does now, don't they. I guess that's what happens when biologically they're a different sex." Virgil was completely frozen solid in shock. "I'm happy for them. Having such a feminine body really caused them a lot of issues. Emile doesn't have that anymore being born a male. I guess the universe fixed their mistake, huh."

"How... How the fuck..." Virgil gingerly poked the sand figure making it all turn to dust as his eyes darted up with this look of horror.

"I told you. It's me, Virgil. I remember everything. My life Lux... How I met Em... You... But worse of all..." Remy's hand went to his forehead again as he choked. "I remember how I died. How Em and I both died... We were just walking. We weren't even in the bad part of town. The war hadn't even gotten there yet. We were safe... or at least we were supposed to be. It was so late. All I know is this shot rang out and Em fell bleeding. Someone had shot him from behind me. I spun around and..." Remy raked his shaky hand through his hair and whimpered at the memory. "It was just a second. The moment I turned around I saw the barrel of the gun and that was it. The last thing I remember before it went black was this horrible ringing in my ears from the loud bang of the gun. Virgil... I'm scared. One second I was just me. We were happy and everything was going great and them... The gun... Th-the gun and the guy... and the fear... The bang when he shot you... The memories wouldn't stop coming. The flashes wouldn't end. I didn't know who to turn to. Virgil..." The prince tense at the pain in his friend and he sighed. "I need help."

"Why come to me and not Emile?"

"I didn't know if he remembered anything." Virgil's eyes darkened as Remy shifted anxiously. "I knew you did. After all your rules and issues and things... Especially with Roman. I knew you had to remember. But... I didn't know if anyone else did. I... I suspected Roman did."

"Wait, hold up. Backtrack a bit." Remy frowned as Virgil held up a hand. "Roman? What exactly would Roman know?"

"Babes... I know you were blind but... Honey, Roman Graves is Roman Hastings." Virgil slowly let his hand drop as Remy smiled sadly. "We're ALL back. I don't know if they've remembered like I have but... Remus, Logan, Patton... Em and I... We are ALL back."

"No. No that... That doesn't... That doesn't make any sense. Roman's not... Princey is NOT Roman." Virgil jumped as Remy took his hand making him deflate. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying you're friends and family are all here with you again, Babes. And as happy as I am, I'm fucking terrified. If Roman remembers that great for you... You've got your husband back but... Virgil what if Emile doesn't remember? What if he never does? What if I lose him again? I can't watch him die... again."

"Remy... You need to talk to him." Remy flinched slightly as Virgil took a deep breath to try and reign everything in. "Even if he doesn't remember... I told him everything about me. He knows the truth. He knows about who I am..." Remy's eyes widened as Virgil nodded. "He'll believe you."

"Oh." Remy frowned as he sighed and tried to fix himself up while grabbing his glasses and pushing them into his hair. "Ok, then. Yeah. I should talk to him. Are you going to be ok?"

"Yeah." Virgil smiled, although fakely, as Remy pushed himself up and started for the door. "I just have a prince to talk to."

"I feel sorry for him." Remy laughed as he opened the door only to freeze up seeing Roman there. "Well, shit, speak of the devil."

"Remy?" Roman frowned in confusion as he looked between the two noticing how upset both of them were. "What's wrong?"

"Roman, we need to talk." 

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