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"HAPPY THANKSGIVING!" Patton yelled out as he jumped about with glee. Virgil couldn't help but tense up. Thanksgiving had never been... very happy for him. After all he didn't have his friends and family with him and... well when he did he didn't know and so he usually just hid away. Besides, he's been alive since before the first Thanksgiving ever took place. This year... none of them would let him. 

"Come on, Love." Roman held his hand firmly as he slowly led him to the dining room. He could see how distant his soulmate was today but he wanted to make it has happy as he could. Thomas was setting the table as everyone bustled about, bringing in different things of food. Virgil was lost in thought just looking around the table until... "Who made that?" Roman's voice caught his attention. Thomas faltered as he placed the dish on the table making everyone freeze up. They were small brownie like cakes with a cinninan crumb over top, almost like marble coffee cake. Roman's eyes glittered with tears as his hand shook while pointed at it. "Who made those?"

"Not me, Kiddo. You know I was never that good at making them."

"That's not true, Patton." Virgil laughed as Patton blushed slightly at the praise. "You were by far one of the bests."

"Not even close." Patton called back as everyone gave Roman this soft look. "Roman?"

"I'm sorry. It's just... It's been so long." Roman gently took one, his eyes shining brightly as he noticed the powered sugar and light caramel drizzle that coated it. "God, if I knew someone was going to be making these I would have helped."

"No." Remus giggled making Roman groan playfully. "You helping with those cakes? Fat chance. You're one of the worst!"

"It's not about the taste..."

"Yes, it is." Everyone cut in making Roman falter with a slight pout as he put the cake on his plate. 

"Well fine then. I was going to say its about bonding and having fun but if all you carer about is how it comes out then..." Virgil chuckled as he leaned against his soulmate with a soft smile. 

"If it's any consolation, I would have let you help me." Roman's eyes shot wide as Virgil nodded. "You're right. It's no fun making them on your own."

"You made them?" Virgil nodded again and he fidgeted anxiety in his seat. 

"You were all excited about thanksgiving and I just thought I would contribute. I don't know. I guess I just..." Virgil froze like ice the second everyone but Thomas, who was just as shocked over all their reactions, nearly grabbed all of the cakes off the plate all at once. Remus, who had stuffed his face with two before anyone else got a bite, laughed his ass off at Thomas who was just standing there as if he had witnessed a murder take place right in front of him.

"What?" Remus forced out with a completely full mouth making many cringe in disgust. 

"You all just completely demolished that plate." Thomas yelled as collapsed into his seat. 

"No, we didn't." Roman quickly fired back only to get a dirty look considering Roman had the most on his plate. He literally had a pile of them.

"And I thought I was the liar." Janus teased only serving to make Roman blush in embarrassment. "Here you go, Thomas. Once you have one you'll understand." 

"HEY!" Remus yelled out as Janus swiped one of his cakes to give to Thomas, who took it wearily, glancing over at Virgil in question before taking a bit. Everyone just sat there with the biggest smile seeing how Thomas's face filled with awe.

"Now, you know why I took so much." Roman joked as he ate one of his, moaning softly at the delectable taste, the gooey chocolate filling spreading over his tongue. God these were the best. "I love these so much."

"They're not that goo-..."

"I'm going to stop you there, Love." Roman cut in with a bright smile. "You are literally the best at making these. That's why we all attacked them like we did. If Patton made them they'd be good yes but... You literally have this way of... I don't even know how to explain it." Roman laughed as he ate the rest of the one cake with a sigh. "Best Thanksgiving ever. I've been craving these so much since I remember everything."

"Wait really?" Virgil frowned as he went to go make himself a proper plate. "I find that hard to believe."

"Virgil, hun. Love. Light of my life. Ad perpetuam melodiam ad animam meam." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman took his hand in his, love filling his eyes. "You have no idea how much I've been craving these. These and those... uh... Those... Chocolate drinks you made. The ones you made with no dairy because you learned I was a bit lactose intolerant."

"It's just hot chocolate. I just made it differently back then. And called it different too..." Roman rolled his eyes as he and the rest of them decided to follow suit and actually eat before filling up on nothing but sweets. Virgil couldn't help but smile though. "I am glad though. I'm surprised you like them so much."

"Oh, the nostalgia." Remy laughed as Emile nudged him gently on the arm. "What? Can't a girl enjoy her cake in peace." Remy moaned quite dramatically just to annoy everyone but Remus, who broke down laughing.

"Now that's more like it, Bitch!" He squealed as Virgil shook his head, a small smile still present on his lips. Maybe... Maybe thanksgiving wouldn't be so bad after all. "However..." Remus cleared his throat loudly as he shifted anxiously in his seat. "Now that things have... slowed a bit down. I uh..." Remus's eyes flash a brightly as the lights dimmed and the unlit candles in the center of the table burst to life. "I have something I wanted to say before we all go about our usual madness."

"Remus?" Janus frowned in confusion seeing how nervous his soulmate was before Remus suddenly threw his hands back onto the table very awkwardly, avoiding any and all eye contact. 

"I'm not good with words... so I'm not gonna use them. I just... I'm not my brother. I'm not good at any of this. I... I didn't even know where to start." Remus laughed at himself a bit. You could see the tension rolling off of him in spades. "The only thing I did know was that... If I didn't do it in front of them... I'd end up getting murdered so... here I am." 

"Remus what are you going on about?" Remus smiled, his face twitching with nerves as he awkwardly handed a little black box over to his soulmate. The entire room when absolutely silent as Janus took it with shaky hands. He opened it up and just froze unsure of what expression he should make let alone what he should say. He was certain if he even tried it would have just come out as a lie anyway.

"Not the most romantic way to propose but what did you expect from me. At least we got this and not something... different. Right?" Remus faltered a bit seeing how frozen his love was, his thoughts running rampant and dampening his mood. "Janus? So?"

"I don't... No, I... I don't mean... Jesus." Janus mumbled spastically under his breath as he fumbled with the ring and put it on to show what he just could not verbalize. Remus's eyes went wide as Janus smiled brightly.

"I believe that's a yes." Roman whispered softly to his brother who was full-on crying. "Congratulations."

"I'm gonna get married?" Remus choked out as Janus nodded making the two both break down. "Holy shit! I'm gonna get hitched!" 


*"Ad perpetuam melodiam ad animam meam."~"The eternal melody to my soul."*

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