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"Thanks Patty." Emile smiled seeing how Patton lit up for joy when he opened his last gift. "I love it." 

"Well, I guess that's it. Wow, that took a long time." Thomas called out as he checked the clock with a grimace. "Though we did have several more people to it makes sense. Next year we'll start doing gifts earlier. Ok, everyone to bed or else Santa won't com-..."

"Hey wait!" Patton called out as he jumped up suddenly shocking everyone. "We're missing a gift."

"No, we..." Thomas glanced around only to frown in confusion as Patton nodded. "There aren't anymore by the tree."

"Remy never gave Emile his gift." Thomas's eyes shot wide as everyone suddenly stared over at the coffee addict who was just laughing as he soaked up the drama. "Remy? I swear you got him one. You've been gushing about it for so long."

"Oh, I did." Emile quirked his brow in question as Remy just continued to laugh. "I was wondering when someone would notice Em was short one."

"I am so sorry. I didn't see it by the tree..."

"No problemo, Sanderstorm." Remy cut in making Thomas frown all the more. "You didn't see it because it isn't there. I never put it under the tree."

"Why not?" Emile whispered as Remy pushed his glasses up into his hair. "I mean, you didn't have to get me a gift. No one does. I'm just confused."

"It's as simple as addition Em. You plus me equals perfection." Remy smirked as he stood up and glanced around to see everyone watching him. "I wanted everyone's eyes on me when I finally did give you your gift. I live for the tea, Sis. There was no way I wasn't putting on a show when I finally did it." 

"Did what?"

"Did this." Remy dropped down to one knee making everyone go deathly silent as Emile dropped his stuffed bear instantly, eyes wide shock. "What? Did you really think I wouldn't be a drama queen about it? Babes, this is me we're talking about here." Remy laughed as he held his hand out making a small tornado of sand flurry in his palm until it all disappeared revealing a small black velvet box. "The only thing I have to say about all this... Is fuck Remus for proposing first and fuck Roman for that surprise wedding." He laughed as he held the box close. "Despite not being the first or the most flash... I still wouldn't change anything. So? What you say, Emmy?" He opened the box to reveal a ring and Emile quite literally dropped to his knees in shock. "Holy shit. Emile? You ok there? You do realize the one proposing is supposed to be the one on their knees right?" Emile didn't say anything he just took the box and glared at Remy who was still just smiling. "Nah, your right... A ring just doesn't fit, does it? How about this?" Remy took his sunglasses off and gently put them on Emile who melted entirely as Remy giggled softly. "Emile? I know I'm dramatic. I know I am chaotic and sassy. I know I can be a bit much now is no exception but... I really do love you. And putting aside the whole scene I just did, I want you to answer honestly because more than anything I just want you to be happy. So, Emmy... Will you marry me?"

"Oh my god, wait, is this really happening right now?" Remy broke down in laughter as Emile glanced around in confusion. "No really, is this really happening?"

"Emile, Hun, will you marry me?" Remy asked again only getting a soft nod in response making him laugh more. "I mean right now, with that ring, will you become my fiance."

"Yes, Remy. Jesus. I'm saying yes." Emile quickly pulled Remy in hugging him tightly as the other melted into the embrace.

"Well, that happened. Of course, Coffeebean made a scene about it." Remus joked only for Remy to flip him off while still hugging his fiance tight.

"And on that... AMAZING note..." Thomas beamed as he gestured towards the rooms. "It's time for bed. You guys are free to take any of the guest rooms. There are plenty down the hall to the left, if you decide to stay. If not well, have a good night and I hope we'll see you tomorrow."

"Hey Roman?" Roman froze up instantly as everyone slowly started to file away. Aaron frowned from where he stood leaning against the wall and Roman's heart just crashed. He was in for it that was for sure. "Do you think we could have a talk?"

"Oh do be kind, Aaron." Virgil chuckled as he hugged his son tight with a soft yawn. "He is my soulmate after all." He then gave Roman a light kiss giggling a bit as he tiredly rubbed his eyes. "Good night boys. 'mma head to bed. See you soon, Ro?"

"Of course, Love! I'll be in as soon as I can. Sleep well." Virgil waved them all off as the last of the guest followed him out until only he and Aaron were left. Roman was honestly intimidated.

"Relax, Roman. I just want to get to know you."

"I figured but... You'll have to forgive me. It's not exactly run of the mill for a newlywed to get vetted by his son in law who is older than him and could probably beat him to a pulp."

"Says the reincarnated prince with super strength." Roman paled as he laughed a bit before nodding and gesturing to the couch.

"You got me there." Roman smiled as he sat down with the other only to frown as his thoughts pulled him under. "Look... I'm sorry about the wedding thing."


"The secret wedding?" Aaron smiled as Roman fidgeted a bit nervously. "If you hate me over it I understand. It's just... Virgil doesn't really like big scenes and so I tried to be as dramatic as I am known to be without going too far and I knew he would be much happier if it was a small group with us and not everyone we know. I... He is your father. I should have invited you all and I didn't. So..."

"It's ok, Roman. I know how my father is. Besides you, all made sure we had a video of the wedding from start to finish so it felt like we were there even if it wasn't in person."

"Still, I'm sorry." Roman reached out to the candy bowl on the coffee table, pulling out a Twix, as he mumbled under his breath. 

"As I said it was alright. I just have one question though. You weren't going to ask our blessing?" Roman froze up, candy bar partially opened, as Aaron burst out in laughter. 

"I'm sorry."

"Roman, it's ok." Roman frowned as slowly looked up to see Aaron smiling softly at him. "My mother informed us all about everything she knew. I was not surprised at all when we got the video of you two. In fact, I was very happy, especially at how happy my father was. He loves you, Roman, and that is plenty enough for me. I just want to get to know the man who holds my father's heart... if that is alright with you."

"It's more than alright. We're family."

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