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"Virgil?" Prince Roman stood there staring over at his soulmate as Virgil frowned and fidged. "Are you ok, Love?" 

"What?!" Roman frowned as Virgil jumped and shook his head. "Oh, right sorry, uh... What were we talking about?"

"Right now, I'm just worried about you." Virgil tensed up as Roman took his hand and the lighter prince couldn't help but worry. "Virgil, I am worried. You've seemed so distant lately."

"I'm fine." Virgil pulled his hand away before starting to get up.

"There you go again." Virgil froze up as Roman snapped. He couldn't see the tears Roman was crying but he could feel his pain. "You're just leaving AGAIN! Virgil, I'm scared... TERRIFIED!" Roman's voice shook as he stood up and pulled his love in desperate to hold him, to feel that familiar buzz. "I'm scared you're pulling away from me."

"I'm not doing anything, Roman." There was a soft sound of someone clearing their throat catching Roman's attention. The lighter prince slowly pulled away to see Ms. Sanders standing there with a concerned smile.

"Is everything ok in here, My prince?" Virgil's eyes narrowed at the sound of her voice before he nodded and pulled himself away from Roman.

"Everything is fine." Roman watched with pain in his chest as his love made his way over to the woman. "Roman was just expressing his... concern."

"Virgi..." Virgil teleported out with her before he could even finish and he sighed. Roman was getting tired of this. His heart was telling him to hold on to never let go. Virgil was his soulmate but... He didn't seem to care about him the same way anymore. Roman was starting to wonder if maybe... he should leave.

"Is everything well, my prince?" Virgil paced the room as his thoughts screamed at him. They wouldn't shut up. They wouldn't stop. All he could hear was Roman yelling at him. Of Roman leaving. Roman wouldn't do that... no. NO. No... right? "Virgil?"

"Eva, I'm... I'm sorry. I just seem to be... lost as of late." He felt his friend take his hand and he smiled. He could always trust her. She's been there his whole life. If anyone understood him it was her. Not Patton. Not Logan. Not even Roman. 

He could only trust her...

Wait. Why?

"Everything is going to be ok, Virgil. I'm here. I won't let a thing happen to you." Virgil burst out into tears as she pulled him into a hug. He could hear that soft lull of her voice, the way it echoed in his mind. He could feel that pull to listen... to believe her. "I'll protect you."

"I'm scared. I don't want to be alone. I don't..."

"The other's just don't understand you, Virgil. Especially Roman... I hate to say it but it's true." Virgil whimpered as his mind repeated it over and over like a broken record. "I know he tried and everything as all good men will do but... I'm concerned Virgil. I'm worried he's lost sight of what brought him here now that he has power and rank here. He's the crowned prince of Lux after all and now to be promised you in marriage by your late father... That is an awful lot of power to not go to someone's head."

"He loves me. He said so. He..." Virgil's eyes darkened as he slowly pulled away from her. The ever-constant black of the void he was always forced to see made everything just so much worse. "You won't use me, right? You aren't like them. You'll stay with me and help me and... I can trust you."

"Of course Virgil. I love you like a son." Virgil couldn't see the way that bitch smirked as she brushed his hair out of his unseeing eyes. "I'll always be here for you. You know what you have to do."

"They can't be trusted."

"What?!" Virgil stood there poised and proper with a neutral expression as Logan started to freak. "Virgil, I have worked with your family for years. My family has been dedicated and devoted servants... Have I not done a good enough job? What could I have done to make you doubt my loyalty? Virgil..."

"You're loyalty is no longer necessary." Logan's eyes filled with horror as they darted over to Roman who looked just as in shock. "I no longer require your servitude."

"But... My prince... This castle... this life is all I've ever known. I was raised to be your advisor." Virgil's eyes only narrowed as he turned his back to the man. "I thought we were friends!"

"That is why I will give you a weak to pack your things and get everything set for Ms. Sanders who will be taking your position over." Logan's eyes filled with rage as Virgil started to walk away. "A weak Logan... If you are not gone by then you will be removed from the premises."

"VIRGIL?!" Roman ran after the dark prince lost in his confusion as Logan stayed behind lost in thought. "Virgil?"

"What is it, Roman?" The lighter prince was taken back by the cold tone the other had. "I really must be getting to work, if this isn't important..."

"Why would fire Logan?" Virgil sighed as he refused to look over at Roman. It wouldn't matter to him anyway, he couldn't see to be swayed by Roman's eyes. Roman couldn't use his tricks on him. He was at a disadvantage. "Virgil, please talk to me."

"Logan isn't the only one I dismissed. Earlier today I let Patton go as well." Roman's blood went cold as Virgil refused to turn around. "Really Roman, what I decide has nothing to do with you. This is my kingdom. My castle... Should I decide to fire people, I shall do so as I please."

"What's gotten into you, Love?" Virgil frowned as he finally turned to glare over at the lighter prince who stumbled in surprise at the look he was given. "Virgil?"

"Don't pull that shit with me, Roman. We all know it's all empty words."

"What are you talking about?" Virgil growled as he teleported and popped up right in front of the prince with a very dark look. "Virg..."

"You don't care about me. You don't care about anything except yourself. Must be nice to have TWO kingdoms right." Roman was stunned. "Well, you're wrong. This is MY kingdom. MINE! And I will be the ONLY one ruling it. So you can just... GO HOME!"

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