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"Virgil..." The haunting lull of someone singing his name pierced through the black and silence making the young boy freeze. "You really shouldn't be up so late. You might... wander into something you shouldn't have."

"Miss Sanders?" A small laugh could be heard beside him as he jumped feeling someone place their hand on his shoulder.

"Really, Virgil... It's not safe. Let me lead you back to your chambers?" The young boy only frowned as he shrugged the hand away. "Virgil, please..."

"I'm blind, not helpless. I am perfectly fine, Miss Sanders." He could only hear that soft laugh again as he imagined the Mage shaking her head. "I can handle myself."

"You need not convince me, Young Prince. I am more than aware of your strength." Virgil smiled as he started to walk off despite never actually seeing where he was going. "Regardless, Virgil, it is 3 in the morning. You should be sleeping." Virgil sighed as he sidestepped avoiding a collision with a table. He could practically feel his instructor's anxiety as he continued to make his way. "Virgil, please... You're going to..."

"I am NOT helpless." The young man froze up hearing his own voice crack. He could still hear the soft footsteps of the Mage as she got closer to him and he frowned. "I'm not. I am strong and can handle myself. I don't need you to worry about me."

"Virgil... You are still but a child. Regardless of the tremendous strength you possess, there will always be people who worry about you." Virgil teleported an inch to the right avoiding the Mage's hand and heard her sigh. "Virgil, I know this is difficult for you. But you must see reason... You are only but 11 and without sight."

"I lost my sight 6 years ago. I learned to live without it." Virgil attempted to continue when he felt her grab his wrist. "Let me go."

"I am sorry, young prince, but I must insist you go back to sleep." Virgil hated this with a fiery passion. He hated getting treated like he was weak... like he was fragile. He was far from fragile. Miss Sanders said so herself. She was his teacher after all. She could see how he excelled past the expectations of his Father and Grandmother. He was going to prove to them he was not weak. "I am sorry, Virgil..."

"Save it." The young prince whispered as he let his teacher lead him back. He could have gotten free from her no problem but without sight his teleportation was risky. He could only go so far with it since he couldn't see. He wouldn't have lost her for long. "Ever since that day, no one takes me seriously anymore. They dress me up and place me the designated spots like I'm a chipped doll... To broken to play with but to important to throw away."

"You are a prince, Virgil, but I understand how feel." Virgil frowned as they reached his room. He heard the door open and he wanted to run. All he wanted was to feel the night air. He wanted to feel the grass on his feet and the smell the air but no... He was forbidden from leaving the castle without a guide. Forget about going out at night. "I also understand how they feel though. Your Father... Your Grandmother... They don't want anything else happening to you. They love you..."

"Loving and LISTENING are two entirely separate things. I do not doubt their affections, Miss Sanders. I doubt their understanding. I doubt their patience and... I doubt they would care for the thoughts of a young child."


"I told them what had happened and they refused to see reason." He cut her off before she could say anything else as he crawled back into bed just staring blankly ahead, not that he could see anything. "I protected my friends. I told them that... i-in vivid detail. A man attempted to... he was a very bad man using very bad magic. What was I supposed to do?"

"You are a Prince..."

"EXACTLY!" His voice echoed throughout the room and even Virgil couldn't help but shiver at the slight distortion in it. "I am a Prince. It is my duty to protect my people."

The Timeless PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now